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Supra2NR 08-11-2006 04:06 AM

more interiors
one up top if the lower rear quarter panel, it goes right after the door
the one on the bottom is the middle part of the trunk

and i noticed one thing in thr trunk area
whats this it has a sensor under it connected to something could some enlighten me

more would come soon
this interior wasnt as easy to paint as i tought it would
i guessing its gonna cost me around 100 dollars when it all said and done
still cheaper than getting new ones tho

damdog05 08-11-2006 05:03 AM

it looks like something to do with your suspension. do you have TEMS? it looks like the cover for tems might bolt to that. just my $.02 tho. could be wrong

supra90turbo 08-11-2006 04:46 PM

white rice!

that's the fuel pump access panel. You can't pull the sender out through that hole, but that allows you to unhook the electrical connections for when you pull the tank down.

rnoswal 08-11-2006 06:14 PM

Actually I think it is just the access for the fuel level sender unit. There are no hoses going to it. I think you have to drop the tank to get to the access for the fuel pump. I am pretty sure but not positive about this.


damdog05 08-11-2006 07:33 PM

what was white rice for? if it was directed at me youve got a problem. i was just trying to help as best i could. so what if i was wrong. if it wasnt at me, ok then.

Isphius 08-11-2006 10:01 PM

Why would he be saying white rice at you? he was talking about the car being white inside and out... But yah anyway that just goes to the fuel sender/pump wires. You need to drop the tank to get either of those pieces out thou. nice job on the paint supra2nr

Supra2NR 08-12-2006 06:01 AM


white rice!
damn hater
look i aint ricing shit
im doing this while the car isnt moving
that way i wont be tempted in rushing the project to drive and show it off

and secondly ,
im waiting for my turbo swap
if you still think im still rice-ing my car
good luck with you

im doing something to make my car diffrent from others
either i stick with that old maroon gay color
or i make my car look newer and younger than what it actually is

damn hater

h8z2luze 08-12-2006 08:16 AM

Dont hate. Hes putting a lot of time into this project. Keep up the good work man.

lethalwithasupra 08-13-2006 06:07 AM

Umm just down and left of where he wrote " white rice " ... Are those asian characters or a treasure map ? Chill out ppl.

PS - the stark white looks cool. With those black rims its gonna look so sweet when you're done.

Supra2NR 08-13-2006 09:40 AM


PS - the stark white looks cool. With those black rims its gonna look so sweet when you're done.

Dont hate. Hes putting a lot of time into this project. Keep up the good work man.
thank you, glad to see that theres still pple that actually apreciate work
and not think paint = rice

but anybody has a write-up on how to remove the door panels im having a little of a hard time getting them off

f00g00 08-13-2006 11:11 AM

Remove the screws on the botom of the panel should be about 5 or so. Take the screw out of the cup under the inner door handle. Remove the two caps on the door panel that you grab to close the door and loosen the two screws there ,and there is one or two fasteners that you have to pop out towards the back then lift from the back up to remove the molding where it fits over the door and mates to the window.
You will have two connectors also, the interior light on the aft bottom and the one that plugs into the multi switch for the windows.

Isphius 08-13-2006 03:36 PM

I think its cool. On my 88 turbo the whole interior is gona be black and cow. haha. I still need to find some dam black seatbelts....AHH!

Supra2NR 08-13-2006 10:48 PM

thanks for the help with the door,
im gonna take it out tomoro

one more thing

anybody taken out the whole dashboard out? or do i have to jus paint it while in the car?

kwnate 08-14-2006 12:08 AM

Take it out, do a search on this site for help on removal.

damdog05 08-14-2006 04:40 AM

theres a sticky here in the mk3 section that will help...titled "dashboard removal"

Supra2NR 08-14-2006 06:35 PM

thats a lot, idk
i guess ill have to see about that first, cuz the screws are startign to confuse me
plus i havent got sleep in 2 days

Supra2NR 08-16-2006 05:20 PM

i did sum more
i took out some out of the front
i took the center console out
the door sills
the glove box
but when i was taking the
center panel out look at what i found

somebody was definitely blazin up in this ride
the center console, from the ugly maroon to this
made it a little more mine
it was to simple
so a little personalization never hurted anybody
the glove box
i was bored and i thought it was gonna b funny
even if it isnt, it makes the car more mine
so no hatin

i also painted the dead pedal
get it "dead pedal"
oh shut up, it was funny when i thought about it lol

damdog05 08-16-2006 10:18 PM

haha...i had a chuckle even before i read the dead pedal joke.

Supra2NR 08-17-2006 02:00 AM

which part?
the "beware of pat" part

i thought it was gonna be funny with my friends
when i show it to them

damdog05 08-17-2006 02:08 AM

nah, i liked the dead face. it made me laugh. its really creative. little touches like that are cool. they make things more yours

Supra2NR 08-17-2006 02:13 AM

glad to know that
pple do apreciate the little things

my girl said i was a dork for that
and said the joke was corny
but she doesnt have a car yet
she still doesnt understand

but damn they're rich
my car costs 2 grand and its my second car already

she gonna get her first car
she wants a 95 mazda rx7 which costs 16 grand

thats 8 times what my car costs
and she wants the whole package,
twins turbo,exhaust, bodykits
this is what i get i guess for introducing her to drag racing
i thought her how to drive
now she gonna get a car, thats gonna be mopping the floor with my car

Isphius 08-17-2006 03:12 AM

Those turbo rx7s arent really that fast. I rode in one. Faster than your na, But not as fast as they are made out to be .They have a lot of power but they dont have the torque of a piston motor. lol. Its about as fast as the ls1 F-bodies are. And i like the dead pedal...I might have to take that idea from you lol.

kwnate 08-17-2006 03:36 AM

Ls1's run low 13's stock, so roughly 3 seconds faster then a NA... Yeah, those things aren't very fast.

damdog05 08-17-2006 04:08 AM

my friend has a 93 rx7 tt and it was very fast. it threw me into the seat hard. i say was cus he has since put a 480 hp ls1 into it, havent ridden in it since then but i can only imagine how fast it is now.

