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supra90turbo 08-19-2006 01:32 PM

OMFG @ this thread...

stock for stock, modded for modded, supras vs ferraris? wtf is going on in here?

YES supra2nr a supra can beat a corvette... wtf? since when are vette's almighty? maybe a challenge is a c6 z06...

what i want to know, though, is why are you, khanartist, defending the 3S cars so much, bashing on the mk3 it seems at times, when you yourself in your sig says that you want to buy a mk3?

It'd be like me making fun of station wagons and calling them all gay when i have a subaru wagon out in the driveway.

this thread needs to chill out. there's no "better" car... it's a matter of opinion.
this is a supra forum. obviously, we like supras first and foremost. defending a 3S is a losing battle.
every car has it's good points and bad.
I for one, enjoy the mk3's interior quite a bit. I've never been a fan of the 3S pod-type interior layout...

kwnate is right. about everything.
you should let your car do the talking ;)

burton51m 08-19-2006 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by Supra2NR
i said vette

i dont care about " the vette "

i was refeering to this...

Originally Posted by marc
a supra can beat a ferarri f50 if u have enough money into it u idiot.

mrnickleye 08-19-2006 07:54 PM

Hot Import Nights.
If you want to see lots of hondas and fwd cars, today is the Hot Import Nights at the L.A. Convention Center. Starts at 4pm. If you've never been, its worth the $25.

I went 2 years ago. My steering rack blew a seal on the drivers side on the way. I found out when I went to get off the freeway. I was able to find the ONLY gas station downtown, a 76, and buy some Dex III. I made it to the show, had a GREAT time, and made it the 70 miles home.

Oh, there were a couple of MKIIIs, and MKIVs.

Amazing how much $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ those folks put into their cars.

Black'88 08-19-2006 10:59 PM

What exactly are you trying to prove? In my opinion, the supra looks better in both pictures. Which then comes to show that 3/S vs mk3 supra is purely down to personal opinion. They both may or may not be appealing to a certain person and they can both be fast.

And what are you complaining about the hostility for? What do you expect coming to a supra owners forum and going on about how stealth/3kgt are OBVIOUSLY faster/better looking that mk3 like it's supposedly common knowledge?

I find it quite funny that you're arguing with a guy with a 667rwhp sup about how theyre not quite in the same 'class' that the 3kgt/stealth are supposedly in.

Supra2NR 08-20-2006 03:22 AM


YES supra2nr a supra can beat a corvette... wtf? since when are vette's almighty? maybe a challenge is a c6 z06...
yes that is what i meant those type of vettes
chicago still isnt anywhere close to the two coasts when it comes to racing

basically there's two types of obvious racers here
you got the poor that pours blood, sweat, and tears to thier cars
(mostly hatchback civics, nissans, old rx7's, mitsubitshi's)
these are the pple that i race with, we down here dont really have that much to show for cars except the time that we put in it

then you got , the rich pple that has money pouring out of thier pockets
benzes, bmw's, new rx7's, tt supras, evo's, even saw a couple of skylines in there
those are the pple that i hate, pple that jus jump into racing, and dont know shit
those kids that drive thier daddy's car like they bought themselves

dont get me wrong i bet i can find a civic that will kill a vette
but those two worlds barely clash, without something horrible happening
cus the last time i saw them race
it was a idk what year hatch civic, vs a 03 supercharged mustang
the kid raced for slips, and when he lost he tried driving away
all i heard was sum gunshots, and police sirens after that
thats why i jus wanna know how supras do with vette's
it sparks interest in me


Originally Posted by Supra2NR
i said vette

i dont care about " the vette "
and burton sorry bout that jus a little confusion


And what are you complaining about the hostility for? What do you expect coming to a supra owners forum and going on about how stealth/3kgt are OBVIOUSLY faster/better looking that mk3 like it's supposedly common knowledge?
best post i have seen, and exactly how i feel
how would you like it if sumbody comes to your house and calls your daughter slow, and ugly?

tone loc 08-20-2006 03:33 AM

word, i worked two of my childhood summers mowin laws and slaving over a hot grill to by my supra and nothing means more to me right now.

