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Old 10-14-2007, 11:57 PM   #11
12psi boost
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also i'm looking for a good manifold for the new turbo, i need one that will allow a T4 turbo and a 50MM external wastegate, i the ebay stainless steel headers but i think there will be some clearance issues, i saw the ones on HP freaks but what would you guys recommend?

7MGTE - 500hp never dyno'd
exhaust: 3inch pipes no cat/powerhouse manifold/garret gt47 18psi/HKS SS racing wastegate
fidenza cam gears
intake: PHR 4inch intake/K&N filter/3 inch intercooler/ pipeFMIC/greddy type R bov/
fuel: 550cc PTE/ walbro 255lp / Aeromotive adj pressure regulator
transmission: Fidenza flywheel/ACT extreme kit
electronics: map ecu 1 / HKS EVC 9
gauges:boost,EGT,oil temp & pressure/aem AFR
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Old 12-06-2007, 02:50 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by west_side_supra View Post
ok so i am upgrading to 550cc injectors, and i was wondering if i needed anything else, like

lexus AFM?
adj. fuel pressure reg?
fuel pump?
Can someone give me specific part numbers or description and/or where I can get the proper AFM and 550cc injectors for my '88?
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Old 12-06-2007, 07:04 PM   #13
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I'm kinda wondering too about the lexus afm and injectors. Right now i'm hitting fuel cut on my shimmed wastegate and 57 trim but i don't know where to go next.

Last edited by OfnaRcR; 12-06-2007 at 11:23 PM.
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Old 12-06-2007, 09:33 PM   #14
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well i have gotten almost everything from ebay guys. alot of other places that will cover injectors, AFM, and adj fuel press reg. will be
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here are some links to those items

here is a complete kit includes
this will give you most items, after this you just need the adj. fuel pressure regulator and you'll be set.

ADJ. press. reg kit LIPP
this allows you to control the amount of fuel entering your fuel rail, it will make it so you are going to be killing your engine with an overflow of fuel and possibly burst your lines. although the walbro pump is very stong and can take alot, i still recommend this adj. pressure kit.

if you really want there is another removal system to get rid of your Fuel pulse thingy, i really dont know what that does but its ugly and not needed. and here a link for that kit to.

fuel pump

there are diffrent types of pumps availible, the walbro is the easyist one though, it will go right into your tank just like the stock one. pushes 300% more than your stock. and will allow you to do your 550cc/+ injector system , now dont order the venom injectors, they have been highly known to stick, and this can make a really big issue. so i repeat DONT ORDER VENOM INJECTORS, RC are the best so far. PTE "precision turbo engine" are the next best. i am running the pte 550 and are sweet so far.

1 - supra sport
2 - ebay - 1000cc injectors availible from these guys also

these will allow you to use your pump to its full potential, and plus they are almost needed when you upgrade to your Lexus v8 afm, i've heard of people not changing the houseing but just the sensor and running somewhat lean. i dont know this for fact but its just something i have recently heard, DONT ORDER VENOM INJECTORS THEY STICK AND WILL CAUSE MORE PROBLEMS.

1 - supra sport
2 - these are used and imported from jap. but very low mileage and clean and work.
for injectors with the lexus afm 550cc are good 680cc are better. but i dont see why you cant go bigger maby even a 750cc like i posted

now just to make things even simpler, i will say that i recommend getting a fuel controlling system like the apexi safc "ebay you can find them for like 25$- 100$" all of these items together with forsay the 550cc injectors you should be good up to 450hp-500hp. if it comes down to the point you still are hitting fuel cut then the next item recommended would be getting

1. HKS FCD - fuel cut defender will remove your fuel cut system and if i remember right you should be able to adjust them to were you want your fuel cut to be set. HKS USA Driving Performance - Homepage

2. i should have put this in the list of items because it is very important to watch your Air/fuel ratio when doing anything with your boost and fuel. but recommend any digital system that will use a wideband sensor. not one you tap into your stock 02 sensor. wideband is very accurate warms up faster. and is a real time reading. and very good for tuning may i put.

i personally am running a AEM UEGO w/wideband, and so far its pretty sweet, others recommend or use the Powerdex AFX-Air Fuel RatioMonitor

now your probably thinking to yourself, damn this is alot of money. but in the end its all worth it. you will get some more horsey's and you will be able to boost up to 18psi "not recommended on your stock ct-26" or 17.99psi so i have been told i'm not sure yet since im still in the process of breaking in my motor :P- - -||____XD

hope i helped you all out with your questions. i'm willing to help to what i know so ask again and ill reply back for you

7MGTE - 500hp never dyno'd
exhaust: 3inch pipes no cat/powerhouse manifold/garret gt47 18psi/HKS SS racing wastegate
fidenza cam gears
intake: PHR 4inch intake/K&N filter/3 inch intercooler/ pipeFMIC/greddy type R bov/
fuel: 550cc PTE/ walbro 255lp / Aeromotive adj pressure regulator
transmission: Fidenza flywheel/ACT extreme kit
electronics: map ecu 1 / HKS EVC 9
gauges:boost,EGT,oil temp & pressure/aem AFR

Last edited by west_side_supra; 12-06-2007 at 09:43 PM. Reason: forgot information
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Old 12-07-2007, 05:40 PM   #15
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Great info west side. Thanks a lot.

