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mjmendoza 05-04-2007 04:37 PM

my supra acting CRAZY help!!
I have a 87 supra NA auto. Couple weeks ago its started acting crazy. It run fine then all of a sudden at a stop light it would run on 5 cylinders. I did a full tune up (spark plugs, spark plug wires, distributar cap, rotor). The damn car is stilll not running right. It seems its still running on 5 cylinders. I am planning to change the fuel filter cuz im thinking its old. Anything else you guys would think would be going wrong. Thanks in advance

supramacist 05-04-2007 05:39 PM

Sounds like you may have filled up with bad gas. Hard to say.

mjmendoza 05-04-2007 08:44 PM

I just filled up the tank but its still running crazy. Do you think its the coil?

supramacist 05-04-2007 09:44 PM

or it wouldn't start.

Define "crazy" .

mjmendoza 05-05-2007 08:10 AM

crazy like.. in the morning it works fine (sometimes) but when i turn it off to go to class and come back to go home its starts shaking. But for the past couple days its been shaking and stalling on stop lights. I cant think of what is causing the problem.

supramacist 05-05-2007 04:50 PM

Where does the vibration seem to be coming from???

Let me see if I get this. When you firee it up in the morning it's fine.
So the next question is what has the temperature outdoors been when you have fired it up versus in the afternoon.

Then in the afternoon.., I'm assuming it's warmer and we all know that after that it should be running fine, but it's not.

I'm thinking electrical. Like maybe some lines to the battery are old and green inside. I'm thinking alternator and battery. Have you checked your terminals?

I'm also thinking sensor. I'm thinking you might want a volt and ohm meter. This is just a kind of brain storm as to posibilities or places to start looking at.

Sorry dude. That's all I have. Hope it helps.

supraman121 05-06-2007 03:06 AM

Id check the fuses mine was doing that and then it up and died.. i couldnt use the four ways or the headlights nothing, but under the hood of the car there is a fuse panel check the fuses, the one that went bad in my car i think was a 30amp fuse that was on the left side of the fuse panel to get it home i just ripped off the plastic part of the fuse put the 2 metal peice togeather and drove it home it ran the best for the few minutes when i was talking it home

abhattan 05-09-2007 10:59 PM

I would check the ECT or engine coolant temperature sensor or your o2 sensors. Maybe a weak conection somewhere?

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