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supraboy380 08-25-2006 07:49 PM

rev limiter
if anyone has any information about rev limiters please let me know, i was wondering how they work, the best brand, if theyll hurt my car, and if i will lose any power or anything by putting one on, any info wil help thanks


Supra2NR 08-26-2006 02:10 AM

i know sumbody who uses em

basically its used to limit your revs, hence rev limiter

he uses it during launch so this way, he will always have the right rpm when launching the car
he had this hookd up with a button
i dunt know if there's any other way to hook it up

i dunt really see any tendency to lose hps
but what if in a race instead of the rpm going steadily higher
as when you need it
youre can only have limited capabilities cuz of the rev limiter

CCB 08-26-2006 02:48 AM


Originally Posted by Supra2NR
i know sumbody who uses em

basically its used to limit your revs, hence rev limiter

he uses it during launch so this way, he will always have the right rpm when launching the car
he had this hookd up with a button
i dunt know if there's any other way to hook it up

i dunt really see any tendency to lose hps
but what if in a race instead of the rpm going steadily higher
as when you need it
youre can only have limited capabilities cuz of the rev limiter

Agreed 100% about being limited...but it is nice to have sometimes in a 6-Speed...but that is me...i dont have 1 though

Supra2NR 08-27-2006 05:19 PM

idk about having a 6 spd is gonne help you in a drag race

cuz i only go to 4th in a quarter mile
cuz im jus gonna slow down towards the end if i shift to 5th

most of the cars in here finishes the race in 3rd

supraboy380 08-28-2006 04:38 PM

aight thanks for the info ill have to think about it some more, but overall do you feel it would be worth it?

Originally Posted by Supra2NR
idk about having a 6 spd is gonne help you in a drag race

cuz i only go to 4th in a quarter mile
cuz im jus gonna slow down towards the end if i shift to 5th

most of the cars in here finishes the race in 3rd

Supra2NR 08-29-2006 02:10 AM

i think it will

jus depends on the right set-up, and applications

if you can find a way that you can use it jus to launch the car then ahve it diasbled for the rest of the race without it being a hassle or a hazard

or maybe you can even set it up, about 500 rpms after the shift point
so this way you can have a little lee-way when it comes to power
so you wont be completely limited
but at the same time, you wont overrev and end up like me
blown engine lol

dcrusupra 08-29-2006 04:28 AM

You don't really need to take the limiter off. The peak power is at about 5600 rpm. If you want more power up top, a good upgrade would be the valve train.

Supra2NR 08-29-2006 05:53 AM

thats what i meant
on a stock car

even if your shift point is at 5600
you dunt really launch your car at 5600

i launched mine at 5000 and it spins the wheels too much
means i lose more time off the line

but then again you can have the limiter at 5600
and its jus gonna depend on the drivers skill at the launch

practice makes perfect

supraboy380 08-29-2006 03:50 PM

ok i guess ill just have to practice then, lol, maybe ill just save up and buy one that way i can really spank any lil hondas that wanna race lol :)

Supra2NR 08-29-2006 07:36 PM

i hate hondas as much as the next person

but , careful with those beaters
those 4 bangers are no joke , when done right

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