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Old 01-09-2011, 11:19 PM   #1
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Default EL DRIFTO!!! Love it or Hate it...

i dont see how an mk3 is a drift car. just my opinion.

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Old 01-10-2011, 12:49 AM   #2

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Get a 240... The MKIII is a crap car for drifting.... even if you get good with it you could always be even better with something else.
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Old 01-10-2011, 07:15 PM   #3
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^^^^^ agreed. mk3's seem a bit heavy. depends on what you got already though.. what he wants is doable if he wants to dump the money in. hed just see a better outcome from a 240 and itd be easier to drive in a drift scenario.
87 toyota 4x4 single cab short box pickup, 7MGZE.
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Old 01-10-2011, 08:21 PM   #4
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that and lsd..

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Old 02-19-2012, 05:09 AM   #5
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you know i dont get why everyone talks about mk3 supras sucking for drifting ... i Daily drift mine and ive had no problems ... i mean sure a 240sx is easier to drift but why not be unique and drift something very few people can ... mk3 works for drifting just keep control and dont over gas it because of the heavy rear end will want to keep its momentum and swing out ...and im currently building a 7m-ge from the block up and alls im shooting for is 300-320 hp since you really dont need much more than 250hp to break traction easily ( i mean i can already break traction no matter if the pavement is dry or wet with my lightly modded 7m-ge)

also side note my 1993 integra ls was able to break traction whenever and keep spinning all the way through 2nd and that only had 130ish hp just goes to show you dont need 400 hp
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Old 02-19-2012, 07:59 PM   #6
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Is drifting the only thing you do with your Supras? Why can't you destroy American Brand cars doing your "sport" Other than on the track what are you going to do with tons of horsepower, like the new Corvette that does over 200. You can not drive 200 on any public road for long. Then what if you wreck at 200?

So the only reason you have for your cars is the adolescent thrill? This whole thing sounds childish and do not understand your thinking at all. What about a drive on a nice Sunday, driving for fun without being a hazard to the general public?
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Old 02-19-2012, 08:04 PM   #7
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Well thats why when u live out in the stuck like me ur not a hazerd to anyone because u rarely see any cars ...i dont think anyone goes to like aeattle and drift city streets

And sunday drives are.for my civic lol XD

You just dot understand my thinking :,(
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Old 02-20-2012, 01:54 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by newtosupra View Post
Well thats why when u live out in the stuck like me ur not a hazerd to anyone because u rarely see any cars ...i dont think anyone goes to like aeattle and drift city streets

And sunday drives are.for my civic lol XD

You just dot understand my thinking :,(
Can you write that in English? I do not have a clue to what your message means.
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Old 02-20-2012, 03:36 PM   #9
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Sorry I was out drifting when I typed that messge on my phone

And the sticks ( mispelled as stuck in last messge)= far out into the country

And your a bully -.-
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Old 02-20-2012, 05:59 PM   #10

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Lots of grammar nazis here... I'm probably the worst.

I don't think of it as bullying though, we get a lot of kids (and adults) through here who just "can't be bothered" to communicate clearly and it gets old. The way I see it is that if you're going to ask someone to take their time to answer your questions or help you fix something then you could show, at a minimum, enough courtesy to ensure that what you have to say is as easy to read and understand as possible. If someone can't be bothered to take 1/100 of a second to figure out whether they need to write "they're", "there" or "their" then my time is definitely far too precious to assist them with anything else; If they can't master capitalization and the basic use of periods and commas then my time may be better spent elsewhere as they're not ever going to manage the operation of something as complex as a multimeter or a torque wrench. In short, I shouldn't have to spend more of MY time deciphering or puzzling over someone's request for help because THEIR time is too valuable to bother with basic linguistic skills. Typing on the phone is no excuse... If you can't proofread, use the phone's spell check or manage to use the phone's backspace button to correct a typo then wait until you have a computer accessible. Now if you're just chatting, well, it may offend some but you still don't get to be upset when they ask for clarification (with or without attitude) or you find they've got their fingers in their ears.

However, we have a lot of people come through from all over the world so I try to work with the assumption that any given person may not be a native English speaker. Typically these members are easier to spot as they still make an attempt to use proper capitalization and punctuation.

I so eagerly await the Google English to English translator.

I'm not really directing this at any single person... It's something which always ticks me off; But actually, it's been a while since we've had someone who was so bad that I flat out ignored them. I'm just venting.

Now, as for drifting... I hope it's flat and with no trees and that you're either VERY good or you end up totaling your car VERY soon (without injury, of course). I live in Colorado (mountains) and I've known about a dozen people who've gone off small cliffs, hit other people head-on on 'low traffic roads', general ditch-diving and rolled cars. The most upsetting part is that I helped them work on half of those cars and tuned 3 of those. Needless to say I no longer volunteer my time to help out the teens and 20 somethings in my area... Sooner of later I'm going to end up looking down the barrel of a gun which I just serviced.

I can't claim to have always been free of fault... Even on a straight highway where your side is clear, a blowout at a 'buck fifty' can easily put you over a 3' median and on top of a car going the other way. But I've personally known more kids who've been in severe accidents ever since drifting became the rage. IMO, drifting takes some VERY valuable driving skills and applies them in some of the worst ways and in even worse locations. When I was as old as about half of the members on this site I only knew three people (all under 25) who had been in really bad accidents... One kid hit a light pole while testing his quarter mile times on an open road and two others were roll-overs, both in trucks (I was one of those, and no, I wasn't screwing around). All of this in a period under 10 years... The local kids have managed to do four times as much damage in about 3 years.

Now given that this thread has been THOROUGHLY derailed, I'm going to move the unrelated posts to a new thread in the Off Topic forum; You may continue the discussion there.
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