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ethan12510 04-16-2007 12:44 PM

Jdm Engine
I am looking at replacing my 7MGTE and i was wondering about the quality of The JDM Engines that you can buy on the internet. I know there are alot of people doing it and it seems like a good idea. Im just wondering what kind of things you guys have heard thanks.

kwnate 04-16-2007 01:20 PM

Flip a coin, you may win you may lose. Rebuilding your current motor is a much better idea.

supramacist 04-16-2007 03:54 PM

Ethan it only seems like a good idea.

I just tell everyone that you are better off to rebuild what you have than to rebuild your newly purchased used jdm.

ethan12510 04-16-2007 05:57 PM

Well my mechanic thinks its a really good idea and has heard good things about them. Also There are so many places that sell JDM Engines for those of you that have gone this route which company did you use? Idk but my mecanic was pushing this idea rather than a rebuild. And the JDM Engines come with warranties. Well thanks for your input

IHateHacks 04-16-2007 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by ethan12510
Idk but my mecanic was pushing this idea rather than a rebuild.

That's because doing an engine swap is alot easier and quicker than rebuilding an engine.

Just remember that all 7M's have the head gasket problem, no matter where in the world it came from; Japan, United States, Europe, etc.......

supramacist 04-16-2007 06:43 PM

It sounds like your mechanic is looking for an easy out that's going to leave you in a lerch. JDM's have to be rebuilt before you can put them in is my opinion.

There are too many people thinking they can plug and play the JDM card but it doesn't work..., or you never know how about that instead.

ethan12510 04-16-2007 09:47 PM

He was saying that he put one in a celica awhile back and he talked to the guy recently and the car ran great. So what your aree saying is that if you buy a JDM 7mgte that you are going to have to rebuild it? i dunno thease engines have less mileage than my current one. and my current engine is pretty much done. its going to cost like $3000 to rebuild it.( rods, Crank, gaskets, Turbo, o2 sensor, power steering hose, raditor hose, ANd what ever things he find when he opens her up)

supramacist 04-16-2007 11:41 PM

JDM's mileage equation ratio is a hypothesis.

It's your cheese. You'll remember this day FOREVER if you go JDM, lol.

Without rebuilding. These are just opinions and there is a reason they are free.

ethan12510 04-17-2007 12:02 AM


Originally Posted by supramacist
JDM's mileage equation ratio is a hypothesis.

It's your cheese. You'll remember this day FOREVER if you go JDM, lol.

Without rebuilding. These are just opinions and there is a reason they are free.

they are not free. its going to cost me like $900 for a JDM Engine. Also where are u geting your facts from do you have any experinces that you would like to share

kwnate 04-17-2007 12:48 AM

About five years ago I bought a JDM motor. I had it installed, went to pick it up and guess what it had a blown headgasket... So the got another one and it worked great! For a week and it got rodknock. Drove it for 2 months on the third motor and sold it. Never again will I buy a JDM 7m. 1jz thats another story.

supramacist 04-17-2007 01:31 AM

A 900 dollar engine..........

You expect to get service at that price???
That's a good number to start at for a rebuild.

I'll shoot you straight dude. I have a 91 na 7mge 5 spd.
This auto has shat on me sinse it arrived. I have had it one year as of april 12th.

I put 3.5k miles on it and she blew. This is the stock engine. I have learned what I know, from the last year of planning every bit of my build with carefull precision and it's hard enough to keep a schedule on a stock engine.

The JDM is this many x10. So the wise money buys you the engine you really want and then rebuilds it from the bottom up.


Because if you don't it's still going to weigh on your pocket book to keep it running. So throw the money and the parts at it right off and fix everything that could cause you problems and then....................................,

Install It. No $hit. Plain and Simple.

I don't know everything nor do I claim to know, opinionated is another story. But I'm NOT telling you wrong..., your mechanic pally IS.

He's trying to pawn you off on an engine he knows you are going to bring back to him time after time to RE-service and you will build a rapport and become nearly his best friend.


Because every body wants to make a buck and some of the guys involved lack integrity.

DO yourself a favor and do not go jdm.

I'll be doing signings in the front lobby right under the banner, you can't miss it.

suav 04-17-2007 01:37 AM

My friend had a similar situation with a Celica awd turbo thing... altrac I think?

