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Old 07-21-2007, 04:44 PM   #11
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Yea no Doubt it's a nice car get people asking me if i want to sell everyonece in a while and a few others are always a bit shocked to see a guy my age driving it around as most kids now a days are a bit spolied, and only want New rides. i have much respect For all Sports cars, from all years.

Yes then i found a MK3 for 1K, i was thinking of taking a look into, but i know in my heart, the mk4 is my true dream car. Seeing as i will be dedicating so much money, time and effort into my Next car might as well have it be my dream car.

yeah as for the TT, i think ill save some more cash up for it then, what you say makes sense, and also with such a platform to already start off from 450-500 RWHP isn't gonna be too hard at all.

although, NA wouldn't really bug me, as im not looking to race, is it possible to hit that amount of HP with an NA supra ?
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Old 07-21-2007, 09:23 PM   #12
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I've seen setups with N/A that they have put turbos but it take a lot of fabricating and its hard to find a turbo and it wont be as reliable because the motor is the same but it has very different parts in general the suspension and tranny are better than the N/A and it is all around modified(by toyota) to be a better, faster, and better handling car than an N/A. Well hope you take my advice and if you save the money up you might have enough for a stock tt, 6 speed supra which have endless possibilities and youll be happier with the outcome. Well hope to see your new supra. Btw how much are you selling your mustang for( I know you said 5k but have you gotten any higher offers)?

I found this on http://www.cars.com/go/search/detail...eadExists=true
Maybe out of your price range but this is a six speed twin turbo there are some cheaper check the other ones out

Last edited by JPDsupra; 07-21-2007 at 09:32 PM.
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Old 07-21-2007, 10:15 PM   #13
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Cool very well

Now that i got more knowledge about it, i know what i must do, thank you both very much for all your help. and the links, i saw the supra. yeah for now it's out of my price range but none the less a good site and a nice supra.

im keeping my eyes on the prize, and tomorrow ill post some mustang pic's so u can see it.

thanks again,

Cageceo ( Alex )
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Old 07-22-2007, 04:17 AM   #14
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No problem, hope you get what you want and I wanna see what you did to your mustang. Any more questions feel free to ask.

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Old 07-27-2007, 04:16 PM   #15
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So when are you going to post pics of your mustang and any news on the supra you wanna get?
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Old 07-30-2007, 12:00 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by cageceo
...1. What i want to know is When purchasing a MK4 Supra What are some of the common problems they have that i should look For E.g. (MK3 Usally have Bad Head Gaskets) What are the issues on a MK4 ?...
If it's been properly maintained, there are no chronic problems, other than the hatch rattle in pre '96's. If it's been badly maintained, or badly modified, or overboosted on pump gas, then of course you should expect problems.

The mk4's oem headgasket is absolutely fantastic - it can hold over 1000rwhp. In fact, even the mk3's headgasket itself is fine too! The chronic problem with mk3 headgaskets has to do with the fact the headbolts were undertorqued from the factory.
Originally Posted by cageceo
...2. I got a pretty reliable Stang, got a friend wanting to buy it like Fate on my side he is offering enough cash that i can add to my saved cash to buy a Supra. is this a Car reliable as a daily driver as i will be using it to go to Work, school, Gym, and my daily activities ?...
If you don't modify it, it'll be rock-solid reliable. Many bone-stock Mk4's have gone over 200K miles easy, with no major issues.
Originally Posted by cageceo
...3.Off the bat, how much am i looking to spend on the car to get it tuned up, and pretty much set for daily driving. ( no i will not be racing this car for a long time to come, if i do decided to race)....
This can vary WIDELY depending on the condition of the mk4 you get. Generally speaking, if you're willing to spend $25K+ for it, and you search long and hard for one with excellent maintenance records, your initial "tune up" bill will be miniscule. If you buy one that's been beat to crap, obviously the overhaul could get into some serious coin...
Originally Posted by cageceo
...4.What is the average maintance Cost of this Car ?...
As already posted, synth oil change is $50+, and a set of tires can run $1K (lasting only 10K miles or so). That's just an example - it's nothing at all like a Camry from a maintenance perspective (nor from a performance perspective either).
Originally Posted by cageceo
...5. I never Put an alarm on my Stang, never thought some one would steal it. but im sure a Supra will catch the wrong attention at times, so What is the best or some of the best Alarm systems to buy And are they any precautions i should Take ?...
Imho, the stock alarm system really isn't that bad. It's got a glass-breakage sensor in addition to the standard motion sensor. As far as precautions, always sit in restaurants and park at work where you can keep an eye on the dawg through the window.
Originally Posted by cageceo
...I'm so excited but nervous at the same time, mainly since im not sure too much on what im getting myself into Yet im so Close to my dream. Im most likely Going to buy a non modded car, or as least modded as possible i hate modded rides, i can never be sure of the job they had done was Safe....
Maybe not safe, and maybe not realiable. Also, maybe overboosted on pump gas - be sure to pay an expert check out any modded car you might want to get.
Phil '94 Supra Turbo, 6spd, 'APU'+
Displacement is no replacement for boost.
Life begins at 30psi.

