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lilman87 10-27-2005 02:46 AM

no air or!
on my 87' supra the air conditioning doesnt get cold enough to do anything in the summer and also the heat doesnt get hot in the winter. does anyone have any idea what might be causing this problem? i'm geting worried, in the summer i could just roll the windows down, but now in the winter i might be in trouble! lol

supra_91 10-27-2005 01:55 PM

for the heater....replace the thermostat

as for the air might be low on freon

lilman87 10-27-2005 08:38 PM

i was thinkin about changine the thermostate anyway so that will be good if it helps the heater. when i bought the car the guy said that there was a hole in one of the a/c lines so how would i go about testing that. that would probly be the reason that i would be low on freon.

supra_91 10-28-2005 12:13 AM

find the line with the hole in it and replace it

lilman87 10-28-2005 03:33 AM

anysugestions on how to find the line with the hole in it?

ddmcse 10-28-2005 12:28 PM

your heater problem is a broken valve that can be by-passed . i forget the details right now . the valve is passenger side (U.S) on the firewall it's one little swap of tubes and you'll get heat . research online you'll find it.
it's a vac switch and with no switch there's no hot water flowing into the heater core

mrnickleye 10-29-2005 07:16 AM

A/C...if its still R12 freon, you probably can't get any from a parts house. You will probably need to take it to a shop. They can check out the system for about $50 (my shops price).

Heater...while engine is running, just unplug the vacuum line from the engine, going to the VSV (wires to it) by the heater water valve, then plug it into the heater valve. Valve should work, you'll see it move. Normal operation is that water always flows thru the heater core, except when the temp controls are set to 65*.

lilman87 10-31-2005 02:20 AM

awsome...thanks guys i will get to workin on it and let ya know. then again who knows when that will be but it will happen.

1988gte 11-02-2005 04:03 AM

Heater...while engine is running, just unplug the vacuum line from the engine, going to the VSV (wires to it) by the heater water valve, then plug it into the heater valve. Valve should work, you'll see it move. Normal operation is that water always flows thru the heater core, except when the temp controls are set to 65*.
Any pictures on this process?

mrnickleye 11-03-2005 04:42 AM

No pictures. The valve is on the passenger side firewall` up high. 2 heater hoses go into it.

lilman87 02-21-2006 06:55 PM

it has been awhile since ive been on here, so just to let u know its all good now. i finaly had some time to mess with it. all i did was just zip tie the valve open, sometime when its starts to warm up ill buy a new valve.

ddmcse 02-21-2006 09:36 PM

there is a guy on here parting out a gold n/a that still has the heater system vsv valve .

Isphius 03-29-2006 05:48 PM

My heat works fine, But my AC pump doesnt start to turn. Does anyone know what fuse controls that? or relay, or w/e it is. Or is there anyway to jump it to turn it on to see if my ac works at all?

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