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Old 07-12-2008, 08:54 PM   #1
3" Exhaust
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Default adjusting drive belts

I just replaced the power steering and fan/alt drive belts. The only problem I have is adjusting them. What is the best way to adjust the power steering? First what are the bolts to adjust it? I had to undo the one on the back under, the one on the adjusting part the one under that and 2 to the bracket is this right or is it less than that? There is no where to really put a pry bar. So if there is a easy way or some place to pry to tighten the belt please write. For the ALT/FAN it was very simple to get off but where is there to pry to tighten? The both work fine now but I want to make sure they are adjusted properly. Also what happens if they are too lose? and if they are too tight?
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Old 07-12-2008, 09:23 PM   #2
Bill UK
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Strange Toyota didn’t think of fitting a fine adjuster like the one on the alternator. The problem is, when you tighten up the adjuster bolt the pump moves towards the engine and loosens the belt. The only way is to put a pry bar between the pump and the front part of the engine to hold the pump in position. If the belt is to loose it will eventually try to run off the pulley, you can see evidence of this if the belt has a slit down the middle where the groves in the pulley have cut into the belt. Too tight and you run the risk of wearing out the pump bearing. You need only loosen two bolts, the adjuster bolt that you can clearly see looking down from the top of the engine bay and the pivot bolt (set bolt) which is underneath. As a guide I always adjust mine slightly on the tight side. The instructions below are for removal, you only need to loosen the bolts in fig b & c.
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