NB: Please consider posting any help requests in a new thread instead of asking me for help privately. About 99.9+% of the time, private help requests end up covering great information that could be very valuable to other forum members. If you have a good reason for needing the help request to be private, I'll consider it. If not, then why not give everyone else the opportunity to pitch in too, and/or learn from the information? Remember, there's no such thing as a dumb question. We're all here to help within this family of Supra owners.
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Old 08-03-2007, 07:33 PM   #17
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Default Finally

Originally Posted by JPDsupra
So when are you going to post pics of your mustang and any news on the supra you wanna get?
Now offically i just gave her a Bath so lol, i took pic's before my camera crapped out and i did a few special shots for all of supra form friends !!

check it out i put the pics and all in the show my Ride Area of the forums so it won't be out of place.

thanks again and check it out. to make it easier here is the link to the forum thread. it's in the Show N tell


Oh and im waiting it out. been looking around and keeping my eyes O.O open for supras within my current reach.

laters, and enjoy

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Last edited by pwpanas; 08-05-2007 at 04:19 PM.
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Old 08-03-2007, 07:50 PM   #18
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Default to make it easier , here's the link

to make it easier here is the link to the forum thread. it's in the Show N tell


laters, and enjoy
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Old 08-06-2007, 11:00 PM   #19
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Red face mustang murder ?!?

Originally Posted by JPDsupra
One of my first cars was a mustang 5.0lx too but that thing had 700hp cause me and my friend worked on it till we were like 16 and he decided to let it go then i put a turbo and the thing flew though it was extremely reliable for a 700hp mustang sorry I dont have a copy of the dyno sheet cuz I lost it or I would post it. Well if you decide to go N/A then it would be harder to modify not many bolt on turbos for it only the twin turbo has a better a more diverse aftermarket. Well if you buy it listen to what pwpanas said and have an expert check it out(someone you know or trust that knows about the supra). This goes to pwpanas even tough the stock system is ok its better to get a system like viper for me it was useful and I really have a thing about stock alarm systems plus it got me $200 off my insurance. Ok now 9 to 10k isnt much for a supra but it might be possible to find one but if you cant afford an mk4 you can buy an mk3(cheap and cheaper to modify).
no need for dyno sheets with me, if the work looks about right ill happily take your word for it .

wanted to ask what you did, i might end up just picking up more hours and keeping the stang and if i do i want to kick all these punks ass's down here. every other kid who see's my car always starts reving trying to race me. i raced a maxima but got taken by a full car length... i cried. first and last race i ever done lol, sorry but i want to know for sure i can beat these new cars coming out with Stock ridiculous Horse power. so if you can tell me step by step what you did or what i should do.. it would rock man. i want mustang to murder !!!

thanks in advance
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Old 08-07-2007, 02:16 PM   #20
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By the way this is the kit I used and depending on what fule and psi you use it goes anywhere from 500rwhp to 1000rwhp and even more but youd have to be crazy. Here's the links this is the one I used:
This is the main website and there are many kits to choose from:

Well good luck with your build
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