Supra2NR 08-17-2006 05:18 PM

im gonna have to start trademarking my ideas here , pple steal it from me

but all i got now is

the two side panels in the trunk

and i will be done with the rear end of the car
ill posts pics when they are all in the car

Supra2NR 08-17-2006 05:23 PM


Those turbo rx7s arent really that fast
i test drove the rx7 that my girl was looking at
what r u talking about they are not fast

maybe the guy that took you for a ride
ddnt really giv you a ride

my head jolted back when i launched the car
the owner was somewhat pissed that i keep launching his car
but shit, i wanna know what we were getting to

cuz anyways,, thats gonna be my car too, lol
i'll be hitting sum races with that car
but dont worry i wont forget about my PRa

supra90turbo 08-18-2006 01:41 PM

sorry man. that is rice.

white interior is rice. i dont care how clean it is.
but it is your car, and not mine. this is my last post in this thread.
good luck with the completion.

h8z2luze 08-18-2006 06:07 PM

You ARE gay so shut the hell up.

newbsupra 08-18-2006 11:04 PM

dont see how white is rice, im sure ur one of the few that think that. :whateva:

Supra2NR 08-19-2006 03:30 AM

everyone has thier own point of view
and i respect his opinion

but this thread went to three pages
and i got two bad comments from him
all in all, i guess the project was a success

the reason why its white
is bcuz, im prepping it for sum blue neons inside
dont worry i wont go overbored
jus sum simple light effects to stand out in the crowd
im learning how to mold fiberglass right now
im gonna use fiber glass to cover
the back starting from the backseat(removed already)
all the way to the trunk

should i prep the fiberglass with ready holes for subs
or i should jus leave it alone?

and one more thing

theWeezL 08-19-2006 03:44 AM


Originally Posted by Supra2NR
everyone has thier own point of view
and i respect his opinion

the reason why its white
is bcuz, im prepping it for sum blue neons inside

ugh! while you are at it why dont you put on some stickers that look like vents, and a big erector set wing....


supra90turbo 08-19-2006 04:16 AM

thanks weez... i was beginning to think that i was the only one.

white interior/blue neons.

funny enough, the dead pedal is the only thing i like....

newbsupra 08-19-2006 06:21 AM

im not into interrior lighting, only thing id have is a bass light for my sub. that would be cool

Supra2NR 08-19-2006 11:04 AM


ugh! while you are at it why dont you put on some stickers that look like vents, and a big erector set wing....
nice to hear from you weezy
like i said , nothing too big
jus sum simple lighting to standout from the rest

plus i love the color blue,
i gotta have sum blue in mine or it wouldnt b mine at all

anyways, like i said everybody has thier own opinion

hows that targa brace project of yours coming along?

burton51m 08-19-2006 03:41 PM

i dont think painting the interior white would be taht ricey.

i love my interior and dont think i would ever paint it but
painting it red, green, blue ect,... would be rice.

oh ya matching neons with your matching interior would be rice

Supra2NR 08-19-2006 07:04 PM

its not jus bcuz i want neons
i dont like the amber colored lights that light up my car
my favorite color is blue
it jus so happens that the blue neons
work for me
it gives me better lighting
and i love the color

you guys make it sound like im gonna bombard my car with neons
dont worry, jus a couple so i will have the symetry

maybe when i do a sound system with a custom layout
maybe that i will put a lot of neons
but thats only if i go decide
that i want my car to be a showcar
most likely not

im getting a new better engine for my car
doesnt that count for nothing?
im not jus riceing my car
i like that feeling
everytime i drive past pple
they know who it is
im yet to make my mark on other places
but for now,
jus let me by, with the neons k?
does this look rice?
im jus trying to make my car look newer than it is
thats all

and supra90turbo
glad you like the dead pedal

h8z2luze 08-20-2006 04:51 AM

looks good man

newbsupra 08-21-2006 04:54 AM

looks awesome to me. but i think you should paint ur armrest white aswell, just my opinion tho. i wanna see more pics when its done!

Supra2NR 08-21-2006 06:58 PM

i jus put the parts back in the car
painted the shiftboot too
made it look a little but nicer than what it was

got sum carbon fiber skin
since this part cannot be painted
i think this gives it a little more better looks

got the door sill too
jus a little more extra

Supra2NR 08-21-2006 07:03 PM

i jus put the parts back in the car
painted the shiftboot too
made it look a little but nicer than what it was

got sum carbon fiber skin
since this part cannot be painted
i think this gives it a little more better looks

got the door sill too
jus a little more extra

another shot with the center

the trunk
passenger side

driver side

i still got a lot more to go
till i get the look that i want for this car

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