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tone loc 08-10-2006 04:12 AM

volt/ohm meter help
2 Attachment(s)
i need some help figuring out this volt ohm meter. Its a multi-tester from carquest. Im trying to use it on the isc valve. Can someone explain how to do that? and if someone can give me a run down of the basics that would be awesome. thanks

Supra2NR 08-10-2006 06:14 AM

first jus turn the dial to 12 volts

tone loc 08-11-2006 02:40 AM

which one is 12 volts?

tone loc 08-11-2006 11:57 PM

help anybody?

Supra2NR 08-12-2006 05:48 AM


where the hell did that thing come from? canada?
mine comes with easy volt/ohm readings
you gotta do the math with that one

or you can use the trial and error method
go to every single one of em
put one on a positive side of you car
then the other to a ground
whichever one reacts has to be the 12 volts

SupraSaver87 08-12-2006 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by Supra2NR

where the hell did that thing come from? canada?

Do you have something against Canadians? It's not that what comes from our country is stupid, or doesn't work, It's the fact that Americans can't understand it.

RANT: You buy our technology, then say nothing good ever comes out of Canada, We save your ass during war, and you say we can't fight. We sell you 30% of your hydro, and..... WE BURNED YOUR WHITE HOUSE DOWN.....I don't think you should be mocking us....want it to burn again?:)

I don't think that putting blame on Canadians just because YOU can't understand something is right, nor should it be done in a joke, or otherwise. Americans are proud of their country, so are we....And if nothing else, read up on the war of 1812.

Tone Loc: I believe that cars are DC (Direct Current), so you are looking at the DCV, it should be one of the five settings there.

P.S. I have NOTHING against Americans!

Supra2NR 08-13-2006 09:33 AM


Do you have something against Canadians?
hell no, you took it the wrong way
dont u guys use a diffrent measuring system?
jus as everybody else in the world except the united states
it could came from anywhere, any country using that system
but since canada is the closest
it is more likely to have came from there

i never said anytthing about canadians
i like canada,
drinking age 18
you can even have sex outside and its jus fine

SupraSaver87 08-14-2006 02:37 PM

Sex outside???
Ummm, usually out here if you had sex outside, you would be freezing...during summer, the cops would pick you up for indecent exposure....I have never known Canada to ALLOW random outside sex, or organized for that matter.....

Don't worry about my other post, just wanted to rant about the war of 1812, and the fact that we burned the white house down. It's probably the only time Canada will ever win against the USA.

Yeah, we do have a different system out here, sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad.

See....i like your guys is why!

Feet compared to CM

"Sir, during the colonoscipy, we will be inserting the probe 76 centimeters."
See that sounds bad, but what if you were in Canada?

"Sir, lie down, brace yourself, because this sucker is going 2 and a half feet up your ass"

Don't worry about anything I's usually just to rant, or something like that.

Supra2NR 08-14-2006 06:24 PM

is it jus me or
or the only country in the world that uses cms is the united states
and the rest of the world in ft?

does anybody know any country or republic or kingdom that uses the same system that america does

burton51m 08-14-2006 10:03 PM

Everyone on this planet uses the metric system except the US and two small countries- Liberia (in western africa) and Burma (in southeast Asia). 30 yrs ago our country said that we were gonna switch but never did and the only thing we got to switch so far is a litre of soda. i do believe we will switch in the future like britian/jamaica recently did.

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