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Lord Falcore 11-10-2005 04:34 AM

Please help me
ok im new to this site but I have uesd it before and I just wanted to thank you guys for the help if found about my alarm seemed to be a mass problem.
now im looking for any advice waether it be dumb or not. it might help me come up with the real problem answer.

ok hears the deal I got my 85 supra N/A form my girl friends dad. Score!
but it had some probs so i fix. ez. well th only one I have left is the major one

what the car dose is on a good day you drive it no prob. however it has will charge at 12v, the battery light is on and the brake light is on. also the cruse control will not work. I just got the alt and long story short It is bran new and it was tested before it went on the car. also got a new battery. I also checked the battery with my volt meter. please note that I dont care about this problem. but im giving all the details. once and a whill for no reason the 2 lights will trun off and the cruse control will work. agen dont care.but what worries me is when the lights turn off (weather you start it or drive it a whill) the car will charge at 17.5-18 volts. now to my understanding thats real bad! the more rpms the more charge. now if you turn on the head lights and heater and staireo the charge will come down to 14v. im almost 100% it is not the alt but I dont know how to see that. Im just worried that my girl will drive it and the battery will explode. All I know for sure is that the gage wroks and it is at 17.5 at the battery when the lights turn off. HELP ME PLEASE! I dont know this car Ive only work on honda kia talons and I have a focus now.
this car must Live!!!!!

mrnickleye 11-11-2005 07:06 AM

OK...OK....Calm down......I'll tell you what I think. The voltage regulator is inside the alternator. There...I said it!!! Now go work with that info.

SupraMan1784 11-11-2005 03:21 PM

and the battery wont explode, it will probably just melt if anything

Lord Falcore 11-14-2005 08:34 AM

sec question
how do you check the alt votage regator. do I have to take it back to the store? not sure if this is all bull, but one guy told me that it might be the coil pack. dose that make any sence to you ? for the sparke wires.

Lord Falcore 11-25-2005 07:23 PM

Um im posting agen to see if i ccan get an answer on my last qustion

suprra_girl 11-28-2005 10:19 PM

get teh alternator rechecked at the store :)

mrnickleye 11-29-2005 03:17 AM

Like ^ she said. I seriously doubt the alternator you put in is "new", but actually a 'remanufactured' one. New would cost you your first born. One out of 20 reman. alternators are bad out of the box.

Lord Magneticus 11-29-2005 06:26 PM

yes and no

supramadness 12-21-2005 12:07 AM


Originally Posted by SupraMan1784
and the battery wont explode, it will probably just melt if anything

hey batteries will explode in my car i had a the radio up loud u know sub and all whille siting at home and after about 10min the battey exploed battery acid every where and the battery was completly shattered

Lord Falcore 09-06-2006 11:07 AM

I hate to say it but none on this helped me its been a year now still have problem

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