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Supra2NR 09-11-2006 05:04 PM

Shimming the Wastegate
i was browsing along sogi

when i saw this
does it actually work

putting sum 4-5 washers in between the wastegate and the turbo

does it actually giv u more boost/hp
how far can you go
will the stock injectors be enough to handle the extra boost?
will the turbo handle this extra boostin
kinda unorthodox to me, but can sumone break this thing down real quick

ddmcse 09-11-2006 08:19 PM

yes it works

it's a very poor man's boost controller

Supra2NR 09-12-2006 01:51 AM

have you done it too?
and how long has it been since you done it?
how many washers did you use?
any side-effects in the long run?
and how much more can u put there?

sogi says the 5 washers raises the boost to 10 lbs
to put more you need longer screws
can i jus put more to get more boost?
how much more is still safe?

ddmcse 09-13-2006 10:36 AM

no i did not use this method i bought a cheap manual boost controller . it was fun for a while before i switch to an electronic boost controller .

understanding how the turbo and current (stock) boost controller work will help you understand how and why this washer method will work

i think a manual boost controller is much easier to install than the washers

Supra2NR 09-13-2006 04:24 PM

i jus wanna get a headstart on a project

i wanna know as much as i can with the turbos
im gon get mine within a month or so

so, dont mind the questions, im still kinda lost when it comes to the turbo
but i think it'll be better if i have a car to look at lol

Isphius 09-13-2006 04:50 PM

Its the same thing as using a manual boost controller. The boost controller would be a lot safer and easier tho, So just buy one for 20$ when you get a turbo. Shimming the wastegate just makes the wastegate open later (ie, higher boost). The fuel system can handle it fine. My turbo with some boost leakage will make 9 psi with the wastegate totally unplugged, and it handles it fine. The fuel system will be fine untill you hit fuel cut(11-12+, dependant on ambient conditions), and the stock ct26 can take about 12 or 13 psi. After than you need a lex afm, 550 cc injectors, and an safc-II or something to control the fuel. And then you will need to upgrade the compressor wheel. But to get to that in the first place you need a new turbo back exhaust, intake, IC pipes, etc. And a good FMIC never hurts either.

Reeves 09-13-2006 09:16 PM

So you don't have to worry about fuel untill after 12-13 psi? What about the octane? Whats the psi limit on 91 octane?

A manual boost controller will allow me to go from stock psi and up right, as opposed to like 10 psi and up? Just curious because I want to get a manual boost controller but don't want to go above 8 psi untill I get a new boost gauge.

Isphius 09-14-2006 02:19 AM

Always use the best gas you can find. 93 or 94. Or more if its available. The car is safe on its own, It will fuel cut before you can break it, or well overload the injectors. Thats why its there. But i wouldnt trust a stock HG. ARP studs and a new toyota hg(nothing else will do besides metal) at about 100 ft lbs will run 93 octane and boost to fuel cut just fine. And yes, A manual boost controller will go up from your factory setting, so your good there. I would say get the gauge first.

Reeves 09-14-2006 10:22 AM

I already have a hks 2.0 mm bead metal headgasket with ARP studs, so im good there. And I already ordered the manual boost controller.. Ill just be real carefull untill I get a gauge. Worst that can happen is ill hit fuel cut off, right? Oh and 91 octane is all that is available. Is there any way to get higher octane?

Also how do I go about tuning my car so that it doesnt run too lean or too rich? Am I going to have to worry about that or will my cars ECU take car of that on it's own? Im gonna get a air/fuel mixture gauge when I get my boost gauge to make sure I don't get the lean condition, but if it were to run lean how would I change that?? Bigger injectors and lexus AFM?

Isphius 09-14-2006 02:43 PM

Get an apexi safc-II. It lets you change your fuel curves based on rpm. And the 91 octane shouod be ok for like 10 or 11 psi, But dont push it too hard. The lex afm/550s will help some with fuel cut, But there main purpose is so you can add more fuel. Eventually what you need is the lex afm, injectors, a greddy FCD, and an safc-II. But then you might as wel start modding everything else, etc. Its a neverending money pit lol.

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