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Old 02-18-2007, 05:44 PM   #1
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Question Cheapest 10 second car?

I've always been more into drift and time attack, so I don't no much about drag.

I was wondering - if I were to try and make a 10 second car for the least possible amount of money, what would be the best car?

Put down your top 3 choices.

I know supra's are the king of street drag, but they are usually real pricey. Don't be to biased!
(and they gotta be Japanese, no domestic crap)

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Old 02-18-2007, 06:52 PM   #2
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What about the 1st gen talon tsi
That car is a real budget racer

Lots of parts available, light car to start with, and awd handling off the line
And the 4g63 engine has been known to go close to 1000 hps

That car would be on my list

Supras are good cuz of the 2jz engine,but a real expensive project
About 100k will get you in the 10's
You need about 800 rwhp for this to happen

And the all lovable civic
Not the cheapest either
But with patience, and the right mods
A 400 hp civic can do 10 second passes

I would say the fd rx7 , but the engine sucks, they're good when they are still stock
But when boosted , you dunt know when that thing is gonna blow

Into Bikes now,, apparently the supra couldnt kill me, so my zx6 might lol
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Old 02-18-2007, 09:36 PM   #3
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Get a FB RX-7, the mid 80's one take out the rotary and put in a Ford 302ci. Light car with a fairly large engine. You can pick up a cheap fb for < 1K (non-running) a 302 and the T-4 tranny for $350-500. Engine mounting kit is about $100. Then what ever else you do to the engine.

The only reason I know so much about this is because my friend is doing the exact same thing, but he picked his car up for $100+$40 to tow it.
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Old 02-18-2007, 11:18 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Supra2NR
...Supras are good cuz of the 2jz engine,but a real expensive project
About 100k will get you in the 10's
You need about 800 rwhp for this to happen...
If you don't mind me saying so, your statements are not at all true. You do NOT need 800rwhp to get an mk4 Supra into the 10s, and you do NOT need 100k to build an 800rwhp mk4 Supra. I don't know where you think you heard this BS, but it's not even close to reality. The Mk4 may not be the ideal drag race platform, and I'm not saying they're cheap to modify for drag racing, but your figures are absolutely rediculous. There are already ~500rwhp 'bpu'+nos mk4s in the 10s, so why do you think it takes another $70K and 300 more rwhp to do exactly the same thing? Rofl.

Pardon me hijacking your thread jimz...just trying to make sure the supra-related info posted on this thread is accurate. Supra2NR, if you want to debate me on this point, we should probably start a new/different thread...
Phil '94 Supra Turbo, 6spd, 'APU'+
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Last edited by pwpanas; 02-20-2007 at 01:44 PM.
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Old 02-19-2007, 08:31 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by pwpanas
If you don't mind me saying so, your statements are not at all true. You do NOT need 800rwhp to get an mk4 Supra into the 10s, and you do NOT need 100k to build an 800rwhp mk4 Supra. I don't know where you think you heard this BS, but it's not even close to reality. The Mk4 may not be the ideal drag race platform, and I'm not saying they're cheap to modify for drag racing, but your figures are absolutely rediculous. There are already ~500rwhp 'bpu'+nos mk4s in the 10s, so why do you think it takes another $70K and 300 more rwhp to do exactly the same thing? Rofl.

Pardon me hijacking your thread jimz...just trying to make sure the supra-related info posted on this thread is accurate. Supra2NR, if you want to debate me on this point, we should probably start a new/different thread...
Well the reply was kinda biased since the price was for a show ready,street driven 10 second car, no spray either too, jus a huge turbo, so that's with everything done right and proper

I mean, would you wanna see a supra get bastardize with a chevy trans or any of that crap,

Plus I got a question, do they let jap car with amrican carparts, race in the pro circuit? If they do what class?

