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OmeGa 12-26-2006 07:22 AM

Ok, my car is smoking again. Just replaced the MHG, took it to this place where one of my friends works to find out why it was idleing >500rpm(said they would do it cheap) turns out being the CPS so they fix it, they had one of the employees (19yo) take it for a test drive. Comes back the thing is losing coolant massively. He blew out the water pump gasket. The next day my friend told me this and I guess the kid was going 6.5k shifts and burn-outs on a head gasket that hasnt even seen a mile yet. So I get the car back and it smokes like crazy, ASSUMING its not the MHG, what could it be that is causing it to smoke. Its not losing coolant and doesnt seem to be losing oil.

Also I was driving it and the IC hose popped off and it stopped smoking as long as it was off so could it be the intercooler or turbo?

My guess is (hopefully) is that it just needs to 'flush out' the system of anythign that may have leaked or gotten into it somehow so I was going to take it around 270 for a few hours. Any ideas thoughts or suggestions?

rnoswal 12-26-2006 02:01 PM

Well there's blue smoke (oil), White smoke (water), and black smoke (fuel rich). Maybe you can narrow it down to one of these. Maybe the turbo is leaking oil through it, and sometimes the oil vapors collect in the intake hoses and causes it to blow out blue smoke.

I hope they got on that 19 year old for doing that.


OmeGa 12-26-2006 08:54 PM

Most of the time it is more of a white when it smokes really bad and there is also blue sometimes.

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