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johnkarl 01-08-2007 09:18 PM

how important or does it matter
I have a non turbo 3.0 1988 supra that runs great , but when i bought the car , the person who had the car before me said , that he did not think that the vacuum pipes were connected to the right places .I have since looked on our site and found a diagram of the pipes of a turbo model [i think] and some if not all of the pipes are going to the wrong place . Can anyone please tell me if this will cause the car any harm , or does it not matter , as it is trivial , any help on the matter would be appreciated , especially the vacuum diagram of a non turbo [UK model]

Supra2NR 01-08-2007 10:59 PM

I got a repair manual that came with the car (cuz I needed it already)lol

But idk if its jus for the usdm engine but I will try to look for the diagram and post it as soon as I can

mrnickleye 01-09-2007 02:18 AM

Now ask yourself this: will a car run "properly" if the doors are put on upside down??

And........If the transmission is mounted backwards, can I just reverse the shift pattern to drive "properly" ??

Same answer for the vacuum lines routing.

ddmcse 01-09-2007 11:00 AM

usually there is a hose diagram right under the hood on one of these little white stickers that no one ever looks at .

scruffboy 01-09-2007 02:00 PM

Re: Hoses
At the Cygnus X1 On-Line site, the TSRM "Emissions Control Systems" section and "EFI Systems" section have some diagrams that might help you out. And when you get it straightend out, take a lot of pictures. I did that and they proved invaluable.

Whatever happened to "Chilton" books? Have they gone out of business? I always thought they were the greatest.


johnkarl 01-09-2007 06:41 PM

doors on upside down

Originally Posted by mrnickleye
Now ask yourself this: will a car run "properly" if the doors are put on upside down??

And........If the transmission is mounted backwards, can I just reverse the shift pattern to drive "properly" ??

Same answer for the vacuum lines routing.

if i was stupid enough to buy a car with the doors on upside down ,the last thing i would be worried about was if it ran ok , although if you can fix the doors on upside down ,i would doubt if it would stop the engine from running ok ,as for putting the transmission on the wrong way, again if it can be done ,obviously you being so cleaver you, and only you, might be able to do this, i still doubt if this would stop the engine from running well ,thanks for your help on this one and look NOT FORWARD to hearing from you in the future, all i wanted to know was in what way would it affect the running of the engine ,not sarcasm from someone like you

dcrusupra 01-09-2007 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by johnkarl
if i was stupid enough to buy a car with the doors on upside down ,the last thing i would be worried about was if it ran ok , although if you can fix the doors on upside down ,i would doubt if it would stop the engine from running ok ,as for putting the transmission on the wrong way, again if it can be done ,obviously you being so cleaver you, and only you, might be able to do this, i still doubt if this would stop the engine from running well ,thanks for your help on this one and look NOT FORWARD to hearing from you in the future, all i wanted to know was in what way would it affect the running of the engine ,not sarcasm from someone like you

You are considerably older than I, so I will try to be as respectful as possible. If you had taken his comment light-hearted and not so belligerently, you would've seen thru his sarcasm and got your answer. What he tried to say was that the car will run with the vacuum hoses in the wrong places. But it will not run to potential. It will not run the way it should. Now if they are in the right place, then the car will run the way it should. I don't know how long you have owned the car, in case you havent noticed yet, you will need to make sure everything is running right otherwise it WILL come back to bite you in the arse.

And you might want to be more careful with whom you pick fights with in the future. He is also a moderator of this site. No one on this forum is looking to pick fights with anyone. Albeit, his response was not the best way to put it, but it did get the point across. Present yourself this way again and I'm sure that the forum members will be discouraged to help you.

Follow this and reroute your vacuum lines.

mrnickleye 01-10-2007 02:39 AM

Quote: (johnkarl) from original post......
Can anyone please tell me if this will cause the car any harm , or does it not matter , as it is trivial...

New answer: YES ! it can/may cause harm to the car !
Yes ! It does matter ! Things should function properly.
NO ! It is NOT trivial.

Everything under the hood serves a purpose. Toyota (or any manufacturer) would not waste $$$$ placing things under the hood (bonnet) that were un-necessary (trivial).

johnkarl 01-10-2007 05:43 AM


Originally Posted by mrnickleye
Quote: (johnkarl) from original post......
Can anyone please tell me if this will cause the car any harm , or does it not matter , as it is trivial...

New answer: YES ! it can/may cause harm to the car !
Yes ! It does matter ! Things should function properly.
NO ! It is NOT trivial.

Everything under the hood serves a purpose. Toyota (or any manufacturer) would not waste $$$$ placing things under the hood (bonnet) that were un-necessary (trivial).

Thank you, thats all that i needed to know ,i shall remove all the vaccum pipes tomorrow, as i am not using the car as yet ,that is if this rain ever stops. Thanks again

johnkarl 01-10-2007 06:02 AM

fight picking

Originally Posted by dcrusupra
You are considerably older than I, so I will try to be as respectful as possible. If you had taken his comment light-hearted and not so belligerently, you would've seen thru his sarcasm and got your answer. What he tried to say was that the car will run with the vacuum hoses in the wrong places. But it will not run to potential. It will not run the way it should. Now if they are in the right place, then the car will run the way it should. I don't know how long you have owned the car, in case you havent noticed yet, you will need to make sure everything is running right otherwise it WILL come back to bite you in the arse.

And you might want to be more careful with whom you pick fights with in the future. He is also a moderator of this site. No one on this forum is looking to pick fights with anyone. Albeit, his response was not the best way to put it, but it did get the point across. Present yourself this way again and I'm sure that the forum members will be discouraged to help you.

Follow this and reroute your vacuum lines.

fight picking is the last thing that i want to do, and i don't want to upset any one, and ,as i am as old as gods dog ,so is my supra, but it is still a very nice car really ,and i am from north east England ,so rather than upset anyone else i shall try to refrain from posting any more and try and sort out my problems with our FAQ, and hopefully these will be few and far between . SUPRAS FOREVER !!!,good luck

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