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Old 08-17-2005, 02:40 PM   #11
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after the air cleaner stuff i'd recommend getting a fuel pump and a manual boost controller. you should be able to get both under 200$.
....all you need is a small taste of success and you will find it suits you....

monique- better off dead

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Old 08-17-2005, 09:26 PM   #12
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Originally posted by Supra91_ishot@Aug 17 2005, 12:04 AM
For now I don't have anything except for the stanless steal exhaust I bought from my friend 3 months ago. But, the exhaust that I have is not a big one where it just had one whole at the end. The one I got is like a one twin head sticking out kind.

I'm still waiting to see if I'm going to get an intake with an air filter with it. I couldn't even take the stock intake out. Gosh, the supra's got a big engine but it is so crowded, it's hard to take things apart unless if you don't care if they break or not.

But yeah, the exhaust is the only thing I have. When I do get the intake and air filter, my car will sound more like a beast

Anyways, about the racing in traffic thing, I'm not planning to hurt or killed anyone, it just sometimes I cannot control my self sometimes you know? Well, from now on I won't ever raced again when there are traffics, I'll just HIGH BEAM the damn driver? Yeah that, I'll do. Ha Ha Ha. I did it once to this one dude who was coming out from an exit sign onto the highway when I was in Lacrosse, Wisconson. He didn't signal and there wasn't any lanes, but than he decided to hit the gas and pull in front of me and he was driving a (NO SUPRISE) stinkin American Muscle car. Almost an accident, I high beam his azz like for 2 minutes and than he ran a red light, I think, and after that I turned my high beam off. There was no car in front of me nor are they near by so yeah.

Man, wish people knew how to drive. If people respect me, I'll respect them but if they want to drive like a maniac towards me, they better be ready to get pissed off by me. But I'm smart though, I'll right back at them :lol:
First off, you're beggin to get killed. A good friend of mine unloaded 6 rounds into some jackass that highbeamed him. Don't know what ever came of the dude...Plus, freeway racing is suicide. Unless your car is COMPLETLY TUNED, I'm talkin suspension, brakes, etc, you've got a death wish. Then, take a road racing driving course. Then feel free to freeway race.

2nd, take some time to learn about cars, especially yours. From your post, it sounds like you don't even know what kind of exhaust you're runnin. Do some homework, tweak her right and live to brag about it later.

3rd, I don't think you really NEED any extra power at this point. Not till you learn how to drive and settle down a bit.

4th, any car can be a fast car. Them MR2's can be modded to be faster n hell. I once had a Civic DX hatchback with just over 300 hp. You never know what' under the hood...

<span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>Stock...for now</span>
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Old 08-17-2005, 10:49 PM   #13
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Racing is supposed to be about having a good time....not used as a weapon of self-defense(most of the time)....Calm down...if someone wants to blow by you its not a huge deal...i just consider it an open invitation to chase....usually if its heavy traffic, rainy, etc...i just let them fly by
My car is not stock....but Mustangs are slow anyways
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Old 08-18-2005, 02:28 AM   #14
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I don't beg to get killed. Who wants to shoot gun at me? If they do, they'll be asking for a death wish them self. First off, if you want to drive like a dick head, all I can say is you better be prepear to see my beam lights go up. If you got a problem than I say stop the car and lets deal this BS outside. Please, without a gun! With a gun, your asking for me to throw a bomb at you and your car. It's not like I don't have weapons too :lol:

Anyways, like I said, you don't respect me, you'll get disrespected by me too. If your going to be rude to another person, you HAVE TO KNOW, that they will be rude back so don't get angry.

Just because I don't know my stuff, don't mean I don't know how to race. I sure can race with anyone, with or without my car being tuned. I'll race when I feel like it, and I'll piss you off when you piss me off. So either way, it's FAIR. Just because I didn't take any road course don't mean I don't have experience, I've raced ever since I'm 17. Raced with all kinds of cars. Raced in traffics, no traffics, etc...I ain't trying to kill anyone, but if I offended some of you people than sorry, but it's my way to say "I won't back down".