Into Bikes now,, apparently the supra couldnt kill me, so my zx6 might lol
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Old 02-20-2007, 01:12 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Supra2NR
Well the reply was kinda biased since the price was for a show ready,street driven 10 second car, no spray either too, jus a huge turbo, so that's with everything done right and proper...
Ok, but even so there's still no way it would cost anywhere near that $100K you said for a 10 second mkiv supra tt, even if it is "show ready". Also, you don't need a "huge" 800rwhp turbo (or anywhere near it) to get into the 10s. Whether it's a small single turbo, or a bpu supra with nos, 10s are cake for an mkiv tt (with a half-decent driver, of course). From a budget perspective the only trouble with the mkiv tt is the hefty cost of getting the car in the first place. Fwiw, I'd say your reply was far more than "biased"...it was (imho) an extreme exaggeration, since (again) you were about $70K over budget and about 300rwhp too high. You'd have to gold-plate a 10 second mkiv supra tt and put in a $30k stereo system for it to end up costing $100k. j/k lol

Besides, why on earth did you assume "no spray"? jimz asked about drag, and ime spray and drag racing go together like bread & butter...

...also why did you assume that jimz wants info posted on this thread for a full "show ready" car??? Show me where he said that! Even that "budget racer" "1st gen talon tsi" you mentioned could co$t an @$$load if you go all out and prep it for full show...

Like I said Supra2NR, if you want to continue to discuss this, out of respect for jimz's thread, I'd suggest we either start a new thread or drop this right now. Personally, I'd prefer the latter option...

Originally Posted by Supra2NR
...do they let jap car with amrican carparts, race in the pro circuit? If they do what class?
Yep. NDRA, Pro Classes: Pro Street Tire is one example. You need to tell your local boys to get off their butts and compete, since they actually supply one of the kits to bolt a TH400 to the 2jz-gte!

Lastly, jimz, I don't want you to think I'm stating or implying that an mkiv supra is your ideal "10 second car for the least possible amount of money"...even though Supra2NR really exaggerated, you're still looking at at least $25-$30k USD to do 10s with an mkiv, and I'm sure there are many other less expensive options for you. Hopefully if Supra2NR wants to continue this debate about how badly he exaggerated his figures for the supra, he'll have the courtesy to start another thread so this one can get back to focusing on getting your initial question answered.
Phil '94 Supra Turbo, 6spd, 'APU'+
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Last edited by pwpanas; 02-20-2007 at 02:28 PM.
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Old 02-21-2007, 05:07 PM   #7
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Ok no arguement here,
I'm reading off a small screen off my phone so its real hard,

but what would be the best jap car will be the easiest and cheapest to get to the 10's

And I don't know anybody from sp racing
And I don't know why they aren't competing in the pro circuit

But most pple race jus for bragging right,pride and money here
A lot are not really interested in going pro
As long as their car can beat another
Its good enuff

Into Bikes now,, apparently the supra couldnt kill me, so my zx6 might lol

Last edited by Supra2NR; 02-21-2007 at 05:11 PM.
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Old 07-18-2010, 10:58 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Supra2NR View Post
What about the 1st gen talon tsi
That car is a real budget racer

Lots of parts available, light car to start with, and awd handling off the line
And the 4g63 engine has been known to go close to 1000 hps

That car would be on my list

Supras are good cuz of the 2jz engine,but a real expensive project
About 100k will get you in the 10's
You need about 800 rwhp for this to happen

And the all lovable civic
Not the cheapest either
But with patience, and the right mods
A 400 hp civic can do 10 second passes

I would say the fd rx7 , but the engine sucks, they're good when they are still stock
But when boosted , you dunt know when that thing is gonna blow
I was wondering the best model would be for a 10 second honda civic or does it not matter really?
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Old 07-19-2010, 12:21 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by Roon View Post
I was wondering the best model would be for a 10 second honda civic or does it not matter really?
Wouldn't the best model be a civic? In other words, isn't "civic" a model of the make "honda"? ...or do you mean model-year?
Phil '94 Supra Turbo, 6spd, 'APU'+
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Old 07-19-2010, 12:29 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by pwpanas View Post
Wouldn't the best model be a civic? In other words, isn't "civic" a model of the make "honda"? ...or do you mean model-year?
Yeah that to but i mean theres the lx ex dx like that
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