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fullmetal 06-25-2007 06:31 PM

new here. intrestin idea
ok so first to introduce my self. I am a 20 year old colle6e student from west chester PA and I hve just bou6ht my first supra. now for the question. I have a NA supra and I have looked for somethin to this extent for a while. why not de-stroke it bore it out and make a NA 9.5K 300hp supra?? just a question me and a friend came up with one ni6ht after what was most likley a few to many buds. but I still think it is an intrestin idea. what are your opinions?? feel free to flame away, I'll start it out. ah hem... THAT IS SSSOOOO STUPID!!! ok 6o for it.

excuse all of the 6's I have no eh... ef-hij yea the missin letter there... sorry

cre 06-25-2007 09:08 PM

Welcome to the group!

Destroking and shooting for a higher revving engine isn't a bad idea, but there's a lot more involved than you may be thinking. These blocks can't be overbored by that much, you'll need to do considerable work to the valve train (larger valves, shim under buckets and preferably a custom cam profile). Then add a full stand alone engine management system... the stock ECU doesn't reliable mod to support higher RPMs, and quite plainly doesn't have the maps for it.

So, while it's not a bad idea, in the end it'll probably cost you more than adding a turbo and fuel controller.

j3pz 06-26-2007 01:04 AM

bigaaron over on supramania is destroking his 7m using a 5m crank. ive been watching his build thread everytime it gets updated. personally i think its an awesome idea but i dunno about keeping it N/A. while a 300hp n/a would be fast and have the power at anytime, these cars are pretty heavy and 300hp wouldnt be all that quick. dont let me deter you from the idea though, go for it and post up the results. the more people that do it, the more resources ill have when i go to do it

fullmetal 06-26-2007 01:50 PM

ok I figured that it would be a fairly involved build up which is fine mainly because it is so unique that it would be worth it just to see it done. I also wanted to know if I just put the turbo head on will that flow better then the stock NA head I assume?

j3pz 06-27-2007 01:51 AM

no the heads themselves are the same. however the intake cams are different, the NA cams have more duration

SupraDupra 06-27-2007 02:28 AM

I was kicking around the idea of stroking my block as well but someone brought up the point that ,the longer the stroke the faster the pistons are moving to complete equal ammounts of revolutions in a given time. More stress and heat on the engine. Also more heat on the block if you bore it out ,and I have no idea the margine you have between the water jackets. Not to say your idea is a bad one ,but from my personal viewpoint ,the more power you squeeze from an engine ,the shorter it's lifespan. I would recomend you deck the block to increase compression and port/polish the head. Toss on a decent 2 1/2" free flowing exhaust and minor tweaks to fuel and air delivery. If that doesn't satisfy ,turbo is probably what you need. Just my 2 cents :)

supramacist 06-27-2007 05:26 AM

Dudes. This is what hotrods are made of. Forget the turbo.

If you want to really go for it, supercharge it. Stroker cams. Forged everything. Build it for nos. Make it a bio diesel machine. Do it but take it a step further.

j3pz 06-27-2007 10:19 PM

ok you guys missed the KEY phrase in his post... DE-stroked... big difference then stroking an engine... in fact, its the complete opposite

SupraDupra 06-28-2007 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by j3pz
ok you guys missed the KEY phrase in his post... DE-stroked... big difference then stroking an engine... in fact, its the complete opposite

To be fair though ,the grammar/spelling/punctuation/sentence structure ,on many posts here is pretty hard to read through. I usualy have to guess what the poster means ,I didn't think he actualy meant DE-stroked... seems counter productive. I've been wrong before though :P

fullmetal 06-28-2007 11:41 PM

ok so yes I did mean to say DE-stroke. and so let me 6ive you a run down of the idea behind DE-strokin an en6ine. ima6ine a ferrari en6ine verse a chevy V8 first ferrari: very short stroke wide bore hi6h RPM. now V8 lon6 stroke thinner bore low RPM. wider bore= more downward force= faster down=more ability for hi6h RPM. same time short stroke=less distance to travel=shorter time spent movin=more ability for hi6h RPM. so the idea here is DE-stroke & bore to make a hi6h RPM based en6ine. I wnated to make a 9.5-10K RPM en6ine that could produce 300+ power. the idea is basicaly a very 6ood auto-x car. just to 6et the conversation back on track. and as far as the mods I have no problem with doin a lar6e amount of work on this as it is a project car, nor am I any stran6er to lar6e build ups, I am just commin from the honda world and wanted to 6ather some info about these motors before jumpin into somehtin6.

a6ain sorry for the lack of... that letter I still have no key for it

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