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Old 06-26-2012, 12:43 PM   #31
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Default American cars don't suck???

Ok, I don't understand how you can say that American cars anything but crap. They are made mostly in mexico, some are made in Canada, but not many. Hardly any of them are made in the United States. I don't know a good American car that isn't a Corvette or a Rousche Mustang. Even then those are gas hogs.

My biggest complaint about an american car, besides the poor fuel mileage and the poor reliability and the horrid craftsman ship, is the fact that they are boring, soulless, uncreative, and uninspired pieces of hardware that are not meant for people that care about what they drive. They are cars made by old men, for old people.

You Canadians are much too nice.
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Old 06-26-2012, 05:15 PM   #32
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My biggest complaint about an american car, besides the poor fuel mileage and the poor reliability and the horrid craftsman ship, is the fact that they are boring, soulless, uncreative, and uninspired pieces of hardware that are not meant for people that care about what they drive. They are cars made by old men, for old people
i dont belive that american cars are crap quality its just there idiea's. look at a zo6 vett they dont really break that often. besides the vett, and svt cobras, and the viper not much has come out of detroit or michigan that really does it for me. yes there general line up is boring at best but they are trying i just dont belive hard enough. the new mustang that is coming out finaly got rid of that POS live rear axel, this shows there trying to get better there just not doin a good job of it. They have the teck to make great cars they just dont apply it becuase of pride( there stuck in an old way of thinking) even harley davidson is moving to modern tecknolodgy junking that old push rod air cooled for a modern dohc liquid cooled, if an american company as dedicated as harley is moven on, the auto industry should too
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Old 06-26-2012, 07:45 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by pandrade View Post
i dont belive that american cars are crap quality its just there idiea's. look at a zo6 vett they dont really break that often. besides the vett, and svt cobras, and the viper not much has come out of detroit or michigan that really does it for me. yes there general line up is boring at best but they are trying i just dont belive hard enough. the new mustang that is coming out finaly got rid of that POS live rear axel, this shows there trying to get better there just not doin a good job of it. They have the teck to make great cars they just dont apply it becuase of pride( there stuck in an old way of thinking) even harley davidson is moving to modern tecknolodgy junking that old push rod air cooled for a modern dohc liquid cooled, if an american company as dedicated as harley is moven on, the auto industry should too
Not true my firechicken and camero were both crap cars. The pontiac went through a battery and alternator religiously every 2 years. By the time I sold it most of the electrical things were broken and not to be found. The parts on junkyard cars were broken as well. Government Moters and Chrysler make sodai gomi (large garbage that you have to pay to get rid) of cars. I may buy a ford but the other two never again! Problem with the Ford's is they are just now using technology my 86.5 Supra has they are behind the times. One GM mechanic told me "if it is not broken do not fix it".
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Old 06-26-2012, 11:10 PM   #34
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my only experience whith american cars is vetts and some mustangs, iv never had pontiac or a camero so i cant really coment on what i dont know, american cars arent to bad there just not any where near the level that europian and japanes cars are. i just think they need to catch up on the power,teck, and reliability deparment. i had a ford excurson ( the giant ass suv a 2010 and it only had 20kmiles. it would squeek in the rear over bumps and the ford teck told me " nuttins broken its just a ford"
1987 7m-gte R-154, SS braided clutch line, full 3in exshaust,aluminum radiator,full throttle gen 2 whith GM 3 inch mass air flow,13lbs flywheel, and more to come
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Old 06-27-2012, 12:58 AM   #35
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Not all American cars are bad. I can think of one that makes my jaw drop. The Tesla Roadster.
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Old 06-27-2012, 02:02 AM   #36
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there are lots of GREAT American cars and trucks. its just all personal preference.
LOL somewhere out there is a redneck who thinks that well crafted sleek, beautiful cars are for fags...
you just cant please everyone.
1984 supra - 1uzfe - w58 - 4.10 - 1 piece aluminum shaft.
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Old 06-27-2012, 10:39 PM   #37
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I can think of one that makes my jaw drop. The Tesla Roadster
really? my favoret american cars are the ford gt, panoz(there general line up), vetts and a svt cobra( has to be the svt not the crapy base) but thats all the i like out of detroit or michigan

you just cant please everyone
so very true
1987 7m-gte R-154, SS braided clutch line, full 3in exshaust,aluminum radiator,full throttle gen 2 whith GM 3 inch mass air flow,13lbs flywheel, and more to come
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Old 06-28-2012, 04:36 AM   #38
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if i had to pick a domestic i would go for chev. they make a hell of a v8 plus i like there old 70/80 silverados. there good looking trucks.
1984 supra - 1uzfe - w58 - 4.10 - 1 piece aluminum shaft.
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Old 07-03-2012, 02:10 PM   #39
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imo i like the vetts( grand sport or better not the base) and who doesent like the ford gt, the car that beat ferrari and could probably do it again
1987 7m-gte R-154, SS braided clutch line, full 3in exshaust,aluminum radiator,full throttle gen 2 whith GM 3 inch mass air flow,13lbs flywheel, and more to come
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Old 07-03-2012, 10:44 PM   #40
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I do not like the ford GT, it beaks a whole bunch. (all kinds of electrical problems) I am not convinced Detroit has the talent it used to. You really have to go to specialty markets to get a good American car anymore. Such as Tesla, Panoz and Cadillac.

However, has there ever been a good american peoples car?
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