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Old 03-15-2006, 01:25 AM   #1
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Default How long did it take you to find your supra...

I'm asking because im looking for a 89+ supra for a few days now and im having a hard time finding one. I would like to find one that is turbo no or few mods and around $4000. I'm located in boston and I willing to travel around 300 to 500 miles to pick one up. Am I crazy to think i can find one in with these needs?

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Old 03-15-2006, 03:16 AM   #2
500whp yet?
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It was a spur of the moment thing. I was actually trying to buy a Maxima. But I couldnt get a hold of the guy so I started looking in the autotrader mag and as a joke i was like, I should just get a supra. That would piss my dad off. So i called him to ask a few questions about it. I went to go look at it and I loved it. While I was looking at it the guy with the Maxima finally returned my call. I was just like, yea I found another car. Got it for $1000, and learned how to drive stick on the way home. It was very fun. Then my parents were wondering how I got home and i told them to look in the driveway and my dad was like WTF is that? It was definitely interesting. Well anyway, thats my story. Did you check autotrader.com? Cars.com? Other sites like that. I just looked and there are 9 MKIII Supras within 300 mi. of zip code 02115 on autotrader.com. Good luck finding one. Post up pics when u get it.
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Old 03-15-2006, 03:32 AM   #3
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Yes I keep looking on a daily basis the thing is my price point. I need to keep looking...
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Old 06-23-2006, 12:00 AM   #4
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Well finding my supra kind of happened all at once for me. I had just gotten a job, and now since I was making money, I wanted a car. I am 19, drivers for 3 years, and never owned a car....I was willing to buy just about anything.

So I started my search at the classified adds on my cities website. While looking through there for something around $2500 I saw the title "1987 Toyota Supra Turbo"


I open up the add, and there infront of me sat all the information I had written down on a paper titled "My dream car before my dream car". It was black, 5spd, targa top, with 264,000kms, good running condition.

I was happy....then I looked at the price...$1,500. Now I was really happy. So I went to go out there to look at the car. When I get there he tells me that he uses it everyday to go to work and back. So I am thinking, "Cool, means he isn't shit ripping it, and it may still have some life left in it".

Then I asked what KNOWN problems it has:

Brake rotors warped
Leak in gas tank
Running light busted
Exhaust....well there really isn't much.

So those are all ok things, so I ask to drive it. I took it for a small boot, not driving it hard...seriously. It still had good power, turbo spooled, no noises other than a little sputtering near 4,500RPM.

Alright I told him I would think about it, and I did, and I wanted it.....NOW! But I couldn't get the cash together...since I had only been at my job for 3 weeks.....I had no cash. SO I keep telling him that I want to buy it, and that I will find the cash....and before long he tells me that I can have it for $1,000 if I want to still buy it......suprise suprise..... couldn't get enough cash together for even that.....then I got one more email from him....I was thinking it was going to detail the sale of the car to someone else...it read only this:...

"If you are still at all interested, you can have it for $500"

I bought it the next day!

Since then I have redone the spark plugs with the highest quality spark, and life. Put those bad boys in....and guess what I found out when I did....the 6th cylinder WASN'T EVEN HOOKED UP....so I was pouring fuel into that cylinder without having to.......oh well, it works now, and the sputter at high RPM is gone too.

There is body work that needs to be done, and some other manditory-to-get-it-safetied things. I also found out that I have a boost leak.

Q: Am I doing damage by having a boost leak....basically it just runs the engine rich.....I hope I am correct in that.

So yeah, I bought the "Car before my dream car" for $500, and the 7M-GTE engine is still running great....not even a blown head gasket (Oh yeah, all parts on engine are factory (As in from 1987), and it hasn't had any major things replace).

With the last above brackets said.....I know I must now replace almost everything, for peice of mind, and also so I know where the car sits parts wise.

That is my story guys....hope you enjoyed it.

Last edited by SupraSaver87; 06-23-2006 at 12:02 AM.
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Old 06-23-2006, 01:07 AM   #5
500whp yet?
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Default Monkey balls!

Mine, my friends dad had for years. Never thought much of it, Yah cool a supra. And then he was like joking around saying i should buy it. So i started researching. He only wanted 800 for it. And i saw, 205 hp, not bad. I read about headgasket problems, all that fun stuff, figured it would be easy to fix. And then he let me drive it. That was the bait. I so wanted the car after that. So i saved up for a few weeks, and blam it was mine. And ive been driving it for 8 months now. lol. Its been my favorite car. And now im selling it in favor of an 89 turbo ill miss her!
Yay the supra assistant is gone!!! WEEE!!
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Old 06-23-2006, 01:35 AM   #6
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with mine...i was working at this car shop and i had just slod my rx7 and was looking for a new car.very next day a guy drives up with a supra for sale, and he was just getting the clutch replaced. talked him down to 1500 and the rest is history
My cars:
85 Trans Am- Ehhh- Gone
83 Rx7- Much Better- Gone
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Old 06-23-2006, 02:23 AM   #7
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at first i was lookin for preludes (i kno i kno...what the hell was i thinking??) on autotrader and just for fun started looking at mkiv supras, but the mkiii supra is what got me interested. i found a really nice one that i liked and it had everything (the sports package) and was mint for 4500 with 110000 some miles. the thing is that the previous owner (dentist) had the motor rebuilt at 100000 miles and didnt even mention it when he was selling it. you can tell money isnt a problem for this guy. how we found out is we went to the local toyota dealership and picked up 2 spare tires and when they were lookin up my car in the computer they told us that it had the motor redone.

the end

so i dont jack the thread up i guess it took me one lucky look at autotrader.com to find my supra.

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Old 06-23-2006, 03:29 AM   #8
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I found mine online knowing that it didnt run. It was just on a local forum and later had trouble getting the title but it all worked out in the end.

If you are willing to drive down to lexington, Ky there is a dealer here called Greens Toyota that has an 89 NA in perfect condition. When i say perfect i mean it has no problems mechanicly (sp), the body is in perfect shape, interior looks like new. This one has had one owner and no mods to it. It was a trade in that someone had and it has, if i remember right 53XXX miles on it. It is a very nice MKIII.
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Old 06-23-2006, 03:48 AM   #9
500whp yet?
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Originally Posted by Isphius
...And now im selling it in favor of an 89 turbo ill miss her!
Dont worry about sellin it. You are getting a better car. I like my daily driver. But I'm trying to make a deal with someone near me to trade him my Tiburon and $8K for his 1995 R32 Skyline. Hopefully he'll take. Anyone know about insurance on a Skyline? Lol.
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Old 06-23-2006, 04:06 AM   #10
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I got mine after my girl bought it for her son then he ran into a bench and he didnt have his license so I told her I would trade her my truck for it. And she said hell ya. But I have to fix the head gasket and replace some stuff. I have yet to drive it.....
1989 Supra 7MGE MK3 5-speed project...
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