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Old 12-19-2006, 02:05 PM   #41
500whp yet?
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What is done to your car? It must be fast to have beat an rx8. And i severly doubt he has a stock motor or is running 18 psi. Id say race him him. Honda guys do love to over exhaggerate.
Yay the supra assistant is gone!!! WEEE!!
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Old 12-20-2006, 05:25 AM   #42
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Yea 18 psi is the upper limit with pump gas on an actual turbo motor for a 7MGTE. No way a NA motor will live at 18 psi for long on pump gas.

His 18 psi has to be on race gas or some other means of eliminating/limiting detonation, or he is lying about a stock motor. If he actually has 18 psi, he will beat you but a bad day racing is better than....
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Old 12-20-2006, 05:53 AM   #43
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i didn't hear it directly from him, but thats what has been going around school, umm ya it was my dads car before mine, so he did most of the modifications to it, but all i know is what i typed earlier, but it pisses me off cause i can't get it revved above 6000 rpm without it hitting cut off, do you know what is causing that, can you help me out? im getting a new fuel pump cause thats what my dad says is wrong with it is that its not getting enough fuel to the engine, but idk
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Old 12-20-2006, 02:30 PM   #44
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No you are probably hitting fuel cut. Toyota has a preset value (that can be fooled with an HKS "FCD" Fuel Cut Defencer) and thats what you are hitting(probably) it usually takes over 16 psi or more to activate this. It is a saftey Totota built into the fuel injection. I have a big t4 and it took 16+ psi to hit mine with a Lexus airflow meter and stock injectors. You should first buy a Wide Band O2 sensor. You will always own it and you cant possibly make an intelligent decision about tuning without it. What Im saying is everything you change to try to get a better tune WILL be a guess without a WB. It seems like a lot of money for someting that dosent make your car faster but you can not make safe tuning decisions without it.

Your dad is wrong about the fuel pump causing your problem. You need an FCD but you shouldnt get one until you have a WB installed first. Read this when you thuroghly understand it then read this last paragraph it will make more sence.

I never installed 550's and the lexus AFM worked great with no fuel cut up to 16~17 psi. My Air fuel ratios (AFR's) were perfect and I was safe to go above 17 after a walbro fuel pump, and water/methanol injection. What im saying is you will be safe to go up above 10 psi with an FCD but only if you have a WB and KNOW what your AFR"s are. You will probably only be safe to 16 psi but dont do it until you KNOW your AFR's.

The FCD isnt the devil Reg makes it out to be as long as you know your AFR's. That article is kind of dated, if you notice he dosent mention "If you have a WB you can make edcuated decisions!!!" Go ahead and start a thread to ask more questions about this and we will not hyjack this guys thread.
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Old 12-21-2006, 06:58 AM   #45
500whp yet?
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That and its pretty pointless to go that high anyway. Remember this is a straight 6 with a very long and heavy crank, not a 4 cylinder. Your making all of your power at or before 6000 anyway. And yes i doubt the fuel pump is bad, either your hitting fuel cut off or something of the like. The car would die before 6k if the fuel pump was bad.
Yay the supra assistant is gone!!! WEEE!!
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Old 01-04-2007, 03:47 AM   #46
12psi boost
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pwned a police car that pulled a uturn to pullme over. i downshifted into second and flew down the street to my school entrance, headed straight to the ack lot going about 50 and made it into school on time. my friends liek dude u just ran from the fuckin cops. lol it was good stuff

nothing but the best
-mods- so far
K&N intake fipk
3" megan downpipe
3"turbo elbow
4 washers on the wastegate
highflow cat
short shifter
89+ front bumper, pic soon to come
many more upgrades soon
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Old 01-17-2007, 06:04 PM   #47
500whp yet?
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A few night ago i pulled up behind a bmw 325i, with a riced out civic next to him. He and the civic guy were talking or something...blah blah. They took off at the green, so did I. The 325 beat the civic, I moved into the right lane, passed the 3 series by 50 mph. The guy looked so mad. He took whatever gear he was in to the rev limiter, So i guess he was rather determined to not be beat. But I still beat him. And then he flew by me ricer style after i put on the brakes anyway. lol. So needless to say, my little mr2 is a bit faster than a 3 series beemer.
Yay the supra assistant is gone!!! WEEE!!
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Old 01-17-2007, 09:16 PM   #48
1000whp postwhore
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Default pontiac g6 kill

Ok a few nights ago
I was on my way home driving west on north avenue
Speed limit is 30 and I'm doing 35
Next thing I know I saw a car coming up
At least doing 60
So I do what I do best
Look for next slow car and drive beside them
So I boxed this guy this car
I let the other car pass me a little bit
And the guy switchd lane, so I speed up a little bit,and edge the slower a bit
So he switchd lane again
And I did this for at least 3 times and he jus kept doing it
Then he started honking his horn and flashing his lights on me and the other car
North avenue turns into a 3 laner road
So on the next stoplight
I saw sum punk driving a white g6
I was jus gonna let it go but, after the light went green I accelerated normally
But he floored his car and swerved onto my lane to block me
So I switch, so did he
And he jus kept blocking me
I'm trying to get away bcuz this guy is getting dangerous. The road was still a little damp from earlier snowfall
But he was cutting pple off, swerving lane to lane jus so he block me
So I got to a stoplight, I really wasn't gonna race him
But said told me to get my old piece of shit junk car off the road
And this jus pissed me off
I waited for a stoplight where there no car
Ahead of us
I even gave him the jump,
By the time I shifted from 1st to 2nd
I was leading by a car already,
2nd to 3rd,
I had 3-4 cars on him
And I jus slowed down on 3rd, I was waiting for him to pull up but he jus kept behind me, when I tought he wasn't gonna pass me, all of a sudden
Guess what? A g6 ricer flyby
It was a red in the next light,and I was waiting for him to say sumthing
All he did was look at his radio/steering wheel and his driver side mirror ddnt even give me a glance
Then he jus blasted away with his g6's penis shoved into its tailpipe
(Methapor for a dog's tail between legs)

Sorry for the long read, but I wanted to describe everything

87 supra 7mgte
Bad clutch
And broken bov
Dialed at 8-10 psi

Into Bikes now,, apparently the supra couldnt kill me, so my zx6 might lol
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Old 01-25-2007, 03:19 AM   #49
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Supra vs Mustang GT - Won

Supra vs 300zx - Lost by a inch..had him off line...by 2 cars, had me top...pff

Supra vs GRAND PRIX GT - Won by a million..lmao

Supra vs MR2 - Won

Supra vs SHO - Won

Supra vs LT1-Camaro - Lost

Supra vs Guy on Bike - Lost because of traffic, you BISH!!!!! I HIT YOU NEXT TIME

Supra vs v8 Jeep - Lost by a few

Supra vs Ford f150 - Won

Supra vs Celica - Won

Supra vs Corolla - Won....

Uhh, about it...was going to race a cobalt one night, but cops showed up,, lmao...to be contiuned...
1990 Toyota Supra (Automatic) Non-Turbo Stock..
Dropping 1JZ-GE Twin Turbo --- 300 HP..goal is 500hp..

Got any parts? I buy them!
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Old 01-25-2007, 08:09 PM   #50
500whp yet?
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I raced a base model cobalt SS, the non SC one, (171 hp 2.4L or something) And we were dead even all the way through 3rd gear. He even shifted at the same times as me. It was pretty cool.

Edit - This was in my 86.5. 5 speed, meinike 2.5" exhaust, magnaflow muffler, And cai with K&N filter.
Yay the supra assistant is gone!!! WEEE!!
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