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Old 05-02-2012, 04:31 AM   #1

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Default Too quick for your own good? When did you last get a ticket?

So here I am, driving with my wife who's having a friggin' anxiety attack because we're running late to the closing for our new house... Thanks to the eternal state of road construction that has over taken Colorado. So we finally get to the highway. I fall back in the acceleration lane for a woman in a minivan in the right lane who's doing a whopping 40MPH and on the phone. I signal and merge in behind her. Pause for a woman in a SUV from Ohio (instead of getting in front of her at a distance which could be considered cutting her off, although most people would have done it anyway... so I'm on the highway doing 40 now (posted minimum of 45MPH, BTW). I finally signal and get behind Ohio (Who is now ALSO ON THE PHONE). I signal again and move into the far right lane and step on it to get ahead of the dumbasses.... BAM! 'Chips' in the median pointing at me...

I'm like WTF?!?! I only just stepped on it. Well, I probably did get get past the 65MPH speed limit... Nope... WELL past the speed limit which they just happen to recently have changed to 55MPH. :stickpok eI'm not going to fess up to how fast I was going... I'll just say if I was a decade younger they could have probably just taken my license on the spot (Hey, I was excited, agitated, nervous, distracted, etc.). I can admit I blew it, but I'm still not sure if I believe his radar gun.... I'm sure I was only at part throttle and only a few psi of boost....

I think I really need to trade my car for something completely gutless... A DSM? FR-S/BRZ? WRX? Turbo Del Sol ?

Well, anyway, I haven't had a ticket in a long time so I can get away with saying... fuck it! lol. I'm done with all the dancing around with contractors and inspections and got a good amount of packing done and can begin renovating and moving!
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Old 05-06-2012, 04:26 AM   #2
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dealing with traffic when you need to be somewhere sucks, i know the feeling.
1984 supra - 1uzfe - w58 - 4.10 - 1 piece aluminum shaft.
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Old 05-06-2012, 04:09 PM   #3
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Was that in Denver? I went up to Longmont a few days ago to look at a MK3 that fell through, and the construction through the I25 corridor was just plain insane.

There was a time last year I got nailed twice within about a month due to speed traps around my work; both times I was passing people who got their licenses out of Cracker Jack boxes. I've since learned to slow down a little bit, take less-traveled routes to avoid the morons, and keep an eye out for cops.
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Old 05-08-2012, 03:11 AM   #4
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iv never been caught speeding in my supra but i was cought doing 79 in a 50 on my cbr1000, most days i would do about 85 to 90 since its a backwoods road and not a soul in sight but the day i actualy slowed down for weather. I dident look for cops ( like usual) and got caught. lucky for me i was 1mph under the speed zone of " i have to take your license and take you downtown" and since florida has a once a year five times in your life time ruel to get rid of one ticket compleatly a year i was able to avoid points( but not the heafty 450$ fine). so my take from this is slow down and keep the speeds up on the track where i cant get tickets, iv slid past the street raceing phase and now am more resonable( most of the time)
1987 7m-gte R-154, SS braided clutch line, full 3in exshaust,aluminum radiator,full throttle gen 2 whith GM 3 inch mass air flow,13lbs flywheel, and more to come
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Old 05-10-2012, 01:10 AM   #5

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I was in Lakewood. Just got on 6th at Wadsworth and at the next exit it (Sheridan) becomes/enters Denver. The speed limit had been 65 on 6th Ave up until 6th entered Denver, but not anymore I see. :P I got on at Sheridan and in less than one short exit (about one mile...total distance between the two = 2 miles) got nailed.

The amount of street construction is sickening. They're working so hard to soak up all the Fed's monetary offerings that they're screwing up traffic and even the roads they're "fixing". There were a few roads in my area which they decided to work on between snows this winter and now they're redoing them... Everyone saw it coming but they HAD to spend it all before January or something.
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Old 06-01-2012, 05:41 PM   #6

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Well, down from 10 to 3... Can't complain, I was in the wrong and going way over. It's bothersome to me as I try to be a VERY aware driver and the instant I slip up I really get nailed.
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Old 06-05-2012, 03:13 PM   #7
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agreed. i know speeding isent allowed( surprise there) but it seems its like u said, you try not to and the one day you slip up the local sherif is there waiting for you whith a nice ticket and a happy radar.

