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Old 07-03-2008, 02:20 AM   #1
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Smile Blown Head Gasket Snake Oil

Believe it or not, I tried one of those "Snake Oil" Head Gasket elixirs because I didn't have the talent or the money to repair my 1991 Non-Turbo Supra. It overheated and blew a head gasket. All the symptoms were there ... overheating, sputtering and rough running, including, water and steam blowing out the tail pipe.
Although there were lots to choose from, I narrowed it down to Thermagasket.

Sorry, to say folks.... but it Worked (for me)!

I even video taped what I did and I'll probably post it.


P.S. Here's the link to their product if allowed


Last edited by cre; 08-06-2010 at 02:11 AM.
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Old 07-03-2008, 09:28 AM   #2
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Old 07-03-2008, 05:27 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by unkymurch View Post
Believe it or not, I tried one of those "Snake Oil" Head Gasket elixirs because I didn't have the talent or the money to repair my 1991 Non-Turbo Supra. It overheated and blew a head gasket. All the symptoms were there ... overheating, sputtering and rough running, including, water and steam blowing out the tail pipe.
Although there were lots to choose from, I narrowed it down to Thermagasket.

Sorry, to say folks.... but it Worked (for me)!

I even video taped what I did and I'll probably post it.


P.S. Here's the link to their product if allowed


please keep us updated... if it blows again post here, if it works for more than 2 weeks post here!

Last edited by cre; 08-06-2010 at 02:12 AM.
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Old 07-03-2008, 07:56 PM   #4
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Default Response on status of Thermagasket use for blown head gasket.

Response to Tom Fraser.

Tom, I did the procedure on April 1, 2008 (No Joke!) and followed the directions explicitly. Within an hour, the radiator was not over heating and the temperature gauge stayed rock solid a little less than 1/2 up the scale.

Prior to using it, my temperature gauge would spike and water and coolant would gush out of my radiator overflow tube.

It is now July 3, 2008 and everything is holding fine.


I'll have to find that video clip!
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Old 07-04-2008, 11:58 PM   #5
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ok its working for now, but remember its not supposed to be a perm fix, only a temp. better be saving a little more money to get it fixed. id recommend getting another motor and having it rebuilt, and hope this doesnt blow again. keep us updated on it also. and another thing, how hard do you push the motor and what kind of condition is it in?
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Old 07-05-2008, 01:26 AM   #6
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Cool snake oil (head gasket)

Well you think it is going to hold but sorry to say but the stuff you put in will only hold for about a month or so and all that stuff really does is plug the hole and then it will eventually get forced out by the compression and you will be lucky if the stuff did not get into which ever piston it is by and it will sit on top of the piston and when it gets hot enough it will melt right through the piston and then you will be looking at a hell of a lot more expensive repairs, trust me on this one i used the same stuff on my 89 supra and that happened and when the stuff melted through my piston it sent shrapnel down into the oil pan and it took out 3 out of the 6 connecting rod bearings and the fine shrapnel from the bearings took out my oil pump, if i was you i would get that stuff out of there ASAP, take it in and replace the head gasket.

otherwise you are looking at about roughly $950 or better in engine repairs.
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Old 07-07-2008, 08:26 PM   #7
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Default Response from Thermagasket on most recent post.

I'm not mechanic, but I passed the last response back to the Thermagasket person and here is his rebuttal: (I'm just the messeger, so don't get mad at me, please.)

The person that wrote this has absolutely no idea what they are talking about.


Well you think it is going to hold but sorry to say but the stuff you put in will only hold for about a month or so and all that stuff really does is plug the hole and then it will eventually get forced out by the compression.

There are products on the market that do plug the hole like Alumaseal.
Thermagasket uses the heat generated at the point of the breach to chemically bond the 2 surfaces.

it will sit on top of the piston and when it gets hot enough it will melt right through the piston.

What in the world does that mean, the Thermagasket will get so hot in can burn through a steel piston....? Give me a break,whatever amount of Thermagasket that makes its way into the combustion chamber will burn up.

We have repaired hundreds of thousands of vehicles with Thermagasket, if even part of what this guy is saying is true we would be out of business.
You as a happy customer are our best advertisement, not some guy that most likely has never used Thermagasket and claims he has. After your vehicle has been repaired for a year repost and prove him wrong. Its been over 3 months since you purchased Thermagasket, if compression was going to blow the so called "plugged hole" out it would have happened already.

Best Regards
Kirk Malley
RxAuto Thermagasket LLC
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Old 07-07-2008, 10:26 PM   #8
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Default Kirk

Dude the only reason why you say i dont know what im talking about is because you want people to use your companys product, i have been a mechanic for 10+ years i think i know what i am talking about, i have seen many cases where that shit has damaged an engine.
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Old 07-09-2008, 06:59 AM   #9
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I have seen similar stuff work on some engines, fixed the leak and cars drove for a long time after, but on the other hand other cars had the problem come back and one even got coolantpassages get blocked up.

The used car salespeople use this stuff, and i wouldnt do it on my own car if i was going to drive it for a long time. Getting stranded at the side of the road sucks badly, especialy if you are in a sportscar.
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Old 07-09-2008, 11:44 PM   #10
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sir, if you believe this stuff will hold up better than a stock headgasket, then you will certainly have a shock one day. all this type of product is, is a cheap temp fix. IT WILL BLOW AGAIN, its only a matter of time. sure its holding now, but i bet within a year, yours will blow again. why would you think a damaged hg will hold like new? they call it snake oil for a reason
88 N/A w/ 5spd - stock - not running, bhg
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