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Old 07-11-2006, 04:22 PM   #11
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I raced my buddies 92 talon tsi all wheel drive with a jdm cyclone engine and I beat him by a car and a half. He did a 5,000 rpm drop so he had me on the launch but once I shifted I had him already. I did a 2,500 rpm drop and my car is completed stock except for 3 inch exhuast from turbo back.
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Old 07-11-2006, 06:06 PM   #12
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Me and a buddy of mine were cruisin around and i rolled up on a cobalt ss it was a dude and his chic i just drove passed them then he got right up beside me and i could tell he was almost at the end of his gear im in third so i drop it to 2nd and blow off that really got his attention he was really ready now my buddy counts 1 2 3 go we take off i put a car on him before i shift to 3rd and then my pull stops i shift to 4th and pull another car then 5th another car then i let outthen when he drives by his girlfriend gives me the finger and then they turn off how rude she was just mad that my POS beat her boyfriends brand new car thats comdey I LOVE IT!!!

congratulations, what did you win?? nothing
street racing is bad enough, but it still is somewhat a controld situation
cuz u got a long straight line with no cars,

but using stoplights and turning regular streets to your very own racetrack
for what?

hoping that everycar is paying attention to you dumbasses, or maybe you'll bet lucky the car that you might hit there's no kid in the backseat

i get a lot of pple doing that to me, and i guessing everybody in this forum too, sh!t you are driving a supra, thats like an open invite

but its up to the driver to do the right sh!t

remember you're jus not putting yourself in danger, think about other pple on the road

Into Bikes now,, apparently the supra couldnt kill me, so my zx6 might lol
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Old 07-11-2006, 09:33 PM   #13
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yes street racing is bad. i dunno if anyone heard but there was a couple killed in vancouver, they were coming back from there 17th aniversary i believe and got hit from the side by a street racer going 140km/h through a red light. they also had a 7 year old kid that has no parents now.. and now people caught street racing, it is seen as a criminal offence and there cars will be CRUSHED and they will not get any money for there car.. but i think thats just mainly in big cities where the street racing is organized. sure, i race on the streets but, its either at a set of lights, just a straight drag, i rarely go much over the speed limit(20km/h over), i never run red lights or stop signs and i dont swerve in and out of traffic. just use ur head. i love that feeling when you own a civic.. then again, it is a civic..
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Old 07-11-2006, 11:33 PM   #14
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I dunno, Ive raced many many people, sometimes to over 80 mph, and i would never consider doing it if not safe. I have never once come close to crashing while racing someone. So i dont know how many people die and crash doing that, Ive been doing it for a year now with not much driving exp (im only 19) and i still have a good sense of saftey and common sense. Its just dumb people that give us a bad name

And to add to the race stories, I beat a regular cobalt SS (non s/c) and i shit stomped him. It wasnt that slow, but not as fast as id expect a brand new car with 170hp to be. Imagine in 20 years, when the supras are 40, and people still have em and if there still faster than some of the cars on the road, how cool that would be.
Yay the supra assistant is gone!!! WEEE!!

Last edited by Isphius; 07-11-2006 at 11:35 PM.
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Old 07-12-2006, 12:20 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by Supra2NR
congratulations, what did you win?? nothing
street racing is bad enough, but it still is somewhat a controld situation
cuz u got a long straight line with no cars,

but using stoplights and turning regular streets to your very own racetrack
for what?

hoping that everycar is paying attention to you dumbasses, or maybe you'll bet lucky the car that you might hit there's no kid in the backseat

i get a lot of pple doing that to me, and i guessing everybody in this forum too, sh!t you are driving a supra, thats like an open invite

but its up to the driver to do the right sh!t

remember you're jus not putting yourself in danger, think about other pple on the road

first of all your first comment made me laugh

second werent u the guy that was bragging about beating a mustang GT in a street race...then you say that^

but i get what youre saying...be smart while on the road n dont do it with a lot of cars around

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Old 07-12-2006, 12:59 PM   #16
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Yes, everything should be controlled by the anti-fast driving people and we should always drive below the speed limits to save gas or just walk so we will never endanger anyone.....give me a break. Get the drunks off the road, get rid of hand guns and assault rifles, then maybe you can lobby against street racing.

