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88Tsupra 05-07-2007 04:49 AM

Damn thankx IHATEHACK i appriciate this alot man. I just talked to my cousin and he said He will help me tear the block apart. hes built motors before but just honda motors. Ill go and buy the block test tomorrow after i get out of class and ill try and post pictures(if the damn thing lets me though always says its to big) hmm i think i might be spending alot too just on buying parts. Such as timing gun torque wrench and etc. Oh yea ima replace the timing belt too and the intake manifold hoses. I bought new valve cover seals alrdy and new hose technique kit (bought that alrdy from suprasport)

Thanx again man i APPRICIATE this so much. will in two weeks my motor will get torn apart and buy buy car and camping trip..hello crazy bills

last thing if i do a compression test whats the correct compressoin rating i should PRAY to see

IHateHacks 05-07-2007 02:29 PM

Compression test won't tell you shit about your head gasket condition, a block test will.

I had 180's across the board with a blown head gasket, I had 2 cylinders at like 175 though.

88Tsupra 05-09-2007 05:13 PM

went to school yesterday and i saw a guy with a blk MKiii with a 2jz swap in it so i asked him about my coolant issue he took one damn look at it and fixed it like it was nothing cuz he took it for a spin (i was in the car as well) and no more check engine light wth. all he did was take out the resivor checked the sensor and know its fix. i know he didnt brake it buh im just happy its gone. but i will still do the block test IHATEHACK so ill post it when its done after i get my timing correct tho

IHateHacks 05-09-2007 05:51 PM

Yeah, what did he do, unplug the 2 wire white connector?

Take the 2 10mm bolts off that hold the overflow bottle on, and see if the sensor is still connected.

88Tsupra 05-10-2007 12:27 AM

i thought he did too buh i just double checked it and its still pluged im going to still do the block test

ddmcse 05-10-2007 11:58 AM

too bad we can't enable sounds so we all could hear Queen playing

"another one bites the dust"

sooner or later it's not miller time, but bhg time

mr.w 05-22-2007 01:48 AM

Sorry for posting in an old thread but I didn't want to start a new one. Well I figured out why coolant light was on and it was air in the system. I went to add coolant in but I noticed it was brown and sludgey. I don't think I blew another head gasket because the car runs fine but what I do believe is that 4 months ago when the HG was fixed the person I had do it didn't flush the coolant that well so now I got oil in there. I'm working on flushing everything out(changed the coolant twice already, going to change it again in another week) but it might take sometime.

IHateHacks 05-22-2007 02:00 AM

If your coolant is brown it is because of the block rusting from not having a correct amount of antifreeze with rust inhibitors in your cooling system. That happens when you run straight water.

Air gets into the system for a reason, because coolant is leaking out. If its not leaking on the ground then like ddmcse said, its not miller time but BHG time.

This is what you should do, go buy a block tester, some cooling system cleaner (comes in pints at the autostore, its meant to clean the cooling system) and some coolant and distilled water. Drain the radiator until you can't see coolant anymore, about a quart or 2. Block test it. If its ok, then drain the rest of the coolant and fill it back up with tap water and cooling system cleaner. Run the engine with the heater on til its warmed up. Then drain the radiator again. Fill with coolant and distilled water.

If you put just tap water and the cleaner in, which are both clear, watch the color of the liquid that comes out of the radiator, it will make the hair on the back of your neck stand straight up.

mr.w 05-22-2007 02:17 AM

I'll try the cleaner thing out, I dont have enough money for a block tester so I don't think I'll be doing that. There was no missing coolant though, the levels were fine before I changed it. Maybe the coolant was never changed when they did the HG?

mr.w 05-30-2007 05:28 AM

Well I did a block test and there were no leaks. I did find that my resivor wasn't on right so that could cause the light to come on so I fixed that. I'm going to take my car to a shop and have them hook it up to a machine that can flush the coolant better than I can.

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