Anyway after it all was said and done, a 3-week $2000 JDM swap-out turned into a 2-month thing, in and out, costing a little more than twice as much as quoted..

ethan12510 04-17-2007 03:27 AM

Well my mechanic that im speaking of is a family friend. He quoted me $3000 to rebuild my current engine and $1000 of that is labor. Well then i said well maybe i will find a JDM engine and he said oh ya " i put one of those in a celica like two years ago it worked out great , gave me the # to the guy and i called him and he confirmed. He quoted me for the engine swap $500 for labor. HE is doing this all on the side not at a dealership or a shop. He is doing this at his place. He actually works for toyota and he asked around and did some reseach and found of course some horor stories but most were good. He actualy said that he would by this car from me and then i said well then what would you do rebuild or JDM. He said JDM. HE said that you could beat the snot out of them. Well thats my story. now most of you guys are saying not to by 7m. Is the 7m really that bad? Well thanks for helping me out and i hope this all turns out for the better.

ps. If any of you have any good/succesful stories about the JDM 7mgte i would love the hear it

kwnate 04-17-2007 04:05 AM

If you do get the jdm, at least replace the headgasket while its out of the car and torque it down properly.

ethan12510 04-17-2007 04:28 AM


Originally Posted by kwnate
If you do get the jdm, at least replace the headgasket while its out of the car and torque it down properly.

ya what should i torque it down to i have heard 70 and 75? Also will it help if i torque it down as soon as i get it while i save for the HG JOB. Is this safe? Also the company says that the inspect there engines as well they do a compresion test so in therory it shouldnt come with a BHG. Well wish me luck

IHateHacks 04-17-2007 01:24 PM

I have one question for your buddy with the JDM swapped celica? Is it a 7M? I didn't think so.

Good stories with a 7M? You aren't going to find one. These motors come out of the factory with a blown head gasket JDM or not.

Compression test? Yeah, too bad my motor with a BHG had 180psi compression across the board. A compression test will tell you nothing about the HG in a 7M. A block test will.

Do like kwnate said and replace the head gasket as soon as you get it. Then you can just prey that it won't throw a rod. That's the reason most of us steer towards rebuilding what you have already. Because whats the sense in buying a motor just to rebuild it when you can just rebuild the one you already have?

supramacist 04-17-2007 04:38 PM

OK....., so it's not just me then right???

This kid is stubborn I guess. I can't speak any sense to him. I mean kwnate has supramanias car of the year and he won't listen to him either.

SO all that can really be said is. Enjoy your new jdm. Followed by you had better be planning on becomming a mechanic. Because there are going to be times where the car will not let you take it to the shop. He'll be lucky to get it home to fix it.
I hate to be that way but he comes here where we all drive these cars and work on our own autos and he trusts a shady mechanic.

No one here can tell ME the mechanic is not playing this kid because if the mechanic doesn't know about 7m jdm's. He might be inclined to push one off.

So good luck with it dude. We can't help you if you don't want to be helped.

Supra2NR 04-17-2007 07:33 PM

Well I am currently installing a jdm engine in my car right now
Turns out sumbody has been playing around with this thing from japan
It has a hks headers, bored out, pistons,rod crank, built from top to bottom

So this can either be luck or me being deep in debt
Like the other guy said flip a coin
Cuz I could have gotten lucky I got a built motor,
Or I got f'd in the a if the motor is junk
But I will keep you guys posted on how its gonna turn out

supradaddy0803 04-17-2007 11:54 PM

I am doing my 1JZ JDM swap I hooked up my gas line from my car and cranked it up runs awsome couldnt ask for a better sound. Dont get me wrong I still have to do the wiring under the dash and extend the harness but still not a bad deal. Well also doing all my suspension stuff at the same time might as well get it all over with all at once right. I carnked the motor in the clip by the way so as not to get ahead of myself.

supramacist 04-18-2007 12:16 AM

1jz's are much more dependable than even a 7mge. SO I believe that.

Supra2nr: Man it sounds like you may have an engine there.
It's just a roll of the dice. I hope it works out well for ya dude.

ethan12510 04-18-2007 02:30 AM

im planing on getting my engine from have you heard anything? and i guess its just by luck some get a good one some geta bad its just how things work i guess. Well lets hope my luck be good for a change. thanks for all the input.

supramacist 04-18-2007 03:22 AM

DUDE..., check out....,

They build the nextel cup engines this would be a good way to go if you really go there and research.

Good Luck!

Supra2NR 04-18-2007 05:06 AM


Originally Posted by supramacist

Supra2nr: Man it sounds like you may have an engine there.
It's just a roll of the dice. I hope it works out well for ya dude.

i know , you guys wish me luck, im hoping to get it fired up this saturday
imports war, this sunday in wisconsin hope i do good
im trying to get the car into 12's maybe 11's b4 the season ends

ethan12510 04-19-2007 01:42 AM

well i orderd my engine wish me luck :) also do you guys think that my current ecu will work with my jdm 7m?

tone loc 04-19-2007 02:47 AM

7mge ecu goes with 7mge engines and 7mgte ecu go with 7mgte engines. i hear transmissions dont matter so i would try it without changing it for that reason

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