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Old 08-16-2005, 12:38 AM   #1
3" Exhaust
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Okay, seriously I know I can beat that MR2 even if my car was stock. But that MR2 has turbo and is a manule (has some modifications). I was driving on the highway, and I saw two head lights coming from behind me and it was coming really fast.

I didn't want to race him but I was changing lanes and I was kind of going fast and he thought I wanted to race him (he wanted to mess with me in the first place anyways), so from that point on he pull in front of me and he hit the gas and than I hit my gas and than we started flying...lol.

I was chasing after him, and no he didn't burn me, that's a good thing, but the bad thing was I could not burn him from behind. I want to come back from behind and burn his azz.There was too many cars and in that case I had to hit the brakes like so many times. I never had the chance to go side by side with him, I was always behind him. But I think if it was side by side, I would have burn him.

I have one question. How in the world can I get more HORSEPOWER????? So I can burn those stinky little bastards MR2 and Honda Civic with turbo's. I have a new exaust but do I need intakes too? What other little basic mod's do I need to at least kill them? Hell, I wanna burn every car, lol.

Anyways, this race was a "No Contest!". Due to many cars in the highway blocking me and due to that MR2 being in front of me and having the edge by hitting his gas first. No exucse, but I know, if my car was more powerful, I would have come from behind just in a click of a second. I can come from behind if we were racing for 10 more miles. If my car hits 130+ MPH, he won't see my tail lights that's for sure because when we were racing, we're only going 120+ MPH and I'm only what? Like 20 yards behind him, that plus he has the edge being in front of me.
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Old 08-16-2005, 02:20 AM   #2
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You're an idiot for racing on the highway with traffic.
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Old 08-16-2005, 02:48 AM   #3
3" Exhaust
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Got a problem? LOL

I don't think racing is fun, more like it's just trying to mess with someone. For me no matter the condition unless if it's raining or snowing. Whoever tries to speed against me or showoff to me on the roads, they better be ready to see me chase their azz no matter if there are traffics.

I drive safely. But if someone wants to race me and mess with me with or without traffic, they are asking for death. If they have accident than NOT my problem. They wanna race me in the first place.

For me, the reason why I want more power into my car is for a sample fact. So, I can speed away from them and show them my power so they back off.

Look, I'm a respectful driver, but when someone races with me and drives like maniac and tailgates me, they better watch out. Because they do not want to let this Supra out. No matter what car it is, I'll chase after you until I am satisfy or until if you can burn me which no body has done it yet...lol.

Sorry for being a so-called idiot, but if the other drivers were to be driving nicely, I would not have raced with him, but then he wanted to show off.

Anyways, no one will understand my story so, yeah.
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Old 08-16-2005, 04:11 AM   #4
12psi boost
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turboed MR2's with the ram air scoops, ect are sweet cars, I was actually looking at an MR2, Z car, RX-7, or Supra, and decided the Supra had the power and the price. Now...

Up boost, easy as that. Also, learn how to drive in your powerband. If you have a manual (I think you don't), grab and gear and go. I can slam into 3rd at about 60 and get instant boost and top end scream. Turbo's tranny is pretty close ratio for this reason.

Yeah, I don't like racing on the streets in traffic, you're messing with other people's lives if you lose it. That and the tickets... h34r:
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Old 08-16-2005, 07:04 AM   #5
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racing in traffic is stupid, dont kill yourself or other people ull regret it, putting in basic mods like an exhaust, intake and headers let the car breathe easier and pull out some horsepower
Now: Saving for an MKIV
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(Sold) 91 supra turbo 5speed with a 1jzgte motor
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Old 08-16-2005, 10:14 AM   #6
7M POWAH! ;)
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yep... i got a mate with an sw20 mr2

he was running stock turbo but exhaust & filter and 10psi

i was running stock stock... like seriously.. stock
with a bhg to come

and he took me off the line every time... bearing in mind he's also alot lighter than our beautiful tanks

once i repaired the hg and did intake..... NO CHANCE LOL

but ya... intake & exhaust will help out bucketloads
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Do a diagnostic first!
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Old 08-16-2005, 05:23 PM   #7
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what do you have now supra91_ishot?? its a good help to know what upgrades you have to get you to more powerful ones.
....all you need is a small taste of success and you will find it suits you....

monique- better off dead

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Old 08-17-2005, 12:04 AM   #8
3" Exhaust
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For now I don't have anything except for the stanless steal exhaust I bought from my friend 3 months ago. But, the exhaust that I have is not a big one where it just had one whole at the end. The one I got is like a one twin head sticking out kind.

I'm still waiting to see if I'm going to get an intake with an air filter with it. I couldn't even take the stock intake out. Gosh, the supra's got a big engine but it is so crowded, it's hard to take things apart unless if you don't care if they break or not.

But yeah, the exhaust is the only thing I have. When I do get the intake and air filter, my car will sound more like a beast

Anyways, about the racing in traffic thing, I'm not planning to hurt or killed anyone, it just sometimes I cannot control my self sometimes you know? Well, from now on I won't ever raced again when there are traffics, I'll just HIGH BEAM the damn driver? Yeah that, I'll do. Ha Ha Ha. I did it once to this one dude who was coming out from an exit sign onto the highway when I was in Lacrosse, Wisconson. He didn't signal and there wasn't any lanes, but than he decided to hit the gas and pull in front of me and he was driving a (NO SUPRISE) stinkin American Muscle car. Almost an accident, I high beam his azz like for 2 minutes and than he ran a red light, I think, and after that I turned my high beam off. There was no car in front of me nor are they near by so yeah.

Man, wish people knew how to drive. If people respect me, I'll respect them but if they want to drive like a maniac towards me, they better be ready to get pissed off by me. But I'm smart though, I'll right back at them :lol:
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Old 08-17-2005, 12:52 AM   #9
3" Exhaust
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Yeah....i chased a Z06 who thought he was being a hotshot by weaving through traffic (the punk had no idea how to drive) i was right on his ass the entire time....If he would have known how to drive he would have burned me....badly <_< , but he apparently doesn't know how to drive....now mind you i never got in front, but i was at a disadvantage the entire time.....I stopped chasing Stangs who try to bug me...only one has ever beat me and it was a good friend and he had to use nos to do it.....I'm pretty proud, i hate losing....the only time i even acknowledge Hondas is if it is a CRX (which i hate) or something other than Prelude or Civic....or if my car is full....oh yeah and i did end up racing my friend who started calling himself a "rice eater" because his 89 formula F-bird had 300 ftlbs of Torque...Well, lets just say he didn't have a chance.....I love my MK3....i think i might buy another, they are so worth it
Who needs zoom zoom......I got turbo!!!
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Old 08-17-2005, 01:34 AM   #10
3" Exhaust
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If you been able to whip those stangs than I suggest your car isn't stock right? My mistake if I am wrong but yeah that Z06 would kill any MKIII. But maybe you are right, that driver is a punk.

And about the rice eater? They don't have nothing when it comes to highways. :lol: I've seen them come and go.

These Supras are not a peice of cake like most American's may think. It might be old and it might have the "Toyota" name on it but one thing they don't hear often is that it's a "Supra". When people hears about a Supra after that "Too fast too furious" movie came out, they know how to respect a Supra B)

I don't care what kind of car you got, if you race with a Supra, you better have a car that cost way more or has a lot of mods in it or you won't stand a chance stock for stock if it's same power and all.

There's a reason why mostly those rice eaters never messes with a Supra.

Supra is a car to be FEARED! Respect! And Honored!

Unless your car cost $40,000 or has over thousands of dollars invested in mods.
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