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justin1642 09-15-2006 09:59 PM

oil pressure sensor
My oil pressure gauge isn't working and i don't know where the sensor is located and it is starting to annoy me so can anyone help me out and tell me where it is or post a pic and show me i would appreciate it thanks!

Isphius 09-16-2006 08:38 AM

Its on the passenger side of the block, kinda like half way down and more towards the front. It has a big rubber cover on it, like an inch diameter. Feel around for it. The wire connection on those does go bad and it makes the oil pressure 0, which is scary haha.

Bill UK 09-16-2006 10:46 AM

Will this do ?

justin1642 09-16-2006 03:33 PM

ok and thanks for the pic. i'll have to see if its connected or it just went bad. cuz it reads 0 and has been like that since i had the motor swapped in.

carfanatic89 09-13-2007 01:12 AM

I swaped my old motor for a motor from japan. I put the sensor off the old one on the japan engine and it worked before but not now. whats the problem. I looked in my manual and i cant find anything on how to test the sensor. can someone tell me how

carfanatic89 09-13-2007 07:35 PM

Anyone, anyone, come on don't be shy.

Drag0na5h 09-22-2007 08:05 PM

Same thing happened to mine after I replaced my engine with a used one from Japan. I noticed right after that my oil pressure reading was completely dead. First I changed out the oil pressure sensor with one I bought here in America and noticed the one that was on the engine looked very slim compared to the one I just purchased. After changing it out my gauge still didn't give any readings...turns out the gauge was mechanically dislodged from the needle. Hard to describe without pictures, but I just had to mechanically reconnect the spring to the needle or replace it with a working one I got from the junk yard. I decided to replace it just in case it was more than mechanical failure. Then everything worked perfectly after that. Well here's my guess...not sure if the readout on JDM supra gauges is PSI or N/mm^2 but if it is the N/mm^2 maybe the oil pressure sensor is calibrated for that kind of readout and as result dislodges itself from the gauge needle that reads PSI. Then your gauge is no longer in working condition. Then again you said you swapped your old oil pressure sensor and put it on the new motor. In my case I didn't.

carfanatic89 09-23-2007 07:38 AM

Thats probably what happend to mine because I hooked up the old on for like 1 week and i thought that it would eventually start working. Then the next weekend i switched it out and nothing worked. So pretty much all i have to do is replace the guage and it should start working.

Drag0na5h 09-23-2007 09:06 AM

I'm sure if you look at the gauge you can figure out how easily you can put the needle back on the spring so it'll work again. Taking the dash out isn't that hard, just don't rush when doing might snap the black molding that goes above the gauges.

carfanatic89 09-23-2007 11:52 PM

well i worked on it and i the oil pressure guage is getting stuck on 40 I took it off got it unstuck pluged the guages back in and i got stuck again so i will have to replace it, but now i have more problems the turn signals dont work and the speedometer it off of the actual mph im goin I guess i opened a can of worms ill work on it more 2morrow. when you put the guage panel how do you make it to where the MPH guage stays at O mph, when i put it in it fell all the way down to the bottom out spot like below O how do i kept it up to O as im putting the cluster back in.

Drag0na5h 09-24-2007 09:27 PM

Yeah looks like the gauge was damaged. As far as your speedometer I checked mine just now and yes it should be at the 0mph mark...but mine is a little bit above 0mph...reading 2mph about. That's with the car off. I'm not sure if it was messed up because of putting the cluster back in. There's one round slot that you have to fit it into and it's green colored. I believe that's for the odometer if that's the case the gauge itself might be having some electrical problem. Did you by any chance unscrew a ground wire on the back of the cluster? Or did you by any chance physically touch the speedometer needle or flip the cluster upside down or all around? Doing so might damage its calibration. As far as your blinkers...the only time I experienced that problem was when I replaced the signal/light controller from the original 86.5 to a newer 89+ supra one. After I did that my signals wouldn't come on at what I did first was check to see if the hazard switch would light them up. It did and after I checked that the signals worked again...very unusual.

carfanatic89 09-24-2007 10:54 PM

wow i with my luck i probably messed the whole thing up im gonna look at it it a few mins and tell ya what i find out with the cluster i guess thats what i get for trying to fix it lol, and also does anyone know were to get a denso replacement oem gauge for the 87 na could you get osmething like that at autozone or something

Drag0na5h 09-25-2007 12:41 AM

In my case I live in a big dismantler city. It's quite easy to find a used Supra and get the gauges out of it. If it's hard to find one I could help you out.

carfanatic89 09-25-2007 05:43 PM

alright i fixed the speedo i just took the needle off and moved it over to the 0 spot (pretty simple) but i still cant figure the turnsignals out my hazards still work but the turns dont not in or out of the car. An no blown fuses I dont know what i can do i guess just a process of elimination

Drag0na5h 09-25-2007 05:47 PM

Hmmm well they stopped working after you took out the gauge cluster right? It's it possible you miss putting in a plug or didn't plug it in all the way?

carfanatic89 09-26-2007 05:56 AM

i dont think i did but i could have ill work on it more 2morrow mabye ill have better luck

carfanatic89 09-27-2007 02:36 AM

now that i think of it i had trouble with the column switch when i first bought the car. I had to dismantel it and put it back together and it took about a week for it to say on like its suppost to. I would have to click in into the turn position then put pressure on it to get it to turn on Ill test it and see what i come up with

Drag0na5h 09-27-2007 08:55 AM

Yeah when I changed out the old 86.5 column control switch to a newer 89+ switch I had to modify the contact wires for the cruise control. There was one extra wire on the harness of the new one that I had to eliminate. Doing so required me to take apart the column control switch and I can see how if something isn't aligned or press fitted properly it won't work. It's possible maybe a snap fit flange broke off and that's why you have to press down on it with pressure to get it to work.

carfanatic89 09-27-2007 07:28 PM

im just straight up getting pissed now. I have checked EVERTHING on this car. This is a list of all the things i have checked. Turn switch, fuse, voltage to the fuse, the guage cluster, all the bulbs and sockets, relay, voltage to the turn switch and every thing is fine what the hell is the problem the onlything i can think of is the wires to the lights but y would it just all the sudden stop working after the guage is removed and put back in, and for that matter the hazards work so it couldnt be the wires to the bulbs. Would that little box under the left brake light assembly in the rear. I know it has something to do with the turn signals.

carfanatic89 09-27-2007 08:11 PM

I was a ground, im happy now lol

Drag0na5h 09-27-2007 09:23 PM

Where was this ground at? On the back of the gauge cluster?

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