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Old 04-14-2007, 01:36 AM   #11
20psi boost
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Originally Posted by Supra2NR
Its takes me a good half an hour for my car to warm up cuz its spring and it jus snowed in chicago
If it takes that long for your car to warm up, your thermostat is stuck open. Even just idleing the car in sub freezing temperatures it should be at full operating temp within 15 minutes, if you drive the car it should get to full operating temp within 5 minutes. And thats a fact, not an opinion.

I let my car warm up until the stock temp gauge starts to register which takes about 2 minutes. I'm at full operating temp within 5 minutes of driving, even in 30 degree weather.
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Old 04-14-2007, 04:33 AM   #12
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But its a REAL fact that the entire engine itself is not 'evenly & completely' at operating temp for 15-20 minutes, because ALL the metal parts, oil, and coolant are absorbing the heat. College class: Autoshop 101
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Old 04-14-2007, 05:10 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by Supra2NR
Its takes me a good half an hour for my car to warm up cuz its spring and it jus snowed in chicago
Can u imagine in the winter time
It takes that long cuz I want my car to have the heat working so when I get in the car I won't freeze to death
Unless its like -10 degrees out it shouldn't take that long. It sounds like my car with a stuck open t-stat. Fixed that and it was warm in 10 mines in like 10 degree weather.
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Old 04-14-2007, 07:03 AM   #14
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That's true. The coolant flows thru the heater core even when the t-stat is closed. Thats why a 195* t-stat gives you better heater op in the winter.
Had a Red 1989 N/A. Automatic. Sports Pkg. w/wing.
TEMS, and some nice MODS. Sold to a friend 10/08/08.
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Old 04-14-2007, 07:06 PM   #15
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SO I am just totally off base in all of my doings in this forum or what???

I bought the toyota oem t stat replacement. Was this the wrong move because I thought about a higher temp as well.
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Old 04-14-2007, 09:36 PM   #16
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The car came with a 195* t-stat, so that is probably what you got at the dealer. And if you went to a parts store and asked for a t-stat for your car, they would look it up on the puter and sell you the 195*.
Had a Red 1989 N/A. Automatic. Sports Pkg. w/wing.
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Old 04-14-2007, 11:33 PM   #17
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Coolness. Thanks mrnickleye..., That's exactlly why I have went to the dealer and went oem on the things I couldn't decide upon due to lack of knowledge.

I installed the ARP studs today. I should be getting the head on monday or the first day it's not raining. I guess I need to purchase a torque wrench. I'd rent one but I have a feeling I'm going to need it again at a later date.

It's always a plus to buy nice new tools and keep them that way. I'm going to paint the cam cover high temp red. I'm going to high temp flat black the distributor cover then do the accent in red.

It's going to make my MSD sparkle. I am so syked. If I wasn't married..., I'd still be in the garage.

My buddy is supposed to come over tomorrow and help me pull the crank shaft pulley.

Last edited by supramacist; 04-16-2007 at 05:47 AM.
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Old 04-15-2007, 01:33 AM   #18
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My advice as far as the torque wrench, don't rent one, because its been used by alot of idiots and torque wrenches need to be re-calibrated every so often. Especially after they've been dropped or smashed around.

If you are going to buy one, by a digital snap-on 3/8" drive torque wrench. You will love it as it gives live streaming torque values, about 3 per second, down to the tenth (.1) of a foot pound and also does inch pounds and newton meters.

Last edited by IHateHacks; 04-15-2007 at 01:59 AM.
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Old 04-16-2007, 05:13 AM   #19
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Wink Marraige and garages CAN work

supremacist quote:
If I wasn't married..., I'd still be in the garage.

I know what you mean, when I was married, I was into moto-x for 3 years, and had 9 bikes in the garage. No room for a car.

I was working on them, or out riding them. BUT...I made sure the important stuff she wanted got done, like b-day parties, dinner with friends, and (you know),etc.

I insulated and panelled the garage. Put in a gas wall heater, and an A/C, and a beer fridge. 2 big work benches.
It was a 2 1/2 car garage, so I had lots of room. Lots of those 4' lights.

Snow outside, me in there working on bikes to make 'em faster.
106* summer day, me inside with A/C strippen 'em down, builden 'em up.
Had a Red 1989 N/A. Automatic. Sports Pkg. w/wing.
TEMS, and some nice MODS. Sold to a friend 10/08/08.
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Old 04-16-2007, 05:33 AM   #20
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Unless its like -10 degrees out it shouldn't take that long. It sounds like my car with a stuck open t-stat. Fixed that and it was warm in 10 mines in like 10 degree weather.
well it was, freezing like hell, (dont make sense but u get it)

i meant was i start my car leave it along for a good 30 mins
so when i get in the car i know that the heater is working, and everything inside is warmd up already, seats, steering wheel, SHIFT KNOB, omg dont get those metal shift knobs they suck balls

yea but probably about 10-15 minutes the engine would probly be warm enuff to drive

Into Bikes now,, apparently the supra couldnt kill me, so my zx6 might lol
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