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Old 06-25-2006, 07:15 PM   #1
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Default The Best Supra on the Planet!

lol...well, I like it...and now that I got your attention:

I bought my Supra a couple months ago. I have been a loyal Toyota owner now for over 20 years. In high school I had a good job and my parents co-signed for me to get a 76 Celica GT Coupe. I have since owned a 74 Celica ST, a 77 Celica GT, an 85 Supra and most recently a 73 Celica GT/hybrid that I had for 14years. I finally decided to part with my beloved 73 after 2 gruelling trips from Oregon to NM and back. I decided I wanted something more modern, with bigger brakes, A/C, cruise control, and all the other stuff that comes with a luxury sports car. I was able to sell the Classic Celi' for more than I imagined getting $2300 for her.

I had a budget of $4500 for car, insurance for the year, repairs, upgrades and mods. I started looking at Supra's, but I also was thinking about 3000GT's and Grand Prix GTP's. I quickly realized that the mitsu' and the Pontiac were going to eat almost the whole budget in the purchase price and I wouldnt have any money for the fun part...upgrading ! So I made the Supra my car of choice.

I specifically wanted white, and had no real preference for interior colors. Even though I wasnt particularly fond of the Blue interior this one came up at a very reasonable price. It was an 86.5 Targa N/A selling for $2400. I made arrangements to meet the guy as he lived over 100 miles away, but worked only about 50 miles south of me. When I met the guy the car was dirty, and had a few things wrong I noticed right off the bat. It had a cracked windshield and in the past had been hit in the front (minor) and the nose had been repainted. It needed tires as well. But I liked the car and it drove nice. I knew it ran good because the guy was commuting 100 miles round trip every day to work in it. I offered him $2000 for it and we had a deal.

I didnt own a digital camera at the time so I didnt take a starting picture just then. A couple of days later after putting new tires on it and after lowering it 2 inches I snapped off this pic with my new digital camera.

This is the list of what I have done to her since I bought her:
  • Complete detail inside and out
  • underhood cleaning and waxing
  • changed ALL fluids
  • Lowered the car 2 inches
  • Put on new 225-50/R16's
  • aftermarket Intake and cold air induction system
  • Modded AFM
  • New NGK Irridium plugs and 8mm NGK wires
  • upgraded the sound system to a Sony CDX-GT200 with 4 Kicker 2 ways, an Eclipse 200W amp and 2 Fosgate 1408's in a ported box.
  • Diamond cut lenses with H4 superwhite bulbs and blue city bulbs
  • Modded TEMS system with drivers compartment diag mode switch
  • modded hatch to accept stock 88 spoiler
  • Modded tail lights to JDM look blackouts with round lights
  • removed stock front lip and built my own 6inch color matched lip
  • fabricated mesh front grills top and bottom
  • changed gauges to white face reverse EL-glow with custom logos
Thats all I can think of right now. Coming very soon, I will be replacing the door panel fabric with "Ultra Suede" in matching Indigo Blue. Im going to have my shifter shortened and recurved. Im having a custom Targa Brace made right now to control the "Targa shimmy" and I will soon be ordering some cross drilled and slotted rotors and semi-metallics. Down the road I plan to paint my mouldings to match the car color, Im going to have the upholstery and carpets redone, and eventually (probably next year) Im going to do a 1JZ/R154 swap.

Well thats my story...and now if your still reading this here come the pics!

Well, I hope you enjoyed my story so far...I plan to update this as I go along.

Thanks for reading! - weez

Eagles may soar, but weezl's never get sucked into jet engines!

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Old 06-29-2006, 04:11 AM   #2
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Thumbs up

what a deal you got for $2000. keep us updated especially with the swap.

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Old 06-29-2006, 04:15 PM   #3
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How many miles on that supra? What did you use for that front lip? Umm nice broken bvsv on your thermostat housing. I see you said changed all fluids what about all the filters namely the fuel filter. Nice ride, too bad its non turbo.

