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Old 04-17-2007, 12:55 PM   #1
walbro fp
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Default talking with mechanic?

O.K., I'm out of denial. I have a BHG. The mechanic I use quoted me between 600 -800 dollars. That sounds a little on the low side. I want this done right. I would like the surfaces cleaned well and all that. I've had this guy do work for me before and he was nice, let me in the shop and all. l woul like him to tear it down to the gasket and let me inspect it. How do I approach him with stuff like that? I'd also like to maybe pick the gasket and studs myself. I know this will raise the price. Please don't tell me to do this job myself. I changed my valve cover gaskets and found that challenging. I understand how the things work, I'm just not real good with tools. Any input is welcome. Thanks.

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Old 04-17-2007, 02:09 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by Scruffboy
l woul like him to tear it down to the gasket and let me inspect it.
And then what? What are you going to inspect that a mechanic won't be able to? You going to break out a straight edge and check for warpage? What exactly are you going to be looking for?

How to go about it? Just ask him straight up. I doubt he is going to call you up and wait for you to be free and come down to look at your block. Most mechanics get paid flat rate which means they don't have time to wait around for the customer to come inspect their car in the middle of a repair. That makes them think you don't trust them and they might tell you to take it somewhere you do trust. Thats the whole reason you take it to a mechanic to have them deal with it. If you want to look at your block, then do it yourself. As far as the bolts and gasket that should not be a problem. But getting a mechanic to torque the head bolts more than 58ft/lbs, will.

And the parts alone will be about $600. This mechanic is forgetting this car is 20 years old and every single rubber vacuum line and coolant line will split when he takes it off which will require a new one from the dealer which are not cheap. What about the machine work? Did you ask this mechanic if he will magnaflux and plane the head? What about the timing belt and tensioner? Thats the only reason why I said to do it yourself because a mechanic will reuse every possible part he can just to get the job done, while if you do it you can replace things while you are already taking it apart. There is no sense in replacing a head gasket and reusing the timing belt and tensioner. You have to take these things off anyways why not replace them now instead of when it snaps leaving you stranded and with a hefty tow and repair bill? Just some food for thought.
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Old 04-17-2007, 03:12 PM   #3
walbro fp
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Default Thanks Ihatehacks

I spoke with this guy today, and he says he's done a lot of head gaskets. I would just like to see my engine broke down and get an idea of whats there, he said he had no problem with that. As for coolant lines and vacuum lines, I have changed a lot of those myself, at least what I could get to. This guy is in a wheelchair, but he has an exellent assitant, and he can also pull himself up and lean over to get at stuff. he uses a mat on the fender. I give him credit for that alone, not many people in a wheelchair are mechanics.
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Old 04-17-2007, 04:08 PM   #4
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Sounds like you have found a pretty good mechanic. In a wheelchair? Now that takes some determination.

The coolant and vacuum lines I am talking about are underneath the intake manifold, can't get to them unless the whole intake manifold is off. And also the 2, 90 degree coolant lines at the rear of the engine and under the water outlet housing which you can't replace unless the head is taken off. There are probably a dozen hoses that will be so dried and stiff that they will crack when trying to take them off. And at $20-$30 a pop they add up quick, about $250 just in little coolant and vacuum lines.

This mechanic probably knows this already but make sure he replaces the fuel injector insulators and O-rings. The insulators are the rubber seals that seal the injector to the head. It's little parts like this that add up quick. I'm not just pulling a number out of my ass when I say $600 in parts. I have the receipts to prove it.
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Old 04-18-2007, 03:03 AM   #5
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600-800 is right on the money, because Alldata calls for 9 hours to replace the head gasket on an 89 supra n/a, and my shop labor rate is 65/hr. That's not including the price for parts, so, that's about right. I've been a mechanic for about 10 years, off and on, and 5 years solid, ever since i got out of the navy.
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