cool you might wanna check the ground coming off the coil pack and make shure its grounded. you might also wanna check the fuses and relays. you might also wanna check the coil pack its self normally the coils can go out but you have 3 totally different coils. normally all three dont go out at once. so my bet is fuel pressure check your fuel pump voltage. under the back compartment carpet there is a plate that is round that covers ytour gauge meter there are two connectors a gray one and a light yellow. the liught yellow is your gauges. the gray one is your pump. check that with a voltmeter and see if its getting voltage when you start the car if it is and you hear the fuel pump kick on then it prolly is working. next check your fuel filter. it might be bad or clogged. does your car even try to start over??? if so check your starter relay or circuit opening relay they are located behind the ecu on the bottom right side of the car(passenger) and it will be on the side about ankle high it will say starter relay or circuit opening relay if it is a stock relay. if you need anything else just send me a message