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NvrFstEnuff 01-23-2006 10:47 PM

Car Choice...
Well I'd like to introduce myself my name is Nick first off. Second I'm glad to be here. Here's my dillema...Right now I'm in the process of selling or trading in my 97 Svt Cobra and I will be in need of a new car soon. The 3 I'm looking at are:

04 Cobra
Acura Nsx
Supra TT Mark IV

The problem is, I can't decide what to get. Personally That would be the 3rd mustang I've owned and as much as they are in my blood and passion, I'm bored and want something rare and different. The Nsx is a very rare car in my area as is the Supra and for shock value alone I would love. What I'd like from you all is as much info on a year I should be looking to get specifically,prices, power, weakness, motor specs (internals) etc on the Supra and even some pro's cons of each car if you didn't mind. I'll even start..

04 Cobra - Factory underrated and usually dyno around 360 rwhp. S/c'd and 6spd. BUT Independant rear is terrible for the strip unless beefed up, and usually clunk out around 500 hp

Nsx - Rare around here, awesome look, and just as fast as my current car now. BUT not turbo'd, very pricey and hard to find something really decent.

Supra TT Mark IV - I know almost nothing about them other than they are rare here and are damn quick :). Twin turbo's are my selling point which I've always wanted a TT'd car. The car to me seems setup for the option of going to bigger turbo's from the factory but I could be wrong. The Targa Top option is definately something I'll be looking for though. BUT not sure on the forged internals part, if the 6 spd's are reliable/rear ends as well.

That's it for now everyone. Like I said I know nothing about these cars and want to learn as much as I can before I decide on what to buy. Thanks and I look forward to everything you have to say.

-Nick L

jimwww 01-23-2006 10:59 PM

Have owned 6 mustangs..
1. NSX forget it if you are over 6 foot. Slow car for the price. 14.5 - 14.7 is what they do in the quarter mile at Seattle International raceway. (I stood there and watched) My 94 stang did that stock.

2. I have owned 6 mustangs.. great straightline car - have to put a few thousand into the suspension to get them to handle.. low resale value - not put together well.

3. I am going to buy a Toyota supra this afternoon.. :-)


NvrFstEnuff 01-23-2006 11:23 PM

I'm actually 6'2 lol so yeah a bit of a problem then. Yeah my cobra is great but mustangs are too common and boring to me to own now...Just to work on because it's my job. But as far as a Supra goes the style of the Removable top/roof is just so appealing to me. Its a nice design I think. Anyone else?

I thought Nsx's ran 13's as well?

NvrFstEnuff 01-24-2006 01:26 AM

Anyone else want to chime in?

TxSpeedBoy 01-24-2006 02:25 AM

Supra, all the way. Alot more fun and way more possibilties with the supra. With the NSX parts are very expensive and rare. But with the Supra parts are common and not quite as expensive. Looks better too. As far the conversion from American Muscle to Import Power, that's your call. Good luck! My votes for the Supra.

j3pz 01-24-2006 05:26 AM

brother, you asked the wrong site that question. of course everyone will say supra here. dont get me wrong though, those are awesome cars, and anyone would be proud to have any of them.

for the mustang, too popular but big market
nsx, very rare but i dont like anything other than a frountmount motor
so my choise is of course the supra. one of the best motors out there. there is no arguament that the block is very well built. there is a growing market for these retired cars and because they are rare and growing rare, their resale price stays constant. if you got the option to get the tt 6sp model, you better get it before someone else does. you wont be unsatisfied. and if you dont like it, you can sell it to me :bouncy:

NvrFstEnuff 01-24-2006 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by j3pz
brother, you asked the wrong site that question. of course everyone will say supra here. dont get me wrong though, those are awesome cars, and anyone would be proud to have any of them.

for the mustang, too popular but big market
nsx, very rare but i dont like anything other than a frountmount motor
so my choise is of course the supra. one of the best motors out there. there is no arguament that the block is very well built. there is a growing market for these retired cars and because they are rare and growing rare, their resale price stays constant. if you got the option to get the tt 6sp model, you better get it before someone else does. you wont be unsatisfied. and if you dont like it, you can sell it to me :bouncy:

Yup that will be the choice 6pd TT Targa Top model :) I figured if it's what I wanted I could just sell it and get something else. But as far as switchig from american to import, never bothered me, Im not a typical mustang guy. I have respect for anything fast and the potential is endless.

scruffboy 01-24-2006 08:30 PM

Re: Car Choice
Didn't the Acura NSX only come with an automatic tranny? What a waste. Buy the Supra 6 speed, I'll bet its lots more fun!

James in NJ

lifesnotfair 01-24-2006 09:29 PM

To the last poster: Hell no! They came manual as well.

To whoever said NSX's ran 14.7 stock - Dude, you have no idea what you're saying. The stock time is around 14.0. It's a 280HP car, and it's not nearly as heavy as the Supras are (either MK3 or MK4)... yeah, you have to rev it up to get the power, but still, 14.5-14.7 can only mean one thing: VERY SHITTY DRIVERS were at Seattle bro ;)

I once ran a stock NSX with my 300ZX TT, I was at stock boost and drove poorly (missed a shift), and it got me. It ran 13.7 ... I think he had aftermarket air intake and exhaust, but that was it.

Anyways, NSX have their own reasons to be so desired. All that power from a tiny 3 litter engine, normally aspirated.. it's something to admire. Also, it's ability to take corners is just breathtaking... u guys seen the videos where the NSX keeps ahead of the 2 lamborghinis in the 5 lap run? Those japanese videos are the best. NSX would clearly screw those Lambos up in the curves, but then the V12 caught her up in the straight line and in the 5th and final lap beat it, aww :( ... NSX is not a slow car, specially if you have to turn. But if you wanna drag or street race, yeah, I reckon the V8's will eat it alive.

Supra MKIV TT is awesome stuff. I know stock it's in the 13.6's or so so, but it's not it's stock numbers that impress everyone, and it's not those numbers that have made it grow so popular... It's how easy and simple it is to gain another couple of hundred HPs... Very easy. The engine is very well built, with stock internals you can handle a heckload of HPs... 700 or so? More than I would ever want. And I repeat, this is with stock internals.. just buy big injectors, good intercooler/pipings, big turbo, wide exhaust and a boost controller :P .. if it's ur daily driver, just run it at stock 9psi or so, and you'll have a 13.0 (or so) 1/4 mile daily driver.. but with the push of a button (say, upping to 18psi), you'll be eating vipers :P .. And remember, this is with botn on parts, without opening the engine itself... cool, huh?

I talk too much, heh! ... Go with the MK4, you wont regret it.

NvrFstEnuff 01-24-2006 11:00 PM

To be honest I want a nice fast daily driver. I mean I plan on keeping it twin turbo'd just probably bigger turbo's/piping/intercooler etc. I dont know what it will take in these cars to have a 10 second car I'm guessing 550-600rwhp with a good driver?.

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