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lilman87 10-25-2005 08:30 PM

Pictures anyone?
i need ideas for my car. there are so many little things that i need to do to the exterior and i dont know where to start. if anyone would happen to have pictures of modified or just fixed up 87' supras, that would be sweet.

thanks in advance: lilman

supra_91 10-26-2005 01:59 AM

so your looking to put a body kit on your 87 supra?

lilman87 10-26-2005 04:36 AM

yeah i think i could do a body kit. if its a reasonable price. but right now i am more interested in getting the slots where the trim was, to be filled up. i dont really car how its filled, either just use body filler, or buy more trim, or something.

supra_91 10-26-2005 01:16 PM

put new trim in. although it is expensive.

a corner piece that i had to get cost me $119

lilman87 10-26-2005 05:29 PM

yeah, thats what i was afraid of. one of the things that i considered was to just fill it in with body filler and just make the car all smooth (no trim). although doing this i probly would not be able to have side deflectors in the front or the back. does anyone know if that is illegal to have those off? also if using body filler to fill the sides would be a good idea?

scruffboy 10-27-2005 12:13 PM

RE: Body Trim
When you first posted this question I was thinking of suggesting filling trim area with filler, but thought it might be to much work. But if you do go that route, either know what your'e doing or get someone who does. It wil probably take a lot of sanding to get it well blended. If you do it, send us some pics, I'd like to see what it looks like all smoothed out.


supra_91 10-27-2005 01:53 PM

i think it might look a little weird without the trim.......that's probable because in my mind it's suppose to be there

lilman87 10-27-2005 08:44 PM

yeah, i have already done some body work around all of the wheel wells so kinda know what im doin there. and as of right now there is a empty ring all around my car of where the trim was with the holes and every thing in it. i would have already replaced the trim except my fear was that it would be insainly expensive to do. also i didnt know it it was street legal to drive at night without those side reflectors in?

lilman87 10-28-2005 04:00 AM

this is one of my problems... if i did go ahead and put in body filler, i couldnt decide if i should just permanetly attach the bumber and body with the filler or what else to do. also there is the issue of the red side reflector, i wasnt sure if it was legal for me to drive without it. i think that it would be a pain to bondo around that.

lilman87 10-28-2005 04:06 AM

this is it w/o the trim in ( and a spot of a very temparary bondo job)

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