Last edited by IHateHacks; 06-29-2006 at 04:18 PM.
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Old 06-29-2006, 05:00 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by IHateHacks
How many miles on that supra? What did you use for that front lip? Umm nice broken bvsv on your thermostat housing. I see you said changed all fluids what about all the filters namely the fuel filter. Nice ride, too bad its non turbo.
Milage is 177K, the front lip is made from vinyl baseboard moulding over a metal skeleton. I never did do an official writeup but I posted some info on a Jacked cold air induction thread...lol. The BVSV was broken when I got it and someday I will get that changed out, but its bypassed now and I dont see any huge reason to rush out and fix it just yet. I did not change the fuel filter...yet...but its on the list of "to-do's".

As far as it not being a Turbo, I specifically didnt want to buy a turbo. Gas prices were already approaching $3/gal and at 42yo I have outgrown the need for that kind of power/speed. I have enough HP for me as it sits. Im more about comfort and style than performance. My priorities are that I want things to run right, be reliable, have low maintenance costs, and be easy to work on, and at the same time have decent performance, look nice, handle well and fit my personality. Im not saying a Turbo cant do that, Im saying I didnt need a turbo to get all that.

Right now I have less than $3000 total into the car, including the $350 for tires, and $220 for 6months insurance. It runs like a dream, and still nets me 22MPG on mixed driving. Im actually looking to change the rear end gears to the Turbo gears for better milage and sacrifice the stoplight to stoplight performance.

Eagles may soar, but weezl's never get sucked into jet engines!

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Old 06-29-2006, 05:05 PM   #5
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here is the link to the info on the lip:


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Old 06-30-2006, 04:04 AM   #6
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alright my turn again...

could you please tell me where you purchased your rims? if you purchased them from the internet...
as far as lowering the car did you buy aftermarket shocks or how did you lower your car?
-lastly -
were those gauges worth $115?? i know ebay sells em cheap

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Old 06-30-2006, 11:17 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by burton51m
alright my turn again...

could you please tell me where you purchased your rims? if you purchased them from the internet...
as far as lowering the car did you buy aftermarket shocks or how did you lower your car?
-lastly -
were those gauges worth $115?? i know ebay sells em cheap
The rims are Eagle's, and they were on the car when I bought it.
I lowered my car the old fasioned cheap way, I cut the springs. 1.5 coils for a total of 2inch drop. The shocks are stock KYB's.
The gauges cost me 97.50 shipped, and I could not buy the ones from Ebay because I could never find my setup there. Had to be 140mph, non-automatic, non-turbo...the only ones I could ever find for my car were black face and I wanted white to match my car.

Eagles may soar, but weezl's never get sucked into jet engines!

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Old 07-02-2006, 06:34 PM   #8
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Re-upholstered some of the interior pieces this weekend. I bought a yard of Automotive grade indigo blue "ultra-suede" then using the existing pieces as templates, I made new door panels, rear panels, shift boot, e-brake cover and console lid cover. They turned out real nice and I am planning on using this same fabric for the seats. I want this fabric on the seat inserts and headrests surrounded by navy blue leather sides, backs and headrest supports. I will use the same dark navy blue leather for the e-brake handle and the steering wheel wrap.

I still havent decided what to do for the vinyl part of the door panels and the dash.

here are a few pics of the job:


Eagles may soar, but weezl's never get sucked into jet engines!

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Old 07-02-2006, 06:36 PM   #9
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I guess that home-ec class I took in High school paid off...ROFL!

Eagles may soar, but weezl's never get sucked into jet engines!

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Old 07-04-2006, 06:41 AM   #10
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Lol, You did the same thing i did. My fan sexually assaulted my fan shorud and destroyed it, which also ripped the vsv thing off for the gas tank vaccum. So i just hooked it right up to the vaccum port. Very nice car too. I wish mine was that nice. lol. < poor
Yay the supra assistant is gone!!! WEEE!!
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