Most of us know when and when not to race. It has been going on ever since the second car was built. There are stupid people out there, but there have always been stupid people. I have been driving for over 30 years and have done the occasional street race. I think the most danger I have is avoiding the idiots using their cell phones and driving.....now that combination will kill people!

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Old 07-12-2006, 08:34 PM   #17
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yeah, in a semi controlled track, as in streel racing at its best, where you can prove your car without endangering pple that have no clue what going on arounf them

its safer in there, for years i have been going to the same street scene, and never have i seen a single accident

because here , everybody knows that somebody's going to race any moment
everybody knows to look first b4 you go driving on the street,
thats why i can still say and brag about my races

cuz i ddnt endanger anybody but myself

answer me this, did you have anybody clearing the streets ahead that you were driving on when you raced this cobalt?

Into Bikes now,, apparently the supra couldnt kill me, so my zx6 might lol
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Old 07-12-2006, 11:10 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by rnoswal

Most of us know when and when not to race. It has been going on ever since the second car was built. There are stupid people out there, but there have always been stupid people. I have been driving for over 30 years and have done the occasional street race. I think the most danger I have is avoiding the idiots using their cell phones and driving.....now that combination will kill people!

Its like you hinted at though, its not you you need to worry about its the other idiots around you. When I was young like some of you guys I did alot of racing, both on the streets and on the tracks. the only reason why I was never involved in an accident is....I was LUCKY! dont get me wrong, I know my talents behind the wheel and Ive been driving for 25+ years as well. But it all comes down to luck...What Im saying is, no matter how good of a driver I am...unexpected things occure that are beyond your control. And those things can get people killed.

When I was in my 20's and 30's I was into motorcycles. I was there building "cafe" bikes before there was such a thing a factory "crotch rocket". One night I was on my way out to a desert party just before midnight. this was in a Town of under 20k people so you can imagine the lack of traffic. As I approached a traffic signal I attempted to "warn" an oncomming car (their turn signal was on to make a left turn, crossing my lane of travel) that I was there. I flipped my brights at her twice, slowed down to 5 miles below the posted limit (35) and moved to the right side of my lane. Just as I started to roll back on the throttle thinking I was sure I was past her.........BOOM! That car turned in front of me and I barely had time to think "OH SHIT!" much less react. (later the cops asked me why he didnt find any skid marks from me, and I told him I was too busy leaving skid marks in my shorts to hit the brakes...lol). I spent 14 days in the hospital and 9 screws, one stainless steel plate, and a bone graft later...I was able to keep my leg.

My point is that I did everything right...and it still almost killed me. What do you think the outcome of that story would have been if I was slamming through the gears on my way out of town on a nearly deserted road....Well, I would bet you wouldnt be reading this story right now.

One last thought, Im not trying to say you cant have any fun. Im not even one to preach about speed or pushing the limits of your car. Im just saying, that speed has consequences...how do you think your life is gonna end up if you're the one behind the wheel when the guy you're racing screws up bad and kills someone? I can tell you what the cops are gonna say..."Guilty of manslaughter"....yep thats right...YOU can be held responsible for the other guys mistake...remember that next time you "rev" it at a stoplight.

Eagles may soar, but weezl's never get sucked into jet engines!

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Old 07-13-2006, 07:36 AM   #19
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once again thank you weezl,
you got a knack to say what i feel

but thats all what i was trying to say, i ddnt not say that you cant enjoy your car anymore
but a hapless teenager with his girlfriend is not a measuring stick for your skill

do it in a race a real one, it doesnt have to be legal,
we try to keep it as safe as we can here, we block off any streets that car can come from,
we got cars before the line, in the streets, and after the end, so we make sure nobody gets hurt

Into Bikes now,, apparently the supra couldnt kill me, so my zx6 might lol
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Old 08-23-2006, 07:49 PM   #20
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hey, im new to the boards but i saw you guys talking about racing, i had a couple of questions, if you could answer them id really appreciate it

1. how do you signal to someone that you wanna race, and how do you know when the race is over?

2. i drive a 1990 turbocharged supra, and i heard that there was like some way to rev it up before a race and it will do better is this true? if so whats the secret

any help will be appreciated thanks
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