Forum: MKIII Supra
10-19-2010, 07:22 AM
Replies: 13
Views: 3,735
Forum: MKIII Supra
10-18-2010, 07:33 AM
Replies: 20
Views: 16,432
Forum: MKIII Supra
10-18-2010, 07:30 AM
Replies: 20
Views: 16,432
That looks good i have not had my 87 that long...
That looks good i have not had my 87 that long but im deffinately lowering it,.. it needs a repaint but seein the whole interior is blue its hard to find a color to match i like white but i like...
Forum: MKIII Supra
10-18-2010, 07:26 AM
Replies: 2
Views: 1,719
Sounds to me like you gots a mess on your...
Sounds to me like you gots a mess on your hands......i would probably work on putting it back they it is supposed to be first you know actually using the key....then once thats all fixed you can go...
Forum: MKIII Supra
10-18-2010, 07:13 AM
Replies: 13
Views: 3,735
What makes u think its over boosting? are u...
What makes u think its over boosting? are u blowing head gaskets????
and like the previous guy said start away from the master cylinder and periodically check the fluid make sure your not empty...
Forum: Exterior , Interior, and Detailing
10-18-2010, 07:06 AM
Replies: 2
Views: 5,637
Forum: MKIII Supra
10-18-2010, 07:03 AM
Replies: 20
Views: 16,432
Thats a cool way to come up with ideas for...
Thats a cool way to come up with ideas for interior.....but i have yet to understand why they put blue interiors in cars im not a fan of blue and there is not much it matches other than white or...
Forum: MKIII Supra
10-18-2010, 06:55 AM
Replies: 13
Views: 7,513
Got a tail light question!!>>
Was wondering if it is possible to put lets say 88-90 jdm tails in an 87? or at least the smoother tail light not found of the factory ones by any means lol
Forum: MKIII Supra
10-16-2010, 11:55 PM
Replies: 5
Views: 2,429
Bad main relay....? But easy way to check fuel...
Bad main relay....? But easy way to check fuel pump operation pop off the mass air flow top and hold vane open with key on or there is a jumper plug near by that also will turn pump on. Highly doubt...
Forum: MKIII Supra
10-16-2010, 11:47 PM
Replies: 1
Views: 3,244
Forum: MKIII Supra
09-28-2010, 06:22 PM
Replies: 7
Views: 2,070
Forum: MKIII Supra
09-28-2010, 06:03 PM
Replies: 7
Views: 2,070
Im sorry officer, my speedo dont work!
Need a little help the 87 running and driving, but i have no speedo. Tach oil temp and gas all work fine. anybody have this problem b4? Wanting to know if there is something im over looking...
Forum: MKIII Supra
09-21-2010, 03:08 PM
Replies: 8
Views: 4,922
Well thanks for your help, some how i over...
Well thanks for your help, some how i over looked the 7.5 ig fuse in the inside fuse panel lol of coarse how it was blow was hard to see now im back to square one......i need a w58 tranny!
Forum: MKIII Supra
09-20-2010, 05:46 PM
Replies: 8
Views: 4,922
Forum: MKIII Supra
09-20-2010, 03:11 PM
Replies: 8
Views: 4,922
Forum: MKIII Supra
09-20-2010, 01:06 AM
Replies: 8
Views: 4,922
well it has no blown fuses whatsoever and the...
well it has no blown fuses whatsoever and the main relay under the hood is not clickin on or off jumped it it would start but rev up to 2000 then back down 1100 then back up.....without it...
Forum: MKIII Supra
09-19-2010, 05:00 PM
Replies: 8
Views: 4,922
Got no spark!!!
1987 supra was looking for amp draw....pulled fuses out and nothing changed replaced interior fuses and wahla! no spark but got fuel need help i think its computer but not sure
Forum: MKIII Supra
09-17-2010, 11:11 PM
Replies: 8
Views: 8,114
87 no spark !!!
ok i hoping it is something as easy as a new ecm.....anyhow 87 na got fuel no spark main relay under from what i can tell has no ground???? if u jump the terminals it will start but runs up to 2000...