DO NOT GET A TURBO if you're 15. The insurance will be crazy. I went from an 89 GMC Jimmy to a non turbo 87 supra and the insurance stayed the same. It sounds like the 91 supra has a 1jz in it which is the twin turbo engine. Which also probably means it has a low mileage engine and transmission. So the supra could be a good choice. Unless it started out as a turbo, in which case the insurance would still be high. And dont spend too much money. I'm 18 and i've been in 1 accident. Only a handful of people never got into an accident. Not tryin to jinx u but chances are good that u will get into an accident. Start out with an automatic, it'll help u learn the rules of the road without having a distraction. Then once u get used to driving and the rules of the road and how people drive in ur area, then u can either do a transmission swap or sell ur car and buy a new one. Well goodluck m'man.