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MyCamaroSS 07-30-2008 03:58 PM

What's Up Guys!
Ok well since i first got into cars ive ALWAYS admired the supra! I love the way they look and the way they mod. Just wanted to say hey and looking forward to learn a lot about these cars.. specifically the MKIV. Being that at the time i couldnt really afford one i went ahead and bought a 2001 Camaro SS and love it, love the way the LS1 performs to any add on :)...just like the supra! Im 19 so i still cant afford one but right out of college i will have my dream car :dance:
Here's some pics of my SS...sorry for the whoring haha

supra_91 07-30-2008 07:14 PM


sell that thing and get an

looks good

MK3PIMP 07-31-2008 08:28 PM

Yea Sell It And Get A Real Car

supra_91 07-31-2008 09:23 PM


kwnate 08-06-2008 03:47 AM

Bad ass car, don't listen to those haters ;) Don't get me wrong, a turbo supra is a rush but its hard to replace a v8's tq :)

supra_91 08-07-2008 09:10 PM

^^^^^he has the privelage of having both....and a couple other supras, and a car lift, and a nice garage,

TopLine 10-04-2008 10:15 PM

yo that fist pic you got some crazy lighting going on. Is that just the way camera took it or did u photo shop or some shit...Thats a bad ass car. I got a 1998 trans am with ws6 hood scoop and a 1993 TT 6spd mkIV. Both cars are great...but you should sell the SS and buy my MkIV haha

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