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supra_91 10-28-2005 06:29 PM

just curious what everybody does for a living. i know some of you have to have some unique jobs. as for myself......i work at a golf course(pretty amazing huh)

SupraMan1784 10-28-2005 07:01 PM

student...but right now this semester im workin for an engineering company as a paid intern

ddmcse 10-28-2005 08:03 PM

network administrator(computers)

all day click click click

midwestmk2 10-29-2005 04:03 AM

Im a cook and part time mechanic..

supra_91 10-31-2005 02:16 PM

i'm also a student

lilman87 10-31-2005 08:57 PM

im a senior in high school. and i work nights and weekends at a mopar specialty machine shop. i also do some partime electrical work for industrial, commercial and residential buildings.

monkihead 11-04-2005 07:05 PM

i rent cars and sell performance parts.

mrnickleye 11-05-2005 04:04 AM

I am the service manager at a well respected smog test & repair shop. 20 yrs ase master auto tech. CARS !!!! Cars..... sometimes i wish i would have studied medicine, computers, vetrinary, or law.

the_fallen 11-05-2005 10:48 PM

too crook to work for 5 years. hoping on the mend now in next year or two. damn permenant illnesses :(

supraxe 11-15-2005 05:41 PM

1.shipbuilding - 2.removing mechanic field milling - 3.Industrymaster Metall
last 10 years ironman in convertershop with maintenance.
welder turner fitter specialfield welding caststeel coldwelding
high grade steel pipewelding and aluminiumwelding.
This job are never boring.

joel w 11-15-2005 06:54 PM

5 yrs as mechanic, 5 yrs as tow truck driver, 5 yrs as HVAC fabricator/installer

now im a certified home inspector/ licensed commerial structural pest spray applicator..

i get bored easily. but i like what i do now

KingDiamond 11-20-2005 12:49 PM

I deliver newspapers, not to unique, but the hours are great and the pay is great also, couple hours in the morning , then i devote the rest of the day to sleeping and my fire department, more so fire department not to much sleep since i became president. plus the reason i haven't really been on at all, plus my supras are getting neglected, hope nobody calls the authorities on me for supra abuse :>

revolution 11-22-2005 12:57 PM

i work the parts counter at a chev dealer, also managed a retail service shop before that.

RedSupra87 12-04-2005 05:10 AM

Im a entry level mechanic for an import other than Toyota although Im gonna try to get into a Toyota dealership sooner or later.

sportriderseattle 12-04-2005 06:28 AM

erg...currently a liablity claims adjuster, ex state trooper, ex coast guard. Needing a change once again. :) Wish me luck!

sakara 12-04-2005 06:46 AM

computer forensics major... graduate in October, woohoo!!! workin' on getting an internship here very soon and makin lotsa money while I'm still in school... then get a job in my field and make a hell of alot of money :D

j3pz 12-04-2005 09:34 PM

senoir at high school, part time electrician, part time couch potato

Blacktiger 12-05-2005 07:30 AM

I'm a pizza guy, about to buy the buisness i've worked at for 6 years. I'm currently the manager. Don't worry, i'm not using my Supra for's for fun. I use my 91 Camry for that.... It's a great car though, almost 200,000 miles, 75,000 in 3 years..... very few problems. That's how i got hooked on Toyota's. I just got my Supra. I traded it for a 1985 Chevy caprice. I was a Chevy guy before. Now i have something to do in my spare time.....very little it's going to be awhile before my Supra's runnin hot and sexy....

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