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gpgtp_22 07-13-2007 06:30 PM

EGR removal
I have an 90 turbo and I am looking to remove the whole egr system. What all do i need to take off/cap etc. and will i run into any problem doing this. I think I know mainly what to remove but i want to be sure i get everything. If you could tell me where things are located to save me some time with the tsrm that would be great too. Thanks!

mrnickleye 07-14-2007 10:41 PM

If you ever need to smog test the car, you will need the EGR in place.

Tell us the story behind this.

WHY do YOU feel you need to remove it??

gpgtp_22 07-15-2007 05:16 PM

I live in Wisconsin so i dont need to smog test. I want to clean up the engine bay and i dont like the idea of all that going back into my motor. It is also one more thing that can go wrong down the road. I dont feel like i need to at all i just want to get rid of it reduce clutter, vacuum lines etc. I just took the egr caps off a jdm 7m i have and then im going to cap the vacuum lines.

west_side_supra 07-16-2007 06:57 AM

he does have a point, i have heard alot of you guys telling me to check my EGR valve because it might be stuck open or somthing along those lines, getting rid of it would fix that problem, hell id get rid of it if i knew how to

twerb089 07-16-2007 06:15 PM

i would love to remove the EGR, but i live in CALI and all the tree hugging hippies out here would rape me..

egr is the stupidest thing on the vehicle.. re-routes exhaust gas into the intake to reduce emissions and power. hot air intake FTL

west_side_supra 07-16-2007 07:20 PM

so then how would us guys who dont have to do emmisons remove this EGR crap, yea i know damn them tree hugging bastards :) im plannin on movin to cali haha. they'll love me down there. although my car will be registered still down here in washington so i dont think ill have to.

west_side_supra 07-16-2007 07:23 PM

well i did some searchese this is what i found

7mgte removal of charcoal canister and EGR
Now remove the vacuum hoses that are highlighted in red. And cap off the vacuum ports that I highlighted in green. That’s all there is to it for a stock setup.

as for the blocking off i was reading a little more on this, if i got this right the right red circle you want blocked off. but as for the right one you dont want to block off, the 2nd block off goes onto the intake plenum heres a pic of that

7mge removal of charcoal canister and EGR
Same thing as before. Red are the vacuum lines you can remove and the green is the places to cap. And the blue dots are pieces that you can remove.

i got all this information from other peoples post, so dont try to think im smart :)

Supra2NR 07-16-2007 08:40 PM

this type of things makes me glad i took my egr b4 i put the engine back,
cuz its pretty hard to get tools back there
or maybe im jus clumsy like that

gpgtp_22 07-18-2007 06:05 PM

Thanks a lot guys i'm definately capping those when i put my head back on. The visual was a big help. I was lucky i had a jdm engine with the block off plates sitting around that i could "borrow". I agree egr worst idea ever.

gpgtp_22 07-18-2007 06:07 PM

Dont forget to cap the bvsv on the water neck too.

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