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sd88supra 01-16-2007 08:02 AM

Daily drivers: MKIII N/A Supra Vs. Nissan 240SX
I was wondering if anyone here has had experience with the Nissan 240SX for commuting. I was thinking about selling my N/A and getting a turbo, and getting a more economic car for daily driving. So I guess selecting the daily driver is the issue....

I could keep my N/A for daily driving, but I get about 19 mpg, which isnt too bad since my commute isnt long, but when I do drive a lot (say 60 miles a day) then it comes back to bite me in the ass. But, it is nice to speed on long drives, and I've fallen in love with RWD. I don't think I could ever go back to FWD. I was looking at Integras, Civics, Golfs, Sentras and Celicas for a daily driver. While 35-40 mpg sounds nice for commuting, FWD turns me off. And I'm not really a big fan of 2 seaters (so no MR2's etc), so thats what lead me to looking at the 240SX.

I saw that statistically, the 240 gets 5-6 more mpg than the Supra. Thats 20% cheaper, which in the long run makes a difference. A 1000 mile trip would cost about $150 for the Supra and $120 for the 240, which is about a $400 difference after a year. The 240 has about 60 hp less but is also about 800lbs lighter. I'm not expecting it to be up there with the Supra performance-wise, but if it is indeed a very reliable car and easier to work on, I may look into getting one as a daily driver and starting a Supra turbo project.

Then again, it would be hard letting go of my N/A. So much time and money put into it. I might just have to eat more ramen noodles :D

marc 01-16-2007 11:28 AM

they make a turbo celica, its clled an all-trac turbo i believe. faster than the n/a supra and better mpg.

sd88supra 01-16-2007 05:31 PM

true, but...
... as I said I don't want a FWD. I also doubt the All-Trac would require less maintenance than the N/A Supra.

supraman121 01-16-2007 06:21 PM

19 miles to the gallon? shouldnt you be getting more then this? i get around 12 with shot spark plug wires distributer cap and distributer

sd88supra 01-16-2007 06:43 PM

My mpg ranges from 16-22, making 19 the average. ill get 16 when having leadfoot and 22 (sometimes even 23 or 24) when driving at the speed limit on the highway (which is hardly ever :naughty:). I guess I could get a little better gas mileage after rebuilding my engine and upgrading my restricting air filter and stock exhaust, but the Supra is not known for good gas mileage. My mom's 3.8L Mercury Sable and 4.0L Jeep Cherokee actually get better gas mileage.

supraman121 01-16-2007 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by sd88supra
My mpg ranges from 16-22, making 19 the average. ill get 16 when having leadfoot and 22 (sometimes even 23 or 24) when driving at the speed limit on the highway (which is hardly ever :naughty:). I guess I could get a little better gas mileage after rebuilding my engine and upgrading my restricting air filter and stock exhaust, but the Supra is not known for good gas mileage. My mom's 3.8L Mercury Sable and 4.0L Jeep Cherokee actually get better gas mileage.

Lol anything is better then my freakin 12mpg lol

drmmr15 01-16-2007 07:13 PM

I believe the all-trac is AWD

sd88supra 01-16-2007 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by drmmr15
I believe the all-trac is AWD

Yeah I just looked it up, it is AWD, which I don't like as much as RWD. I guess efficient, low maintenance RWD non-two seater is what I'm looking for (a little too demanding, huh?). I was even looking at second generation Celicas (RWD), but I haven't found any in good condition. So it seems like its between the 240 and N/A Supra.

justin1642 01-16-2007 10:18 PM

my little brothers first car is a 240 and i have driven it so i all i can say is it is ok. it tops out at 115mph and has a rev limiter of 5.5 rpm the gas mileage is decent though. i haven't worked on it so i'm not sure about that i am just used to supras (all i owned) my first was 86.5 n/a now 89 turbo. i guess as long as you don't expect too much performance from the 240 n/a it'll be fine.

drmmr15 01-16-2007 10:19 PM

3rd Gen Celica's are amazing. RWD, EFI, and the 22re will last forever. I would know. I have an '85 Celica GTS and have put over 15000 miles on it in less than 6 months, with only routine maintainence. Find one in good condition, and you won't be disappointed. Also, 25mpg around town, and 30 on the highway.

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