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dcrusupra 06-23-2006 12:40 AM

Ricer Thread
I posted one of these on another forum. This is for the ricers you see around locally. Not ones you found on the internet.

Heres the ones I posted on the other forum

I have a bunch more, I just have to find them on my computer.

j3pz 06-23-2006 01:34 AM

ha on my other forum we started a thread like this, instead of pics we got jokes jeff foxworthy style: you might be a ricer if...

Supra2NR 06-24-2006 05:06 PM

dont mean to sound like a scumbag here, but really have an urge to jack those aluminum spoilers from a shitty car, i mean i've be doing them a favor, since it dosent work for their car , and its jus more wieght for them, i'll take it off and dispose of it, free of charge, plus my car would benefit more with those spoilers

and start with the jokes too

you know your a ricer if :
you still ask your mom to buy you parts cuz you dont have the money for it

theWeezL 07-01-2006 07:14 PM

If you need to buy a better alternator JUST to power your might be a ricer!

If you measure the height of your wing in feet instead of might be a ricer!

If the outside of your car has more vinyl on it than the inside....You might be a ricer!

If your windshield washers are used for any purpose OTHER than washing your might be a Ricer!

If your subwoofers have a larger diameter than your might be a ricer!

If you've ever uttered the phrase " LED's flash in sequence!" might be a Ricer!

(and finally in honor of one of my favorite members to tease)
If you've ever made a body part for your car out of might be a Ricer!

tone loc 07-01-2006 07:47 PM

i heard the new piaa fog lights add 20 hp and blue neon lights can add 30

Supra2NR 07-02-2006 10:46 PM

u suck weezl that was a low blow, i told you i was gonna use those a mold for the fibergalss one

theWeezL 07-02-2006 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by Supra2NR
u suck weezl that was a low blow, i told you i was gonna use those a mold for the fibergalss one


I half expected you to make the comeback: If you've ever made a car part with stuff you bought at Home might be a ricer!

Supra2NR 07-03-2006 09:24 PM

i was gonna, but i decided not to go low, lol
i was gonna say

you might be a ricer: if u ever used vinyl siding as a front lip for your car

but, who cares, anybody that look on our avatar, they cant say that its crappy,
no matter how crappy our materials were, it came out looking good ddnt it?

IHateHacks 07-05-2006 06:14 PM

You know what the sad part is? Every single person that owns a car like the ones pictured above thinks their car is the shit.

Keep those pictures coming!! :)

KNYFE 07-07-2006 04:48 PM

Unpainted body kits just piss me off... I don't know why... They just do. I scowl and shake my head whenever I see them.

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