No matter what, when I'm out there on the streets, I know my limits and I know my actions. I attend to do damage if I need to only if a certain situation comes and if there's a punk who crosses my line. But if it's all good nature racing than let it be. Like I say, I'm a good person, I don't tend to hurt anyone, all I can say is if you wanna play dirty other people will play dirty against you too. I've never ever let my bad side take over, if I did, I'd take over the world. LOL...

All comers are welcome, as long as it's all for fun. But just don't drive like an idiot around me.
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Old 08-18-2005, 05:14 AM   #15
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Dude you really need to be a little less intense when you type....whats your grudge? Just remember think before you act....otherwise people die.... remember you lose control of your 3700 lb beast and hit a 2000 2400 lbs Civic your gonna kill someone.......Never act on emotion...being pissed you are far more likely to get into an accident...
Who needs zoom zoom......I got turbo!!!
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Old 08-18-2005, 02:34 PM   #16
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Originally posted by SuperSupra86@Aug 18 2005, 05:14 AM
Dude you really need to be a little less intense when you type....whats your grudge? Just remember think before you act....otherwise people die.... remember you lose control of your 3700 lb beast and hit a 2000 2400 lbs Civic your gonna kill someone.......Never act on emotion...being pissed you are far more likely to get into an accident...
Neurologists have done studies on the human brian under various emotional stressors and found that when the subject was Angry, the brain's capabilities were severly diminished, especially in the frontal lobe (the part that controls judgement). Plus, when Angry, the body takes in less Oxygen, making it even more difficult to think clearly. If you're gonna race, you gotta remain calm. The .40 cal Glock velcroed to my dash keeps me calm and cool. It always reminds me of where esclating an incident can lead.

<span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>Stock...for now</span>
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Old 08-18-2005, 05:01 PM   #17
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Okay so that was a fancy way of say what i just said....What we are both saying is angry, rash actions lead to someone getting hurt or injured.....BTW...i have a sawed off under my seat....i have raced with some pretty shady guys who have made some "unfriendly" threats, but no matter the incident don't lose your cool and i've also seen one of those guys pull out a 9mm and put 7 shots in the hood of a CRX..I agree their are some pretty major assholes out their i find if you want to piss a guy off who wants to race you....don't even acknowledge him..they love that....
Who needs zoom zoom......I got turbo!!!
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Old 08-18-2005, 10:45 PM   #18
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Racing is racing, road rage is road rage, don't confuse the two.
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Old 08-19-2005, 12:30 AM   #19
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Elequently put, Poodles.... that is the perfect way of thinking about it....
BTW..I've never used that Shotgun under my seat and i pray i never have to, but i've seen what can happen if your not prepared for anything...If your not willing to lose your life, DON'T RISK IT
Who needs zoom zoom......I got turbo!!!
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Old 08-19-2005, 12:49 AM   #20
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Seems like I am intense, hehe. Sorry! Well, I do tend to lose my temp sometimes but yes, I know how to control my temper that's why I never had any troubles out on the street.

Of course, racing is for fun but for me, it's 50/50. Fun and not. But yeah, I'll race if it seems like they want to race me badly, but mostly I back off.

By the way, I don't have a grudge against anyone. It's just that my whole life, growing up I have never hurt anyone and people had hurt me a lot. While I stand there and do nothing about it, I let them off easily by being a so-called "innocent person". I've grown now, and I have learned about my past, never let anyone who corsses my line get away with anything. I'll intend to hurt you if I know your treathening my life. Again, I know my limits so no worries.

All and all, I love my Supra and I intend to race when it's a good race. Never will I be in a road rage because if I do, I'm for sure somebody's going to get hurt, which WON'T HAPPEND!

You guys want to race? He He...j/k.
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