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Nickss454 09-06-2006 08:04 AM

When i press the gas it just goes to 0 vac and stalls
OK heres the story i took out the fuel injectors see if they were dirty one day just to know..when i put them back in.... the engine isnt wanting to run right. it idles fine but when you hit the gas the vac goes to 0 psi and it hesitates b4 it revs up. It feels like air is being pushed out of the air intake not sucking in. Im not shure. This is a new one on me. its an 88 supra turbo 5 speed. If you have any idea what it could be please let me know.

I did take off the throttle sensor but ive played with that some and it still does the same thing so its not that.

Thanks for the help,

SupraSaver87 09-08-2006 02:18 PM

Unplug your battery cables, wait 10 mins, then put them back on and go for a drive (If possible), let it idle if not....don't flutter it if you don't have to.

What this will do is reset your ECU, and possible recalibrate, hopefully running better in the end. That is all I can suggest, hopefully someone else has something.

supra90turbo 09-12-2006 12:55 AM

So, you removed the injectors to look at them?
I assume you didn't replace the o-rings and grommets, then, correct?

Replace the grommets and o-rings now.

You took the TPS off and played with it? You may want to stop taking things apart to mess with them just for the sake of messing with them.

Check the TSRM. The TPS is a sensitive electronic device and it must be set up properly. I'm assuming you didn't do that. It doesn't have to be off calibration by a lot to be way off.

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