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Japanese supra tt 06-18-2007 02:48 AM

some little dousches decided they would mess with my supra heres the story:

i go to my girlfriends house, at around 7:00 pm no damage to car

i leave for 15 minutes and come back around 7:15 pm no damage to car

i go inside and we watch a movie

i come back out at around 9:30 pm and notice there are cones on my car (construction cones)and there is a liquid dripping off my back bumper with a large puddle underneith it

so between 7:15 and 9:30 someone messed with my car

im pissed, and get in and speed off, and im on my way to my friends house to see if he knows anything about it,

its not that far, and i stop at an intersection, and i go to start off again and the car studders and loses power almost instantly.

it almost died, i kept it running and slowly coasted into a near parking lot.

i stop, pop the hood and i gently rev the motor, and it sounds very sluggish.
and the idle is very low and sounds horrible

i go and look around my car one more time for damage, and look at my gas tank door, and bam, theres fucking scratches where somone pried it open with a flathead.

i call the cops, they file a report. but they cant do anything unless i catch them doing it next time.

i go back to where my car was parked and look at the liquid on the ground.

i smell it to maybe get an idea of what they poured in, and i smelt...........PISS!

so now im wondering if urine could really mess up anything internally, im going to drain the tank today and fill it up and add some fuel injector cleaner additive to it.

could urine really mess anything up internally?

on that note, ive got everyone and their moms on the look out for whoever did this, and when i find who it is, their going to have to be hospitalized.

cre 06-18-2007 04:49 AM

Damn, that sucks! I'm very sorry.


Originally Posted by Japanese supra tt
could urine really mess anything up internally?

Well, yes and no. A flush is definitely in order (no pun intended). Then I'd pull the supply line off the fuel rail, and blow some compressed air through to remove any contaminants from the lines.

As long as it's not allowed to build up any where, the engine should burn it off, but it'll run like ass. If you get most of it out the car should run fine, just don't let it sit for long though, you want to keep that crap moving to get it all out of the system.

dcrusupra 06-18-2007 05:05 AM

That sucks. I know the feeling of having my car vandalized. It happened to mine just recently.

Thank god it was only a window tho. Drive your car around as much as possible. Like cre said, it will run like ass until its burned off. And your exhaust will probably smell like burnt piss.

tone loc 06-18-2007 06:46 AM

danm someone gone piss in your gas tank

sad thing dude:sadwavey: :mad:

good luck

marc 06-20-2007 04:12 PM

yep same here, i whooped sum kids ass and he had to get like 14 stitches on his chin...came outside the next mornign and had the word bitch keyed into my hood and quarter panel...i feel ur pain...u shuld gimme a call when u find out who did it id take the trip to tokyo to hand out and ass kicking to whoever fucks w a supra

tone loc 06-20-2007 04:31 PM

yeah if you get me a ticket to tokyo ill help with the through down:bigthumb:

supramacist 06-20-2007 04:52 PM

You guys may get your a$$e$ handed too you. lol

That sucks man but I'm thinking you can add some heat to it. It seems to me that the only real problem is the water in the urine. Be glad it wasn't pancake syrup. Your engine would have seized up. It's some punk probably hangs around you crew every now and again. I am sure you know the person that did it. You just have to find out who, it was.

And then kick the dog dick out of them.

oowee623 06-20-2007 10:15 PM

i think we should all get locking gas caps now

Japanese supra tt 06-21-2007 02:30 AM

fuck yeah, im pretty sure the kid that did it hate me for a few reasons.
1. when him and this one girl were on a break from their relationship, i stole her
2. his current girlfriend now tried to get drunk with me and i led her on

so im waiting for the next time i see this scrawny bitch at night sometime.

because i do live on an air force base -.-

anyone got any badass links to a locking gas cap?
feeling to lazy to look it

EDIT: oh and i got an idea from my friend, to pry his tank open and put 2 raquetballs in there. itll float on top, until it reaches the opening at the fuel pump, then itll get stuck and the engine will die because of no fuel, then when it shuts off, the ball will fall out of the hole and itll run fine until it floats into the hole again.
and they will never be able to diagnose the problem unless they take a looksy in the gas tank.
haha pretty creative

west_side_supra 06-21-2007 03:27 AM

haha that would possibly work, he'd have to goto almost an empty tank, as for the locking gas caps you should be able to pick one up at any autmotive store, autozone/shucks/napa you know those places. if i remember they cost around 10$-20$ or if you go onto they have square doors to get rid of your old gas cap door with a locking door :) 2 keys just to fill your tank.

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