i know a ticket is your own fault but in my opinion theres SPEEDING and then theres just a little faster but to cops trying to meet ticket quotas its all the same

if there where more local race tracks and speedways i belive speeding would go down since theres some where to blow off steam instead of the road( after my auto x events some guys will pull up and try to race and ill think nothing of it)
1987 7m-gte R-154, SS braided clutch line, full 3in exshaust,aluminum radiator,full throttle gen 2 whith GM 3 inch mass air flow,13lbs flywheel, and more to come
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Old 06-08-2012, 02:48 AM   #8
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dsm's aren't completely gutless if you get a turbo'd model! maybe not as fast as your supra (don't know how modded it is) but with a couple bolt-ons and a tune you shouldn't have much problems getting over 350+hp depending on the turbo setup your running..........Ya I'm a pure dsm'er at heart I just had to defend my cars.
The fr-s isn't a bad car either, may not have a lot of little ponies but being very light and RWD makes it a surprising fun car (test drove one a couple days ago) along with a superb balance ratio and other little features.
point being you can still got fast with out 5000hp and usually have more fun because of it.
Speeding's a fact of life, everyone (for the most part) does it. what the police should be doing is focusing on drunk drivers, tailgaters and like said before people who are going fast fast! my .02 (lot more where that came from)
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Old 06-08-2012, 08:07 PM   #9
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the car debate, dident see the relevance but the point u made about how cops should be worried about other more important things i COMPLEATLY agree, why would you post so many of your already streched thin force on speeding duty all day long when they should be ready for major crimes, patroling naighborhoods( i know i spelt it wrong) and helping the community, not sitten on ass, which most of the day there playing tetris on the laptop waiting for the radar to go off. it pisses me off when i see officers waiting for tickets but when theres a agressive driver( not a quick guy the kind of jack ass that is weaving in and out of traffic) driving the officer wont do anything or like u said a tailgater gets away whith it.
1987 7m-gte R-154, SS braided clutch line, full 3in exshaust,aluminum radiator,full throttle gen 2 whith GM 3 inch mass air flow,13lbs flywheel, and more to come
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Old 06-13-2012, 05:53 PM   #10

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Originally Posted by mechrider89 View Post
dsm's aren't completely gutless if you get a turbo'd model! maybe not as fast as your supra (don't know how modded it is) but with a couple bolt-ons and a tune you shouldn't have much problems getting over 350+hp depending on the turbo setup your running..........
No, they're not really all gutless and you can wring some decent power from them... I just get sick of listening to my DSM owner friends and all the online complaining from other owners about how they're always hitching rides because their car broke yet again. 1Gs sucked right off the show room floor (I sold them) and the reliability seems go out the window the minute you start modding any of them. They admit it plenty even on the DSM fan sites. "If you want reliable forget DSM", "Had no problems until the engine just suddenly blew", "not a daily driver, rode my bike all summer", "well if you want it reliable. check it head to toe. and don't mod anything. don't up the boost. simple", "
DSM's arent bad cars untill you throw mods at them. Then you never know if you'll make it home or not.:lol: But I guess that is part of their charm. I know I wouldn't trade mine for anything.", "IMO they're fun, and not reliable.", "mine had crankwalk around 80k somthin miles... but im gettin that fixed", "original owner and I suffered crankwalk at around 65K. The car was bone stock and my driving isn't super aggressive.", "My timing belt went at 95K. Cost me a fortune.". It doesn't take a ton of digging to find a LOT of DSM owners hating on their favorite car. The only ones I really ever see are bone stock, low mileage, female driven. Consumer Reports reports that owner satisfaction (1G and 2G) is typically "lower than average" and reliability "average", naturally that's for stock vehicles. So yeah, you can get power out of them... you can even do it for less money than some platforms, but reliability.... well, you don't get that bad of a rep (even from actual owners) if you're totally awesome (no, it's definitely not because the rest of the world is jealous). I'm no fanboy of any particular car... generally all cars have their short comings and their highlights.

IMO, the FR-S/BRZ is just a bridge between two of the worst fanboy clubs out there: tC and WRX..... Only weaker and with less potential than the WRX and there's really nothing Toyota about it (except that the Toyota naturally gets worse reviews). Just like the tC and WRX they're all going to end up in the hands of punk kids who all shop from the same catalog, buy the exact same mods and cop the same bullshit attitude. I doubt they really handle that much better than a number of older performance cars which have a good deal more power and/or responsiveness but I admit I have yet to drive one. The lower center of gravity is nice but it's not too hard to compensate for in many other vehicles.

I sold my last Supra a while ago and can't say I plan on owning another. I like the MKIV but it's a but heftier than I really like out of my cars and I'm not big on the MKIII for that reason and its lack of reliability. Presently I own a very lightly moded MR-2 Turbo and am presently looking at buying a really well built one. Light, agile and powerful. You can get all three.

At any rate I was just trying to be more cheeky than to actually slam any particular car. But, with the DSM and thus less time actually on the road I'm less likely to get into trouble and the FR-S definitely isn't going to get me pulled over for hitting over 100MPH on an on ramp.... so all in all, either one is less likely to net me another 10pt ticket.
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