What is the need for the new AFM? Looks to me like it's just a little larger bore, but we still use the same actual original sensor.

Would you expect I would see a benifit with just 550cc injectors?

I have the fuel cut defencer on but I think it still cuts at about 12 psi. May not be set up correct.
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Old 12-08-2007, 01:50 AM   #16
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i got a question
i checked the replacement afm

they said its a copy of the lexus afm
which wont come with any of the electronics of the lex afm itself

its says you have to reuse the honeycomb and the black box?

doesnt the lexus afm has diffrent electronics than the ones that came from the 7mgte?
or is it jus the size of the afm that changes?

Into Bikes now,, apparently the supra couldnt kill me, so my zx6 might lol
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Old 12-08-2007, 06:38 AM   #17
12psi boost
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Originally Posted by Spudboy View Post
Great info west side. Thanks a lot.

What is the need for the new AFM? Looks to me like it's just a little larger bore, but we still use the same actual original sensor.

Would you expect I would see a benifit with just 550cc injectors?

I have the fuel cut defencer on but I think it still cuts at about 12 psi. May not be set up correct.
well as for the benifit, if i am guessing right, for fact yes the bore is bigger. it is acually a real 3 or 3.5 inch bore, meaning more air flow, the sensor itself. well it is coming out of a V8. a V8 is going to use more fuel and that means that just cause the sensor looks the same doesnt mean anything. it was set for the v8 to allow more fuel allowing us to go with the bigger injectors

7MGTE - 500hp never dyno'd
exhaust: 3inch pipes no cat/powerhouse manifold/garret gt47 18psi/HKS SS racing wastegate
fidenza cam gears
intake: PHR 4inch intake/K&N filter/3 inch intercooler/ pipeFMIC/greddy type R bov/
fuel: 550cc PTE/ walbro 255lp / Aeromotive adj pressure regulator
transmission: Fidenza flywheel/ACT extreme kit
electronics: map ecu 1 / HKS EVC 9
gauges:boost,EGT,oil temp & pressure/aem AFR
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Old 12-08-2007, 06:40 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by Supra2NR View Post
i got a question
i checked the replacement afm

they said its a copy of the lexus afm
which wont come with any of the electronics of the lex afm itself

its says you have to reuse the honeycomb and the black box?

doesnt the lexus afm has diffrent electronics than the ones that came from the 7mgte?
or is it jus the size of the afm that changes?

mmm like i said the houseing of the AFM is bigger on the lexus version compared to the 7m version.

replacing the honey comb? uh i dont know if you can even do that, hell if my honey comb broke i would just go and get another AFM

and the black box is the sensor itself, and yes totally different, just has the same connection as the 7m, so its just a plug and play

7MGTE - 500hp never dyno'd
exhaust: 3inch pipes no cat/powerhouse manifold/garret gt47 18psi/HKS SS racing wastegate
fidenza cam gears
intake: PHR 4inch intake/K&N filter/3 inch intercooler/ pipeFMIC/greddy type R bov/
fuel: 550cc PTE/ walbro 255lp / Aeromotive adj pressure regulator
transmission: Fidenza flywheel/ACT extreme kit
electronics: map ecu 1 / HKS EVC 9
gauges:boost,EGT,oil temp & pressure/aem AFR
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Old 12-08-2007, 04:42 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by west_side_supra View Post

mmm like i said the houseing of the AFM is bigger on the lexus version compared to the 7m version.

replacing the honey comb? uh i dont know if you can even do that, hell if my honey comb broke i would just go and get another AFM

and the black box is the sensor itself, and yes totally different, just has the same connection as the 7m, so its just a plug and play

The Lexus AFM does NOT come with the black box sensor. It says to use the original 7M-GTE box/sensor. So it appears all we would be buying is the metal AFM housing and transfering the original honeycomb and sensor to it. Maybe the original sensor detects more air thanks to the larger AFM housing, compensates for that in combination with fuel cut defencer allowing more fuel, and the now larger injectors gives more fuel. Result for me I hope is...larger turbo + boost controller + fuel cut defencer + larger injectors + larger AFM housing + HKS intake = more HP.

Does this all make sense?
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Old 12-09-2007, 07:34 PM   #20
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well the one i got from ebay has the housing, honeycomb, and sensor itself. again i really dont know if the 7m sensor would be picking up more than the lexus thats something that we would have to search for, like specs on the sensors.

7MGTE - 500hp never dyno'd
exhaust: 3inch pipes no cat/powerhouse manifold/garret gt47 18psi/HKS SS racing wastegate
fidenza cam gears
intake: PHR 4inch intake/K&N filter/3 inch intercooler/ pipeFMIC/greddy type R bov/
fuel: 550cc PTE/ walbro 255lp / Aeromotive adj pressure regulator
transmission: Fidenza flywheel/ACT extreme kit
electronics: map ecu 1 / HKS EVC 9
gauges:boost,EGT,oil temp & pressure/aem AFR
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