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suprra_girl 02-06-2005 12:12 PM

jumper with a piece of wire t & e1 in diag box in the engine bay, jump in car, turn key to ign and count the codes from engine check light

example code


flash flash... flash

flash flash flash... flash flash flash flash

2 codes stored

14 & 52

flash...flash flash flash flash............. flash flash flash flash flash... flash flash

now go here and find out what your code means :)

monkihead 04-11-2005 02:34 PM

B) ....hmm...flash flash... :P

das 04-19-2005 05:07 PM

just thought i'd run a check out of interest and now have a quick question.

I have 4 positions on my ignition key, they are in order. Lock,Acc,On,Start

When i try the check in lock or acc i get no flashing lights, when it goes to start the light blinks constantly, what am i doing wrong ? lol

Hopefully i should only be in ACC position and there are no faults lol

suprra_girl 04-20-2005 11:19 AM

your ignition should be set to the "on" position

if it blinks constantly or not at all

congratulations no faults present :)

das 04-21-2005 11:24 AM

great, thats a relief, thanks suprra :D

corewitz 10-15-2005 07:02 PM

will just like a paper clip work? I tryed that and the engine light is just on always and never blinks. Also there is a lot of white gunk in the diag. box, would that have anything to do with it?

suprra_girl 10-17-2005 12:20 PM

yep... ppl have used paper clips

that white gunk is used to keep the terminals in good health i believe :)

lifesnotfair 01-13-2006 03:17 AM

Thanks, supra girl. I have no idea what "t" and "e1" mean, but I will try to search for this tomorrow.

My hood shocks are "tired", so I hate to look under my hood coz I need one arm to keep it up, or a stick, which I never keep around =P

suprra_girl 01-13-2006 09:55 AM

hehe good luck with ya codes

look in engine bay
locate fusebox
beside fusebox = another box with diagnostic written on it
inside diag box on lid you will see pin diagram
find T & E1 (also known as TE1 & E1) on the lid then match up with diag pins and put wire or paper clip into those to connect them together and walah... your cel will flash or do something ;)

CzA 01-18-2006 05:21 AM

Good stuff

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