Supra2NR 08-20-2006 03:45 AM


word, i worked two of my childhood summers mowin laws and slaving over a hot grill to by my supra and nothing means more to me right now.
see this how we do in the chi
like me
i dont even remember the last time i bought clothes for myself
basically the order for goes like this

the supra
my girl
then me

Isphius 08-20-2006 05:42 PM

Ill porbably get yelled at for this, But the 3000gt came from a different era of design than the mk3. It was also designed by americans (chrysler corp), same as the 12t adn 2nd gen eclipse/talon/laser. But it would be more accurate to compare a mk3 to a mitsubishi starion. They were made to compete. As for the vr4/stelth RT, Def vs a mk4 TT. As for the looks, I would say a mk3 or 4 definatley looks a lot better IMO. The 3000gt style cars are just plain old ugly. Esepcially the dashboard, Not to mention there is NO room in the cockpit. And i was just in one not that long ago, A 95 n/a, So im speaking from first hand experience. Just my opinion/s...

KhanArtisT 08-20-2006 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by Black'88
What exactly are you trying to prove? In my opinion, the supra looks better in both pictures. Which then comes to show that 3/S vs mk3 supra is purely down to personal opinion. They both may or may not be appealing to a certain person and they can both be fast.

And what are you complaining about the hostility for? What do you expect coming to a supra owners forum and going on about how stealth/3kgt are OBVIOUSLY faster/better looking that mk3 like it's supposedly common knowledge?

I find it quite funny that you're arguing with a guy with a 667rwhp sup about how theyre not quite in the same 'class' that the 3kgt/stealth are supposedly in.

Uh, yeah. Opinion, right :weak: Well, I'm pretty realistic about my car when I compare it to others, meaning I don't bitch and cry like some people here when my car is compared to another. The MKIII bone stock is ugly, slow, and handles like shit. Thats not my opinion, its just fact. They're rare and can be made fast just like any other boosted 3.0 liter, and thats why I like them.

I don't see how that'd be funny but I already think you're quite wierd seeing as how you think an MKIII looks better than a 3S so it makes sense... :nuts:

KhanArtisT 08-20-2006 08:24 PM


Originally Posted by Supra2NR
yes that is what i meant those type of vettes
chicago still isnt anywhere close to the two coasts when it comes to racing

basically there's two types of obvious racers here
you got the poor that pours blood, sweat, and tears to thier cars
(mostly hatchback civics, nissans, old rx7's, mitsubitshi's)
these are the pple that i race with, we down here dont really have that much to show for cars except the time that we put in it

then you got , the rich pple that has money pouring out of thier pockets
benzes, bmw's, new rx7's, tt supras, evo's, even saw a couple of skylines in there
those are the pple that i hate, pple that jus jump into racing, and dont know shit
those kids that drive thier daddy's car like they bought themselves

dont get me wrong i bet i can find a civic that will kill a vette
but those two worlds barely clash, without something horrible happening
cus the last time i saw them race
it was a idk what year hatch civic, vs a 03 supercharged mustang
the kid raced for slips, and when he lost he tried driving away
all i heard was sum gunshots, and police sirens after that
thats why i jus wanna know how supras do with vette's
it sparks interest in me

and burton sorry bout that jus a little confusion

best post i have seen, and exactly how i feel
how would you like it if sumbody comes to your house and calls your daughter slow, and ugly?

You can drive an EVO/Sti or whatever if you want, I have many friends making monthly payments on them and modding them little by little working at Merchants, or small shops like that. I simply prefer older sports cars vs. newer cars that I see all the time or that are "hyped" a lot. AKA OMFG MM331! STI! EVO! It makes going to meets very boring for me since you see the same cars over and over. And uh, yes theres rich kids that drive more expensive cars but you'd most likely be able to beat them just because of the fact that they usually don't know how to drive for shit, or the cars are automatics. There are rich car enthusiasts though, someone on 3SI drives a 96 Stealth Twin turbo that runs low 10s, and daily drives an FD. This isn't really the best hobby, and thats one of the worst parts of it that you can do whatever you want to your car, but money will always hold you back and someone with the same amount of knowledge that has more money will have the better car.

And I don't have a daughter so I can't answer your question. But yes if someone made a comment about my car that was true and not exxagerated (honest criticism) I would agree with them...

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